Friday, October 11, 2024

US-made bomb used by Israel in deadliest attack yet on civilians in Lebanon: Report

A US-made bomb was used in Israel’s Thursday attack on Lebanon’s capital of Beirut, which was claimed to have targeted a senior Hezbollah figure but killed over 20 civilians, according to a new report.

Shrapnel from a US-made Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) was found by The Guardian and analyzed the crisis, conflict and arms division of Human Rights Watch and a former US military bomb technician.

Israel says it was targeting Wafik Safa, a top political official who was in charge of coordinating with Lebanese security agencies and often met with foreign diplomats. Hezbollah said Safa survived the attempt and said none of the group’s members were present in the building at the time. Other media reports have suggested that Safa was severely wounded.

But the Israeli attack was the deadliest on civilians since the outbreak of the latest war, which began when Hezbollah started launching rockets at Israel in October 2023. The Iran-backed group said it was doing so in support of Gaza, which was being bombarded by the Israeli military in response to the deadly Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel.

The attack killed 22 people and wounded at least 100 more, according to official Lebanese figures.[Al Arabiya]


  1. French President Emmanuel Macron said cutting off supplies to Israel of weapons used to fight in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon represents the “only lever” for a ceasefire.

  2. Nach einem israelischen Angriff auf die Stadt Jebaliya im nördlichen Gazastreifen wurden mehr als 20 Menschen getötet, Dutzende verletzt und vermisst, berichtete der palästinensische Fernsehsender Al Aqsa

  3. Die israelischen Streitkräfte teilten mit, dass der Kommandeur einer Raketeneinheit der Hisbollah bei einem Angriff im Südlibanon getötet worden sei. Allein bei den gestrigen israelischen Angriffen auf die libanesische Hauptstadt Beirut wurden mindestens 22 Menschen getötet und 117 weitere verletzt.


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