Saturday, September 21, 2024

Ukraine says it hit two munitions depots in Russia

A nighttime Ukrainian drone attack caused a fire in the Krasnodar region of southwest Russia, leading to the temporary evacuation of more than 1,200 residents.

The local governor said no injuries were reported. Drones also struck the Tver region, causing no casualties but causing disruption, including disrupting traffic on a highway.

According to the Ukrainians, strikes targeted two military warehouses in Russia, used in particular to store ammunition. The attack targeted the Tikhoretsk site, in the Krasnodar region (southwest), and a second warehouse located in the Tver region (west), said the same source.

Ukraine said munitions from North Korea had been among those it was targeting.

This escalation of attacks is part of a broader context of tensions between Ukraine and Russia, with reciprocal strikes. Ukraine claimed to have destroyed an arms warehouse in Toropets, where missiles and ammunition were stored. In response, Russia carried out an attack on energy facilities in Ukraine, claiming to have achieved all of its objectives.


  1. Deux dépôts d'armes et de missiles dans le sud et l'ouest de la Russie ont été attaqué, samedi 21 septembre, par l'Ukraine. Des images publiées sur les réseaux sociaux, dont l'AFP n'a pas pu vérifier l'authenticité, montrent de très importantes explosions suivies de multiples détonations et de vastes nuages de fumée.

    Les autorités régionales de Krasnodar (sud-ouest) avaient auparavant ordonné des évacuations après le déclenchement d'un incendie lié à un drone ukrainien, celles de Tver (ouest) disant elles aussi avoir été attaquées.

    Aucune n'avait cependant évoqué la cible de ces frappes, qui n'ont pas fait de victimes selon elles.

  2. Following a massive Ukrainian drone strike, Russian authorities on Saturday temporarily closed a 100-kilometre (62-mile) stretch of a highway and evacuated passengers from a rail station after the fire caused a series of explosions near the town of Toropets, in Russia’s Tver region, about 380 kilometres (240 miles) northwest of Moscow and 500 kilometres (300 miles) from the Ukrainian border. The highway was reopened hours later.

  3. Unverified images circulating on Telegram on Saturday showed a large ball of flame rising into the night sky and dozens of smoke trails from detonations.

    Tver’s regional government said that emergency services responded to the aftermath of what it claimed was falling shrapnel from drones downed by Russian air defence.

  4. A local state of emergency has been declared in the Tikhoretsky district of the Krasnodar Territory after an attack by unmanned aerial vehicles, said the governor of the region, Veniamin Kondratyev. According to him, this is necessary to organize assistance to people and promptly resolve issues.

    1. He added that there is currently no threat to the population, but time is needed to conduct a full inspection of the area.

      According to the governor, 62 people in the Tikhoretsky district and 39 in the Vyselkovsky district were transported from temporary accommodation centers for more comfortable conditions to hotels. The remaining citizens went to stay with relatives.


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