Thursday, October 3, 2024

Russian Ministry of Defense officially reports the capture of Vugledar. Fighting for the city has been going on since 2022

Ugledar was considered one of the key defense points of Ukraine in the western DPR. 

Both sides consider Ugledar important because of its geographical location: a high ground at the intersection of the eastern and southern fronts.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces used it as a springboard for shelling Russian positions.

The Russian Armed Forces, having taken control of the city, will be able to establish logistics supplies, as well as continue the offensive in other directions.

Before the start of the SPOP, about 14 thousand people lived in the settlement.


  1. Ougledar est situé à environ 60 à 70 km au sud-ouest de Donetsk. Cette ville constitue un point logistique clé en république populaire de Donetsk.
    C'est le groupe Vostok qui a assuré la prise de la ville. Ce groupe militaire a lancé cet été une manœuvre d’encerclement de ce site fortifié, qui avait résisté jusqu’ici à tous les assauts mécanisés.

  2. Units of the Vostok Battlegroup have taken control of the settlement of Ugledar in the Donetsk People's Republic, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.
    "As a result of decisive actions by the Vostok battlegroup units, the settlement of Ugledar in the Donetsk People's Republic has been liberated," the statement said.
    Earlier it was reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces received orders from their command to retreat from Ugledar, according to the operational-strategic group Khortytsia, which is engaged in combat in the area. The command granted permission for a tactical withdrawal of units from the city.

  3. Вооруженные силы России освободили населенный пункт Угледар в ДНР. Об этом сообщает Минобороны.

    Отмечается, что населенный пункт освобожден в результате решительных действий подразделений группировки войск "Восток".

    Ранее представители украинской власти уже подтверждали потерю Угледара. На здании администрации города уже был установлен российский флаг, однако о полном освобождении речь пока не шла. Советник главы ДНР Ян Гагин говорил о зачистке Угледара от ВСУ. Теперь же Минобороны подтвердило освобождение города от ВСУ.

  4. Rusia libera la ciudad de Ugledar, una de las 'fortificaciones' cruciales de Ucrania


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