tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post355426557368332490..comments2021-06-23T21:23:57.696+02:00Comments on EL KAOS UT: ΓΓ του ΟΗΕ: Η έκθεση των εμπειρογνωμόνων του ΟΗΕ δεν δείχνει ότι ο Άσαντ χρησιμοποίησε τα χημικά όπλα. (1+1 VIDEO)xronoshttp://www.blogger.com/profile/13107445158803745642[email protected]Blogger11125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-26971300351428866252013-09-23T18:54:19.200+02:002013-09-23T18:54:19.200+02:00Les obus utilisés dans l’attaque chimique n’ont ja...Les obus utilisés dans l’attaque chimique n’ont jamais été vendues à la Syrie...<br /><br />Alors que le régime de Bahar al-Assad à Damas a nié toute responsabilité dans les tirs d’obus de gaz sarin dans la banlieue de Ghouta le 21 août, l’information circule maintenant dans Damas, que la nouvelle « preuve » de la Russie à propos de l’attaque, comprend les dates d’exportation des obus utilisés et - plus important encore - la liste des pays auxquels ils ont été vendues.<br /><br />Ces obus ont apparemment été fabriqués en Union soviétique en 1967 et vendus par Moscou à trois pays arabes : le Yémen, l’Égypte et la Libye du colonel Mouammar Kadhafi. Ces informations ne peuvent être encore vérifiées par des documents, et Vladimir Poutine n’a pas révélé les raisons pour lesquelles il avait déclaré à Barack Obama qu’il savait que l’armée d’Assad n’avait pas tiré les roquettes de gaz sarin. Mais si l’information est exacte - et l’on croit qu’elle vient directement de Moscou - la Russie n’a jamais vendu ce lot particulier de munitions chimiques en Syrie.<br /><br />Depuis la chute de Kadhafi en 2011, de grandes quantités d’armes de fabrication soviétique abandonnées sont tombées dans les mains de groupes rebelles et d’insurgés affiliés à Al-Qaïda. Beaucoup de ces armes ont été retrouvées au Mali, certaines en Algérie et une grande quantité dans le Sinaï. Les Syriens ont depuis longtemps affirmé qu’une quantité importante d’armes de fabrication soviétique avait fait son chemin à partir de la Libye jusqu’aux rebelles dans la guerre civile syrienne, avec l’aide du Qatar - qui avait soutenu les rebelles libyens contre Kadhafi et qui finance aujourd’hui les livraisons d’armes aux insurgés syriens.<br /><br />Il ne fait aucun doute que la Syrie dispose d’un arsenal d’armes chimiques considérable. Ni que les stocks syriens contiennent de grandes quantités de gaz sarin dans des roquettes de 122mm. Mais si les Russes ont en effet été en mesure d’identifier les types d’obus précis à partir des fragments trouvés dans Ghouta - et si ceux-ci appartiennent à des munitions qui n’ont jamais exportées vers la Syrie - le régime d’Assad va pouvoir se vanter que son innocence a été prouvée.....http://www.almanar.com.lb/french/adetails.php?eid=132361&cid=18&fromval=1&frid=18&seccatid=37&s1=1<br />23/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-10520243392611810112013-09-19T06:08:09.078+02:002013-09-19T06:08:09.078+02:00Assad to destroy chemical weapons 'in a year&#... Assad to destroy chemical weapons 'in a year'....Syrian president tells US TV channel that task will cost $1bn, as he again denies involvement in August chemical attack....<br /><br />Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has pledged to destroy his stockpile of chemical arms but said it would take one year to do so and will cost about $1bn.<br /><br />In an interview with Fox News, the US television channel, Assad also said his country was not gripped by civil war, but had been infiltrated by tens of thousands of foreign jihadists linked to al-Qaeda.<br /><br />Assad's latest televised appearance came as UN envoys debated a draft resolution on Wednesday that would enshrine a joint US-Russian plan to secure and neutralise his banned weapons in international law.<br /><br />The Syrian president denied on Wednesday that his forces were responsible for the chemical weapons attack outside Damascus on August 21, and attacked the UN report that found "clear and convincing evidence"' of the use of sarin nerve gas.<br /><br />Assad said his army was advancing in the area at the time and had no need to fire rockets filled with the agent.<br /><br />"The whole story doesn't even hold together. It's not realistic. So, no, we didn't. In one word, we didn't use any chemical weapons in Ghouta," Assad told Fox News. <br /><br />Assad told the channel that chemical disarmament would be costly and complicated.<br /><br />"It needs a lot of money, it needs about $1bn. It is very detrimental to the environment," he said.<br /><br />"If the American administration is ready to pay this money and take the responsibility of bringing toxic materials to the United States, why don't they do it?"<br /><br />He said his decision to destroy his stockpiles of chemical weapons was not forced upon him by the threat of a US strike, and that he was responding to the initiative by Russia and "our conviction". <br /><br />"So whether they have Chapter VII or don't have Chapter VII, this is politics between the great countries," he said, referring to a UN rule that would have to be invoked to justify international action."....http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/09/201391902218736482.html<br />19/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-38870942454873203412013-09-18T12:42:06.696+02:002013-09-18T12:42:06.696+02:00Rússia acusa inspetores da ONU na Síria de parcial...Rússia acusa inspetores da ONU na Síria de parcialidade...<br /><br />A Rússia acusou de parcialidade os inspetores da ONU que realizaram um inquérito sobre um ataque químico na Síria e afirmou ter recebido de Damasco elementos que reforçam a tese de uma provocação dos rebeldes. <br /><br />"Estamos desiludidos, é o mínimo que podemos dizer, com a abordagem do secretariado da ONU e dos inspetores da ONU que se deslocaram à Síria, que prepararam o seu relatório de forma seletiva e incompleta, sem terem em conta os elementos que tínhamos assinalado várias vezes", declarou o vice-ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros russo, Sergei Riabkov, citado pelas agências desde Damasco.<br /><br />"Sem um quadro completo do que se passa aqui, não podemos considerar as conclusões dos inspetores da ONU senão como conclusões politizadas, parciais e unilaterais", declarou.<br /><br />O diplomata russo, que chegou a Damasco na terça-feira à noite, sublinhou que os inspetores redigiram o relatório sobre o ataque de 21 de agosto "sem procurar elementos sobre três outros casos, como pedia a parte síria" e como pedia a própria Rússia.<br /><br />Acrescentou que a Rússia recebeu "elementos" enviados pela Síria para apoiar a tese de uma provocação dos rebeldes.<br /><br />"Elementos (de prova) correspondentes foram transmitidos à parte russa", disse Riabkov, acrescentando: "Foi-nos dito que testemunham que os rebeldes estão implicados no ataque químico".<br /><br />"A Rússia começou a análise destas informações complementares. Não podemos para já tirar conclusões, mas (...) estamos inclinados a considerar com a maior seriedade os elementos da parte síria sobre a implicação dos rebeldes no ataque de 21 de agosto", afirmou ainda.....http://www.jn.pt/PaginaInicial/Mundo/Interior.aspx?content_id=3426455&page=-1<br />18/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-73326949291259785982013-09-18T12:27:56.506+02:002013-09-18T12:27:56.506+02:00Russia says U.N. report on Syria attack preconceiv...Russia says U.N. report on Syria attack preconceived, political...<br /><br />(Reuters) - Russia denounced U.N. investigators' findings on a poison gas attack in Syria as preconceived and tainted by politics on Wednesday, stepping up its criticism of a report Western nations said proved President Bashar al-Assad's forces were responsible.<br /><br />Russia, which has veto power in the Security Council, could cite such doubts about proof of culpability in opposing future efforts by the United States, Britain and France to punish Syria for any violations of a deal to abandon chemical weapons.<br /><br />"We are disappointed, to put it mildly, about the approach taken by the U.N. secretariat and the U.N. inspectors, who prepared the report selectively and incompletely," deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told the state-run Russian news agency RIA in Damascus.<br /><br />"Without receiving a full picture of what is happening here, it is impossible to call the nature of the conclusions reached by the U.N. experts ... anything but politicised, preconceived and one-sided," Ryabkov said after talks with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem......http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/18/us-syria-crisis-russia-idUSBRE98H08X20130918?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews<br />18/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-14224641439645060172013-09-18T12:19:36.466+02:002013-09-18T12:19:36.466+02:00Syria tells Russia it has proof rebels used chemic...Syria tells Russia it has proof rebels used chemicals...<br /><br />Syria has given Russia new "material evidence" that opposition fighters in the Syrian conflict have used chemical weapons, a Russian minister has said.<br /><br />Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov also said a report by UN inspectors on the alleged use of chemical weapons was politicised, biased and one-sided.<br /><br />He said the inspectors had only looked at evidence of an attack on 21 August, not three previous incidents.....http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-24140475<br />18/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-61237619171071996512013-09-18T10:04:53.717+02:002013-09-18T10:04:53.717+02:00„Politisiert und voreingenommen“: Moskau von UN-In...„Politisiert und voreingenommen“: Moskau von UN-Inspektoren in Syrien enttäuscht...<br /><br />Russland ist laut dem russischen Vizeaußenminister Sergej Rjabkow über den politisierten und voreingenommenen Charakter der Schlüsse der UN-Inspektoren, die in Syrien gearbeitet haben, enttäuscht.<br /><br />„Uns enttäuscht, gelinde gesagt, das Herangehen des UN-Sekretariats und der UN-Inspektoren, die in Syrien waren. Sie haben einen selektiven und unvollständigen Bericht erstellt - ohne Berücksichtigung der Umstände, auf die wir mehrmals verwiesen hatten, ohne Materialien zu drei anderen Episoden, wozu sie die syrische Seite und wir nachdrücklich aufgerufen hatten“, so Rjabkow.<br /><br />„Ohne ein volles Bild dessen, was dort vorgeht, lassen sich die Schlüsse der UN-Experten mit dem schwedischen Wissenschaftler Ake Sellström an der Spitze nur als politisiert, voreingenommen und einseitig bezeichnen“, fügte der Vizeaußenminister hinzu.<br />http://de.rian.ru/security_and_military/20130918/266896829.html<br />18/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-21685677834482204782013-09-18T10:02:14.145+02:002013-09-18T10:02:14.145+02:00Syrie/attaque chimique: pas de preuve de l'imp...Syrie/attaque chimique: pas de preuve de l'implication du régime (experts)...<br /><br />Des experts britanniques qui ont examiné le récent rapport des inspecteurs de l'Onu coïncident pour affirmer que rien ne prouve l'implication du régime de Bachar el-Assad dans l'attaque chimique perpétrée le 21 août dernier près de Damas. <br /><br />"De ce que je comprends des résultats de l'enquête, ils prouvent qu'une quantité importante de gaz de sarin de haute qualité a été employée en Syrie. Personnellement, je ne vois aucune donnée convaincante qui prouverait sans équivoque qui s'est servi de ces armes. Certaines circonstances semblent indiquer que ce serait le régime, mais du point de vue juridique on ne sait pas précisément qui a fabriqué puis utilisé ces armes", a annoncé à RIA Novosti Nick Brown, rédacteur en chef de la Jane's International Defence Review.<br /><br />L'expert a souligné que le rapport ne contenait que des preuves indirectes et insuffisantes de l'implication de Damas dans l'attaque. <br /><br />"L'interception de communications ou d'ordres directs d'employer des armes chimiques (…) aurait pu éclaircir les choses, mais ces données dépassent le cadre de l'enquête de l'Onu", a ajouté M.Brown. <br /><br />Firas Abi Ali, spécialiste du Proche-Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord chez IHS, partage son avis. <br /><br />"Le rapport prouve que des armes chimiques ont été utilisées sur plusieurs sites. Toutefois, le mandat des inspecteurs ne consistait pas à établir qui a mené cette attaque, si bien que leur rapport ne contient pas de telles données. Dans le même temps, rien ne dit que l'opposition a les moyens d'effectuer simultanément plusieurs attaques chimiques à l'est et à l'ouest de Damas", a expliqué l'expert. <br /><br />D'après M.Brown, des fragments d'une inscription en cyrillique retrouvés par les inspecteurs sur le propulseur d'une roquette ne prouvent pas l'implication de Damas dans l'attaque.<br /><br />"En raison de la nature fortement changeante du conflit syrien, il est extrêmement difficile d'émettre un commentaire univoque concernant les armes. Par exemple, dans bien des cas, les rebelles ont envahi des entrepôts d'armes (…), si bien qu'ils utilisent pratiquement les mêmes armements que l'armée du régime", a explicité M.Brown......http://fr.rian.ru/world/20130918/199330562.html<br />18/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-83629166097892124302013-09-18T06:10:01.567+02:002013-09-18T06:10:01.567+02:00Syria Hands Russia Proof on Rebels’ Use of Chemica...Syria Hands Russia Proof on Rebels’ Use of Chemical Weapons....<br /><br />DAMASCUS, September 18 (RIA Novosti) - The Syrian authorities handed over to Russia evidence proving that opposition forces were allegedly involved in the use of chemical weapons last month, a senior Russian diplomat said.<br /><br />Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday night after the meeting with his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem in Damascus that “this evidence must be analyzed.”<br /><br />UN inspectors said Monday that they had found “clear and convincing evidence” that chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, were used in an August 21 attack that killed hundreds of people in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta.<br /><br />The inspectors had no mandate to determine who had launched the attack - which the US and some of its Western allies have attributed to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, but Moscow and Syria have called a provocation by anti-Assad rebels.<br /><br />The diplomat added that Moscow was “disappointed” with the way the UN mission of experts in Syria approached the report and called it as “incomplete.”<br /><br />“Without the full picture of the events here [in Syria] we cannot but call the nature of conclusions drawn by UN experts… as politicized, biased and unilateral,” Ryabkov said.<br /><br />Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday the report did not answer many questions and called for additional UN investigations into allegations of chemical weapons use in Syria.......http://en.rian.ru/politics/20130918/183534828/Syria-Hands-Russia-Proof-on-Rebels-Use-of-Chemical-Weapons.html<br />18/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-32200143653061815372013-09-17T22:18:21.018+02:002013-09-17T22:18:21.018+02:00Syrian Security Source Says Gunmen Have Land-Land ...Syrian Security Source Says Gunmen Have Land-Land Rockets, Sarin...<br /><br />Syrian security official confirmed Tuesday that the armed opposition militants have locally manufactured land - land rockets in addition to sarin gas, in the wake of the UN report on alleged use of chemical weapons in an attack on Damascus last month.<br /><br />"I deny hundred percent the use of the Syrian army to the material," the Syrian official said in the first official reaction after the report.<br /><br />"There is no justification to resort to this weapon because we are achieve victories on the ground," he stated, noting that "those who resort to this weapon is the defeated party who reached the point of suicide."<br /><br />The source indicated that the Syrian army "is making progress in all areas, and operations are going according to the plan."<br /><br />The official also underlined that "the terrorists manufacture land-land rockets locally, and that it is likely that they have put sarin gas in them", in reference to the a Ghota alleged attack in August 21.<br /><br />"The terrorists know perfectly well how to install the material on missile warheads," the Syrian official said, adding that they had "received training at the hands of U.S., British and French intelligence experts who are working with them on the ground."<br />http://www.almanar.com.lb/english/adetails.php?eid=110933&cid=23&fromval=1<br />17/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-45629471612283023352013-09-17T22:16:20.546+02:002013-09-17T22:16:20.546+02:00Moskau weist beweislose Anschuldigungen an Damasku...Moskau weist beweislose Anschuldigungen an Damaskus im Fall chemischer Waffen zurück...<br /><br />Beweislose Anschuldigungen an die Adresse der syrischen Behörden, wonach sie Kampfstoffe eingesetzt haben sollen, sind aus Sicht Moskaus fehl am Platze.<br /><br />„Der jüngste Bericht der UN-Chemiewaffenexperten stimmt aber auf eine sorgfältige professionelle Untersuchung aller Fälle des Einsatzes chemischer Waffen in Syrien“, heißt es in einer am Montag in Moskau veröffentlichten Erklärung des amtlichen Sprechers des russischen Außenministeriums, Alexander Lukaschewitsch. Die Inspekteure würden nach Syrien zurückkehren, um auch andere Giftstoffattacken unter die Lupe nehmen.<br /><br />„Wir rechnen damit, dass unsere britischen Partner mit allem Ernst in die Realisierung der russisch-amerikanischen Vereinbarung einsteigen werden, die syrischen Chemiewaffen unter internationale Kontrolle zu stellen und später zu vernichten“, betonte Lukaschewitsch.<br /><br />Zuvor hatten die Außenminister Russlands und Großbritanniens, Sergej Lawrow und William Hague, in einem Telefongespräch die russisch-amerikanischen Vereinbarungen erörtert. London rechne damit, dass die Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen ihren Aktionsplan gegen Wochenende vorlege. „Großbritannien ist der Ansicht, dass die syrische Opposition keine Chemiewaffen besitzt“, sagte Hague.<br />http://de.rian.ru/security_and_military/20130917/266895841.html<br />17/9/13Anonymous[email protected]tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-5409482909880290151.post-162336547026590712013-09-17T22:11:37.657+02:002013-09-17T22:11:37.657+02:00Ответ официального представителя МИД России А.К.Лу...Ответ официального представителя МИД России А.К.Лукашевича на вопрос СМИ в связи с некоторыми британскими оценками ситуации с химоружием в Сирии.....<br /><br />Вопрос: Министр иностранных дел и по делам Содружества Великобритании У.Хейг в интервью «Би-Би-Си» утверждает, что вряд ли кто-либо в мире – даже Россия – верит в способность сирийской оппозиции обладать запасами химического оружия. Действительно ли все нужно сводить к ответственности властей САР за уничтожение химических арсеналов?<br /><br />Ответ: Любопытно, что в сегодняшнем телефонном разговоре с Министром иностранных дел России С.В.Лавровым у г-на У.Хейга подобных откровений не звучало. Российская же сторона в многочисленных публичных заявлениях четко дает понять, что в своих подозрениях насчет причастности сирийских боевиков к инцидентам с применением химических отравляющих веществ опирается не только на собранную фактуру, но и на свидетельства, которые в немалых объемах появляются в широком доступе в Интернете. Речь и о результатах расследования событий в Гуте 21 августа с.г., проведенного настоятельницей монастыря Св.Якова в Хомсе М.-Агнес ас-Салиб; и об откровениях ряда западных журналистов, побывавших в расположениях сирийских оппозиционных групп, аффилированных с «Аль-Каидой»; и о признаниях сотрудников НПО «Правда о Сирии», состоящей, к слову, из представителей умеренной сирийской оппозиции. Кроме того, достоянием гласности стало и коллективное письмо группы отставных высоких чинов ЦРУ и Пентагона на имя Президента США, поставивших под сомнение версии об использовании сирийским режимом химоружия. Это, наконец, итоги проведенного российскими специалистами исследования материалов, относящихся к инциденту в Хан-аль-Асале 19 марта с.г., которые были нами переданы в Совет Безопасности ООН.<br /><br />Так что, упрощенчески и бездоказательно валить все на сирийские власти, по сути, выводя из-под ответственности оппозицию, на наш взгляд неуместно и несерьезно. Именно на тщательное, а главное – профессиональное выяснение случаев применения в Сирии химоружия настраивает представленный в эти дни доклад инспекторов ООН, которым еще предстоит вернуться в Сирию и завершить свой мандат применительно к другим зафиксированным инцидентам.<br /><br />Рассчитываем, что наши британские партнеры серьезно включатся и в реализацию российско-американской договоренности о постановке под международный контроль сирийского химоружия с его последующим уничтожением. <br />http://www.mid.ru/brp_4.nsf/newsline/F203E6C87CB1FAB144257BE90060F2FD<br />17/9/13Anonymous[email protected]