Thursday, October 10, 2024

White House 'deeply concerned' after Israel fire on UN peacekeepers

    The White House is "deeply concerned" by reports Israel fired on UN peacekeeper headquarters in south Lebanon, a National Security Council spokesperson said Thursday.

"We understand Israel is conducting targeted operations near the Blue Line to destroy Hezbollah infrastructure that could be used to threaten Israeli citizens," the spokesperson said, referring to the demarcation line between Israel and Lebanon.

"While they undertake these operations, it is critical that they not threaten UN peacekeepers' safety and security."

  •  The Israeli military said its forces opened fire Thursday in the area where UN peacekeepers have their headquarters in south Lebanon, insisting that Hezbollah fighters were operating nearby.

"This morning, IDF (Israeli military) troops operated in the area of Naqura, next to a UNIFIL base," the military said, referring to the UN peacekeepers headquarters.

"Accordingly, the IDF instructed the UN forces in the area to remain in protected spaces, following which the forces opened fire in the area."

The military said Hezbollah "operates from within and near civilian areas in southern Lebanon, including areas near UNIFIL posts".


  1. Italy’s defense minister on Thursday slammed the “shooting” at the headquarters of the UN peacekeeping force in Lebanon as “intolerable,” after the force said it had been hit by Israeli tank fire.

    The minister, Guido Crosetto said he “protested” to Israel’s defense minister and summoned the Israeli ambassador over the incident.

    “The shooting at the UNIFIL headquarters” and other incidents involving “small arms fire” are “intolerable, they must be carefully and decisively avoided,” Crosetto said in a statement.

    1. Alcune telecamere che si trovano negli avamposti italiani di due basi di UNIFIL [Forza di Interposizione in Libano delle Nazioni Unite] sono state distrutte da colpi di armi portatili. L'episodio – a quanto si apprende – sarebbe avvenuto alla base di Naqura, dove il luogo sarebbe stato preso di mira dall'esercito israeliano.

      Ci sono almeno due feriti, di nazionalità indonesiana, tra i caschi blu del quartier generale di UNIFIL a Naqura, presa di mira dall'esercito israeliano. Un carro armato israeliano avrebbe sparato contro una torretta di osservazione della base. Le loro condizioni non sono gravi.

      Secondo le fonti locali, dopo che un drone israeliano ha ripetutamente sorvolato la base, i colpi israeliani hanno preso di mira l'ingresso del bunker dove sono rifugiati i soldati italiani.

      Il Ministro della Difesa italiano, Guido Crosetto, ha convocato con urgenza l'ambasciatore israeliano in Italia. «Episodi intollerabili, vanno accuratamente evitati» (RAI).

  2. Israel is now focusing more on the fight against Lebanon’s Shia group Hezbollah and is recommending the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) to retreat five kilometers north, the country's Permanent Representative to the UN Danny Danon said.

    "We recommend that UNIFIL move five kilometers north to avoid danger as the fighting intensifies and the situation along the Blue Line remains unstable as a result of Hezbollah's aggression," Danon said.


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