Saturday, September 14, 2013

Εκδήλωση: “Η ιμπεριαλιστική επέμβαση στη Συρία και η απόκρουσή της” 12-9-13 (1+1 video)

Η Κίνηση Πολιτών Άρδην διοργάνωσε την Πέμπτη 12 Σεπτεμβρίου στις 20:00 εκδήλωση με θέμα: «Η ιμπεριαλιστική επέμβαση στη Συρία και η απόκρουσή της». Για το θέμα μίλησαν οι:  

Γιώργος Καραμπελιάς, συγγραφέας – ΚΠ Άρδην,  
Σταύρος Λυγερός, συγγραφέας – δημοσιογράφος,  
Ίμπραεμ Μουσλέμ, μέλος του ΠΓ του κόμματος Δημοκρατικής Ένωσης για την Ευρώπη, 
ο Βαγγέλης Πισσίας, συντονιστής της «Πρωτοβουλίας για την Ειρήνη στη Συρία» 
και ο Δημήτρης Τσουκαλάς, βουλευτής ΣΥΡΙΖΑ. 
Συντόνισε ο Σταύρος Χριστακόπουλος, διευθυντής σύνταξης της εφ. Ποντίκι. 
Στον χώρο του Άρδην, Ξενοφώντος 4, 6ος όροφος, στην πλατεία Συντάγματος.

 Α΄ μέρος: Εισηγήσεις Ι. Μοσλέμ, Σ. Λυγερού, Δ. Τσουκαλά, Β. Πισσία
Β΄ μέρος: Εισήγηση Γ. Καραμπελιά



  1. Kerry tells Russia his Syria comments were not meant as a proposal...

    US Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov his comments about Syria averting a US military strike by turning over its chemical weapons within a week were rhetorical and not meant to be a proposal, a senior US Official said on Monday.

    Kerry also voiced "serious skepticism" when Lavrov offered to explore the idea, saying that the United States would take a look at any serious proposal, but this could not be a reason to slow the White House's efforts to secure congressional authorization to use force against Syria, the official told reporters traveling back from London with Kerry.
    Read more:

  2. Χίλαρι Κλίντον: Να συνεχιστούν οι πιέσεις στη Συρία...ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ ΒΗΜΑ Η ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ, ΑΛΛΑ...

    Μια ενδεχόμενη απόφαση της Συρίας να εγκαταλείψει το χημικό οπλοστάσιό της θα συνιστούσε ένα "σημαντικό" βήμα, δήλωσε απόψε η πρώην υπουργός Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Χίλαρι Κλίντον, λίγη ώρα μετά τη συνάντηση που είχε στον Λευκό Οίκο με τον πρόεδρο Μπαράκ Ομπάμα.

    "Εάν το καθεστώς (της Δαμασκού) έθετε αμέσως τα αποθέματά του υπό διεθνή έλεγχο, όπως αναφέρθηκε από τον υπουργό Εξωτερικών Τζον Κέρι και από τους Ρώσους, αυτό θα ήταν ένα σημαντικό βήμα. Κάτι τέτοιο όμως δεν μπορεί να είναι μια καινούρια δικαιολογία για καθυστερήσεις ή για κωλυσιεργία", προειδοποίησε η Κλίντον.

    Στην εκδήλωση που οργανώθηκε στον Λευκό Οίκο σχετικά με το λαθρεμπόριο άγριων ζώων, η πρώην υπουργός Εξωτερικών και πιθανή υποψήφια για την προεδρία των ΗΠΑ στις εκλογές του 2016 ξέφυγε από το θέμα και σχολίασε τις προσπάθειες να ασκηθούν πιέσεις στη Συρία μετά την επίθεση με χημικά στις 21 Αυγούστου, στην οποία έχασαν τη ζωή τους 1.429 άνθρωποι, σύμφωνα με τις αμερικανικές μυστικές υπηρεσίες.

    "Η απάνθρωπη χρήση όπλων μαζικής καταστροφής εναντίον αθώων ανδρών, γυναικών και παιδιών παραβιάζει τους οικουμενικούς κανόνες" τόνισε η Κλίντον.

  3. Ο Ομπάμα δοκιμάζει το νερό του συριακού Ρουβίκωνα....

    Πληθαίνουν οι ενδείξεις ότι οι Αμερικάνοι σκέφτονται πολύ σοβαρά αυτό που μέχρι χθες ήταν αδιανόητο: Μια χερσαία επέμβαση στη Συρία

    Του MK Μπαντρακουμάρ* από τη Ρήξη φ. 96 που κυκλοφορεί
    Για πρώτη φορά στη διάρκεια των δύο ετών της συριακής σύγκρουσης, οι ΗΠΑ αναφέρθηκαν στην ιερή αγελάδα της «χερσαίας επέμβασης». Ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών Τζόν Κέρι ομολόγησε ότι το αμερικάνικο κογκρέσο θα πρέπει να εγκρίνει τη χρήση των αμερικανικών χερσαίων στρατευμάτων, παρ’ όλο που η κυβέρνηση Ομπάμα μπορεί να μην προτίθεται να προσφύγει σε μια τέτοια κίνηση.
    Πρόκειται για ένα σημείο καμπής στο ταχέως αναπτυσσόμενο σενάριο της αμερικανικής στρατιωτικής επέμβασης στη Συρία. Τη σχετική αναφορά έκανε με ιδιαίτερη οξύτητα σε μια ακρόαση του κογκρέσου ο Κέρι, την Τρίτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου, με τον υπουργό Άμυνας Τσακ Χέιγκελ και τον στρατηγό Μάρτιν Ντέμπσεϊ, διοικητή του αμερικάνικου ΓΕΕΘΑ, να κάθονται δίπλα του.....

    1. Obamas martialische Töne für eine "bessere Welt"...

      US-Präsident Obama hat in seiner TV-Ansprache zu Syrien klargemacht, dass ein Militärschlag gegen das Assad-Regime eine Option bleibt. Beim kriegsmüden Volk warb er um Verständnis für seinen Kurs.

      Eigentlich wollte Barack Obama die Nation in seiner Fernsehansprache am Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) aus dem East Room des Weißen Hauses heraus gewissermaßen zu den Fahnen rufen. Doch nachdem der Präsident zur besten Sendezeit zunächst die Gründe bekräftigte, warum er "einen gezielten Militärschlag" gegen das Regime in Damaskus ausführen wolle, wechselte er aus der Rolle des Commander-in-chief zur Mitte des Manuskripts jäh in die des Chefdiplomaten.

      Er habe "die Führer im Kongress gebeten, eine Abstimmung über die Ermächtigung zum Militäreinsatz aufzuschieben, während wir dem Pfad der Diplomatie folgen", kündigte Obama eine erneute Kursänderung an, die allerdings bereits am frühen Nachmittag durchgesickert war. Denn der Moskauer Vorstoß vom Tag zuvor, Syriens Arsenale unter internationale Kontrolle stellen zu lassen, könne möglicherweise "die Gefahr von Chemiewaffen ohne den Einsatz militärischer Gewalt bannen, insbesondere weil Russland einer von Assads engsten Verbündeten ist".

      Er stehe in Konsultationen "mit den Führern von zwei unserer engsten Verbündeten, Frankreich und dem Vereinigten Königreich", sagte Obama. Man werde gemeinsam mit Russland und China eine Resolution für den UN-Sicherheitsrat ausarbeiten. Zudem sende er seinen Außenminister John Kerry zu Gesprächen mit dessen russischem Amtskollegen Sergej Lawrow – ihr Zusammentreffen wird am Donnerstag in Genf stattfinden –, während er selbst seine Diskussionen mit Präsident Wladimir Putin fortsetze.....

  4. Obama 'could pause Syria attack plans'...

    US President Barack Obama has said he will put plans for a US military strike against Syria on hold if the country agrees to place its chemical weapons stockpile under international control.

    But he said he was sceptical the Syrian government would follow through.

    As the US Congress debates authorising an attack, Russia on Monday proposed Syria relinquish its chemical weapons.

    The US accuses Damascus of war crimes including use of chemical weapons, allegations denied by the regime.

    The US president on Monday gave a series of television interviews aimed at building support among a US Congress and public wary of new military action in the Middle East.....

  5. Barack Obama mulls whether to use force against Syria if Congress opposes...

    NEW YORK, September 10 (Itar-Tass) - President Barack Obama, in his remarks in an interview to the NBC News television channel on Monday, said he had not decided whether to use military force against Syria if Congress votes "no". He said an evaluation of the situation would follow the forthcoming voting in Congress.

    President Barack Obam, in his remarks in an interview to the CNN television network on Monday, said he is prepared to consider in earnest Russia's proposal on other countries' control over the stocks of chemical weapons in Syria.

    He said international control would not settle the conflict but would, possibly, contribute to avoiding a military action.

  6. Obama says discussed with Putin idea of diplomatic solution on Syria...

    WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama discussed a potential diplomatic solution on Syria with Russian President Vladimir Putin last week when the two leaders discussed the crisis at the G20 summit, Obama told PBS NewsHour in an interview on Monday.

    "I did have those conversations. And this is a continuation of conversations I've had with President Putin for quite some time," Obama said in the interview, one of six he gave to major US television networks.

  7. Obama administration’s message on Syria is muddled...

    Speaking Monday in London, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said that a U.S. military strike on Syria would constitute an “unbelievably small, limited kind of effort.”

    Later at the White House, President Obama insisted that any such action would be significant. “The U.S. does not do pinpricks,” he told an NBC News interviewer. “Our military is the greatest the world has ever known.”

    The dueling statements underscored the administration’s muddled message on Syria. The confusion has complicated Obama’s effort to persuade a reluctant Congress and American public to support a strike against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for its alleged use of chemical weapons to kill more than 1,400 civilians outside Damascus last month.

    Over the past 10 days, Obama and his aides have offered varied and often shifting justifications for military action against Syria, and differing accounts of what such an intervention would look like.

    Administration officials have said that the world cannot turn away while a tyrant gasses children but stressed that their war plans don’t involve expelling Assad from power. They’ve said that strikes could hurt the regime’s fighting capacity in its civil war — perhaps tipping the balance of power — but that they are intended only to degrade its ability to use chemical weapons.

    Some Republicans say the convoluted messageshave left them with little confidence in Obama’s plans.

    “There’s no clarity, there’s no focus,” Rep. John Abney Culberson (Tex.), who opposes military action, told reporters recently. “The president’s position is so wobbly and uncertain, I’m not even clear on what he’s trying to do.”....

  8. Obama Calls Russian Proposal for Syria ‘Potentially Positive’...

    MOSCOW, September 10 (RIA Novosti) – US President Barack Obama has said that a Russian initiative to put Syrian chemical arms under international supervision is potentially positive but cautioned that it could be an attempt to stall US military action against Syria.

    "This represents a potentially positive development," Obama said in an interview with NBC on Monday, adding that it should be taken “with a grain of salt initially.”

    Obama, who is seeking to persuade the US lawmakers to endorse White House plans for a “limited” military strike on Syria, pledged to take the Russian proposal seriously and said he had asked US State Secretary John Kerry to explore together with the Russian side the possibility of a deal with Bashar Assad’s regime.

    In another of six television interviews he gave on Monday, Obama told PBS that he welcomed any genuine effort to find a diplomatic solution for the Syrian crisis.

    "If we can exhaust these diplomatic efforts and come up with a formula that gives the international community a verifiable, enforceable mechanism to deal with these chemical weapons in Syria, then I'm all for it," he said.

    Obama warned, however, against attempts to derail the US push to apply pressure on the Syrian regime, which has been accused of an alleged August 21 chemical weapons attack on rebels that reportedly killed over 1,400 people.

    “We don't want just a stalling or delaying tactic to put off the pressure [on Syria],” he said.

    "We have to maintain this pressure, which is why I'll still be speaking to the nation tomorrow [on Tuesday] about why I think this is so important," he emphasized.

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday that a crucial vote on authorizing use of force in Syria would be delayed until Obama presents “his case to the Senate and the American people.”

    The US Senate was earlier expected to vote on Syrian action on Wednesday.

  9. Syrie : la France va déposer une résolution devant le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU...

    Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, l'a annoncé mardi. Cette résolution prévoit des conséquences "extrêmement sérieuses" en cas de violation des engagements syriens sur les armes chimiques.

    Paris donne une chance à la proposition russe de contrôler l'arsenal chimique de la Syrie. La France va déposer "dès aujourd'hui" une résolution en ce sens devant le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, a annoncé mardi 10 septembre le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius.

    Que contient cette résolution ?

    La résolution présentée par la France vise à "condamner le massacre du 21 août commis par le régime", à mettre en place un contrôle international en vue de la destruction de l'arsenal chimique syrien.

    Contraignante, elle prévoit aussi des conséquences "extrêmement sérieuses" en cas de violation des conditions qui y seront énumérées. La France demande également des sanctions "contre les auteurs du massacre chimique du 21 août devant la justice pénale internationale".
    Un test de la bonne volonté des Russes

    Pour la France, il s'agit, en déposant cette résolution, de vérifier si l'initiative russe de sortie de la crise est sérieuse ou pas. "Il faut prendre la perche qui est tendue, mais il faut pas tomber dans un piège", a affirmé Laurent Fabius, en exigeant que les mesures proposées soient mise en oeuvre de manière quasiment "immédiate" pour éviter des "manœuvres dilatoires".

    "C'est à l'acceptation de ces conditions précises que nous jugerons", a prévenu le chef de la diplomatie française. En attendant, "toutes les options restent actuellement sur la table", y compris l'option militaire.[lestitres]

  10. Syria conflict: France to float tough UN resolution...

    France will put a resolution to the UN Security Council to place Syria's chemical weapons under international control so they can be destroyed, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says.

    He said it would threaten "extremely serious" consequences if Syria breached its conditions.

    There would be a request for a complete inspection of all chemical weapons.

    Russia also has a plan to put Syria's chemical weapons under international control, it says.

    Mr Fabius, who was speaking at a news conference in Paris, said the resolution, based around five points, would demand that Syria "bring fully to light" its chemical weapons programme.

    The measure would also set up international inspections and controls of the dismantling process.

    The resolution would be tabled under Chapter 7 of the UN charter covering possible military and non-military action to restore peace, Mr Fabius added.

    The plan had been discussed before, he said, but has probably been advanced by the pressure applied in recent weeks.....

  11. Syrie/attaque: les photos et vidéos montées de toutes pièces (Moscou)...

    Des experts internationaux ont présenté lors de la 24e session du Conseil des droits de l'Homme de l'Onu des preuves convaincantes indiquant que les vidéos et photos des victimes de l'attaque chimique perpétrée dans la banlieue de Damas le 21 août avaient été fabriquées à l'avance, a annoncé mardi le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.

    "Des preuves convaincantes indiquant que les vidéos et les photos des victimes de l'attaque chimique perpétrée dans la banlieue de Damas le 21 août avaient été fabriquées d'avance ont été fournies. L'auditoire a pu entendre les témoignages de plusieurs personnes affirmant unanimement que ce sont précisément les terroristes qui avaient recouru à l'arme chimique dans la Ghouta orientale. Les résultats de l'enquête menée par des activistes ainsi que les témoignages ont été remis à une commission indépendante chargée d'enquêter en Syrie", indique le communiqué.

  12. White House chief of staff urges US diplomats to consider diplomacy in Syria...

    WASHINGTON - White House chief of staff Denis McDonough told Democratic members of the US House of Representatives on Tuesday that diplomacy, rather than military action, is the priority on Syria now, US Representative Gene Green said.

    "We're going to wait and see how this offering" for securing Syria's chemical-weapons arsenal plays out, Green told Reuters as he left a briefing by McDonough for House Democrats.

    Green said he had been getting emails from constituents saying they wanted a diplomatic solution, and added: "That's what's happening now."

    "Now we'll go back to our typical things, like the debt limit" being debated in Congress, he said.

  13. Russian Lawyer Moves to Prosecute Obama Over ‘War Plans’...

    MOSCOW, September 10 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian lawyer said Tuesday that he had asked the Investigative Committee to start criminal proceedings against US President Barack Obama on charges of planning a “war of aggression,” but most Russian experts doubted the case would go anywhere.

    Lawyer Alexander Zorin has called for a probe into Obama’s actions on charges of “planning and preparing for a war of aggression,” an article in the Russian Criminal Code that carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years, he told the RAPSI legal news agency.

    The lawyer claims that within the framework of international law there are virtually no instruments for holding Obama to account, because in 2002 the US revoked its signature from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

    “Under the pretext of protecting its military servicemen, the US has completely abandoned participation in the Rome Statute, describing it as being in violation of US interests and sovereignty,” Zorin said.

    However, arguing that “no political, economic or any other considerations may serve to justify aggression,” Zorin asked the Investigative Committee to give a legal assessment of Obama’s actions......

  14. Syria prompts Europe to question U.S. leadership will...

    (Reuters) - The United States' uncertainty over how to respond to a deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria has left close European allies wondering whether Washington remains ready to play the world leadership role it has long assumed.

    Yet while the hesitations are creating political headaches for governments in Britain and France that advocated strikes, less interventionist capitals including Berlin are relieved to be dealing with a less hawkish U.S. administration than those which pushed the case for war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    After the August 21 chemical weapons attack that Washington blames on Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad's forces, U.S. President Barack Obama has veered from calling for urgent retaliation to agreeing to seek authorization from a skeptical Congress with no real clear time frame attached.

    Prospects of quick action receded still further on Monday when Obama welcomed a Russian proposal to put its ally Syria's chemical arsenal under international control.

    While some officials argued that this showed the threat of military action had forced Russia and Assad to offer a genuine olive branch to the West, France quickly showed its doubts by announcing it would push for a tough U.N. resolution aimed at ensuring the Russian proposal would have real teeth.

    "Fifteen years ago, it was our American partners who used to lecture us," said a Washington-based European diplomat.

    "Today, they are petrified with uncertainty and doubt. That uncertainty gives us a card to play to influence policy and play a major role."....

  15. Kerry: US ‘not waiting for long’ on Russia’s Syria proposal...

    Secretary of state warns against message to Iran of ‘American weakness,’ stresses that Assad’s WMD capability must be degraded.

    “It’s important that we show the world we have the ability to hopefully speak with one voice,” Kerry told the assembly. He stressed that inaction on Syria would have harsh consequences for the Syrian people, America’s Middle Eastern allies and the United States itself.

    “Iran looms out there with its nuclear program and the challenge we have been facing… they’re watching what we do here,” Kerry warned. “If we choose not to act, we’ll be sending a message to Iran of American ambivalence, American weakness.”

    With reference to the Russian proposal which would have Syria put its chemical weapons arsenal under international control, Kerry said, “I’ve made it clear that this cannot be a process of delay, of avoidance, it has to be measurable, tangible. We’re waiting for that proposal, but we’re not waiting for long… it can’t be a delay tactic.”

    Kerry stressed that the Russian proposal was brought to the table and even accepted by the Syrians only because of the threat of force emanating from Washington.....

  16. Russia should take ‘serious measures’ if US decides to strike Syria - Duma...

    The head of the Duma Foreign Affairs Committee says Russia should reconsider its cooperation with coalition forces in Afghanistan and provide Iran with defensive weapons if US authorities go ahead with their plan of military interference in Syria.

    “The US administration is ready, albeit with numerous stipulations, to study the Russian proposal of transferring the Syrian chemical weapons potential under international control. If these diplomatic efforts yield results, this could become a way out of the pre-war situation that Syria and the whole world find themselves in right now,” Aleksey Pushkov told the State Duma on Wednesday.

    MP Leonid Kalashnikov suggested that if the US starts the military operation in Syria, Russia should supply defensive weapons to Iran. Pushkov fully supported that idea.

    “If the ‘party of war’ eventually prevails in the United States and the efforts of Syria’s enemies that are quite numerous would yield results, I think it would be absolutely justified to consider more serious measures on the Russian side, including the broadening of defensive weaponry supplies to Iran and considering changing the mode of our cooperation with the USA on Afghanistan, in particular, the transit conditions,” Pushkov noted.

    He again emphasized that such measures would be justified if the United States chooses to abandon diplomacy and go for the military scenario.

    MP Vladimir Simagin addressed Pushkov, noting that the current situation was very much like the one in 1933, when the Nazis set fire to the Reichstag and put the blame on others.

    “Is there a danger that some third countries like Lebanon, Israel and Iran would be dragged into the conflict?” Simagin asked.

    Pushkov replied that the military scenario in Syria would automatically mean the involvement of Lebanon and quite possibly also the involvement of Iran. In addition, such events could lead to more intense religious and ethnic conflicts in Iraq.

    He added that the danger of such a development surely existed.

    Moreover, according to Pushkov, there were reports saying that the Syrian opposition forces were preparing a chemical attack on Israel that they would afterwards blame on pro-Assad forces.

    Many countries are interested in frustrating the Russian plan of relinquishing Syria’s chemical weapons to international control, Pushkov told the chamber, adding that many different forces were inventing new provocations and the aggravation of the situation could be expected.

    After Pushkov’s speech, State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin suggested a parliamentary statement on the aggravation of the situation in Syria be considered.

    The current draft statement includes another call for diplomatic settlement of the conflict, the further investigation of the incident of chemical weapons use in this country and scheduling the Geneva-2 international conference to discuss a peaceful way out of the crisis.

  17. No sense of reality about political settlement in Syria...

    The new proposal to sequester the Syrian chemical weapons is a useful way to prevent a repetition of their use, but it should be combined with an effort to move back to Geneva, former US diplomat Thomas Pickering told RT.

    Pickering has served as an ambassador to the United Nations, Russia and Israel, among other countries. He believes that the proposal to rid Syria of chemical arms provides a great opportunity for Barack Obama.
    Time for humanitarian ceasefire in Syria

    RT: What do you think of John Kerry’s proposal, which was picked up by Russia – the idea of transferring Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal under international control? Is that reason enough not to strike Syria?

    Thomas Pickering: My view is that it’s a forward step and it makes some sense. Whether it can avoid a US attack or not remains to be seen, and what the US reaction will be we’re still waiting to see at this stage. What I’ve always believed is it’s very important to see how quickly we can move back to Geneva, as difficult as it is.

    But I think a political settlement is the only possible outcome here that makes any sense. Otherwise we have a contingent civil war, we have gigantic killings, we have serious destabilization of the region, we have uncertainty for the long term about where this process is going and we have radicalization from both sides. There’s no question at all that Iran Revolutionary Guard training of President Assad’s forces in an Alawite militia is leading to a more Shia-oriented radicalization of that group.

    But certainly on the opposition side, the growing strength of [Al-Nusra Front] with its Al-Qaeda influence is something I think neither of us should be comfortable with on either side. So in fact we have a secular fight between Shia and Sunni, which looks like it’s going to get worse. I don’t see how it’s in anybody’s interest to continue pushing on.

    And I don’t believe that the early myth that one side or the other would win a quick victory has any relationship to the current situation. I also think it’s time to perhaps stop supplying the sides with more weapons – which seems to go on – and it’s time to look for a humanitarian ceasefire.......

  18. Commentary: Obama's turn on Syria reflects changing times...

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday evening embraced the Russian proposal to put Syrian chemical weapons under international control, opting for a way out of the bind he found himself in after his push for Congressional authorization of a military strike yielded little result.

    The sharp turn from military action to multilateral diplomacy signifies the changing times in which Americans are ready to look inward.

    Obama surprised many when he decided to seek Congressional approval for his planned strike to punish Syria over the alleged use of chemical weapons, as it reversed decades of precedents in which the decision for overseas military ventures remained a presidential prerogative.

    But the political climate in the United States is fast changing, and the public are weary from years of military interventions in distant lands and the state of perpetual war they bring, including thousands of American soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The alarming benefit-cost ratio in those military ventures appalled the American public. That is partially why the military plan against Syria was met with little enthusiasm.

    Multiple polls point to almost identical results: some 60 percent of Americans oppose a strike against Syria, while support lingers between 20 and 30 percent.

    The logic is simple: the country itself is in desperate need of attention and nurture after a long economic slump, and Americans are looking decidedly inward.

    It is also unhelpful to the president that Washington is bitterly divided politically, and he has to rely on the people to overcome Republican obstructionism for much of his domestic agenda in the second term. The danger of undertaking an unpopular military intervention needs no introduction.

    Mindful of this, Obama opted for a national discussion on whether to launch missiles into Syria and the extent to which America should project her power overseas in a changed time.....

  19. Syria crisis: Russia's Putin in personal plea for US caution...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis.

    In an opinion article in the New York Times, he warns that a US military strike against Syria could unleash a new wave of terrorism.

    He says millions of people see the US not as a model of democracy but as relying on brute force.

    The US and Russia are due to hold talks in Geneva later over Syria's chemical weapons arsenal.

    Moscow, an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has proposed putting the weapons under international control before destroying them.


    Escalation' warning

    In the New York Times article, Mr Putin says recent events "have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders".

    He warned that the UN could suffer the same fate as its precursor, the League of Nations, if "influential countries bypass the United Nations and take military action without Security Council authorisation"......

  20. Poutine attribue aux rebelles l'attaque au gaz en Syrie...

    Le président détaille son point de vue sur la crise et la situation diplomatique actuelle dans une tribune publiée par le «New York Times».

    Le président russe Vladimir Poutine estime dans le New York Times que ce sont les rebelles syriens, et non l’armée du régime de Bachar al-Assad, qui ont utilisé des armes chimiques le 21 août près de Damas, dans le but de provoquer une intervention des Etats-Unis......

  21. Kremlin curious why US insists on its exclusiveness in world scene - spokesman...

    BISHKEK, September 14 (Itar-Tass) - The Kremlin finds it difficult to understand why the United States keeps asserting its exclusiveness in the international scene, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said in the wake of the White House statement concerning Vladimir Putin’s article the New York Times published last Thursday.

    “We find it difficult to understand why the United States keeps insisting on its exclusiveness. Democracy implies competition, but sometimes one has the impression that the United States has lost the habit of competing.”

    When he was writing his article, Peskov said, Putin “had no intention of entering into confrontation with anybody, let alone insulting somebody.”

    “In international affairs Putin has never lectured anybody. In the meantime over the past decade our American friends have developed the habit of slapping everybody on the shoulder condescendingly, which often formed the attitude to the United States in the world. Putin’s article addresses such issues as international relations and their basics,” Peskov said. “Any country that positions itself a democracy surely projects its internal processes on international relations. We expect everybody to do the same,” Peskov said.

  22. Washington se croit en droit de frapper la Syrie (Kerry)...

    Les Etats-Unis estiment que la décision de recourir à la force contre la Syrie peut être adoptée aussi bien par le Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU que par le président Barack Obama, a déclaré le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry lors d'une conférence de presse à l'issue de négociations à Genève avec le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov.

    "Aux termes de notre Constitution, le président des Etats-Unis est le commandant en chef des forces armées du pays. Il se réserve le droit de prendre des décisions qui s'imposent dans l'intérêt de la sécurité nationale des Etats-Unis", a affirmé M. Kerry.

    Cependant, a-t-il ajouté, "notre président a indiqué qu'il voulait trouver une solution politique dans cette situation".

    Lors des négociations entre MM. Lavrov et Kerry à Genève, les chefs de diplomatie russe et américain ont souligné que le conflit syrien n'avait pas de solution militaire et devait être réglé par la voie de négociations.

  23. Obama says U.S. remains prepared to act on Syria if diplomacy fails...

    (Reuters) - President Barack Obama vowed on Saturday that Syria will be held to account if it fails to live up to its promises to surrender chemical weapons as he faced questions about how a deal brokered by U.S. and Russian diplomats would be enforced.

    In a statement, Obama said a framework deal was an important, concrete step toward getting Syria's chemical weapons under international control so they can ultimately be destroyed. The deal emerged from talks between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

    "While we have made important progress, much more work remains to be done," said Obama.

    Obama has been bombarded with criticism for his handling of Syria and a muddled message. First, he took U.S. forces to the brink of a military strike over an August 21 poison gas attack in Syria that Washington blames on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He then asked Congress to authorize it, but less than a week later requested lawmakers hold off on a vote to allow diplomacy more time......

  24. Iran says U.S. no longer has pretext to attack Syria...

    TEHRAN: Iran's deputy foreign minister said Saturday the United States no longer has a pretext to attack Syria, following a deal struck to eliminate that country's chemical weapons.

    "The new situation means in fact that any pretext for the United States and certain countries to engage in military action against Syria has been removed," Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said.

    His was the first reaction from Tehran -- a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad -- to the ambitious deal, struck between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Geneva.

    "We can even talk of a success by the front of the resistance (against Israel)" -- Iran, Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas, Amir-Abdollahian said.

    Under the deal, Syria has a week to provide details of its chemical weapons stockpiles, and must give international inspectors unfettered access to them with the goal of removing them by the middle of next year.

    The accord will be encapsulated in a UN resolution under Chapter VII of the UN charter, which allows for the use of force to ensure compliance.

    However, Russia is certain to oppose this once diplomacy shifts to the United Nations.

    US President Barack Obama welcomed the deal, but said much remains to be done and warned Damascus to comply, saying in a statement that "the United States remains prepared to act"....

  25. Republican senators blast US-Russia agreement on Syria...

    US Republican senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham had harsh words Saturday for the American-Russian agreement on the control of Syria's chemical weapons, calling it a start down a "diplomatic blind alley."

    The deal brokered by US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov gives Syria one week to provide a detailed list of all of its chemical weapons, and demands that the Assad regime ensure international inspectors "the immediate and ufettered right to inspect any and all sites in Syria."

    President Barack Obama on Saturday welcomed the deal, but warned that the option of military strikes on Syria was still on the table should the regime fail to comply with the new agreement.

  26. Davutoğlu expresses concerns over Syria deal in phone meeting with Kerry...

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu reiterated his concerns over Syria’s use of chemical weapons during a phone meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Sept. 14.

    He also indicated that the deal between the United States and Russia did not remove the urgent necessity to solve the conflict in the war-torn country.

    The U.S. top diplomat called Davutoğlu to give detailed information about the plan agreed with Russia earlier Sept. 14 to eliminate the Bashar al-Assad government’s chemical weapons, Turkish diplomatic sources told Anadolu Agency.

    According to the report, Davutoğlu told Kerry that the human tragedy could worsen if dissuasive measures were not to be taken against Syrian army's attacks in which only conventional force was used and didn’t include chemical weapons.

    Both diplomats agreed to meet in the upcoming days.

  27. Syria hails U.S.-Russian chemical arms deal as a ‘victory’...

    Al Arabiya

    The Syrian government hailed a U.S.-Russian deal to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile as “a victory” for the country, Syrian minister of state for national reconciliation Ali Haidar said on Sunday.

    “On one hand, it helps the Syrians emerge from the crisis and on the other it has allowed for averting war against Syria...,” Haidar said in an interview with Russian news agency Ria Novosti, according to Agence France-Presse.

    “It’s a victory for Syria that was achieved thanks to our Russian friends.”

    The deal was also welcomed by Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi on Sunday, saying it will help to find a political solution to the conflict.

    The deal “is a step closer to a political solution,” Arabi said in a statement.

    On Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced an agreement to eliminate Syria’s chemical arms stockpile, after three days of talks in Geneva.

    The deal intends to bring Syria’s chemical weapons under international control by the middle of next year and leaves the door open to sanctions if Damascus fails to comply, but does not specify what they would be.

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has a week to hand over details of his regime’s stockpile of chemical weapons and Kerry said he must provide “immediate and unfettered” access to chemical weapons inspectors.

    (With AFP)

  28. Turkish FM Davutoğlu to visit Paris over Syria talks...

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will visit Paris on Sept. 16 for a meeting on Syria upon an invitation by his U.S. counterpart, John Kerry.

    Speaking on the phone for the second time in less than 24 hours, Davutoğlu and Kerry discussed steps towards setting out a framework for the dismantling of Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal, as agreed on Sept. 14 by the United States and Russia, diplomatic sources said.

    Davutoğlu will join his U.S., French and British counterparts in France.

  29. Hollande: UN resolution on Syria could be voted by end of week...

    PARIS - A UN resolution framing the Russia-US deal on removing Syria's chemical weapons must include the threat of some kind of sanction in the event that Syria does not comply with the accord, French President Francois Hollande said on Sunday.

    Speaking on French prime-time television, Hollande said resolution could be voted by the end of the week. He added that a political and diplomatic solution to the wider Syrian conflict was possible but stressed that the option of military strikes must remain on the table.

  30. Turkey wants US to ready Syria ‘Plan B’...Irked by the lack of military action against Syria amid a disarmament deal, Ankara asks the US to implement a ‘Plan B’ if Damascus fails to comply....

    Unable to conceal its skepticism about a Washington-Moscow deal to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons stocks, Ankara is set to ask Washington to prepare a “Plan B” for Syria on concerns that Damascus will abuse the process and continue its alleged attacks on its citizens.

    “This process will give more time for [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad [to stay] in power. The deal should have been more open and straight in outlining the possible sanctions to be imposed on Damascus in the event of the regime’s incompliance with the deal,” a Turkish diplomatic source said over the weekend.

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will outline the Turkish government’s position and its concerns with regard to developments in Syria at a meeting in Paris with the participation of foreign ministers from the United States, France, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia. Davutoğlu was invited to the meeting by John Kerry, with whom he exchanged two phone conversations on Sept. 14 and early yesterday.

    Having already described the efforts as “cosmetic,” Davutoğlu bluntly expressed Turkey’s concerns over the deal’s effects on the ongoing civil war in Syria and repeated that the international community should be made well-aware of the potential massacres that could be committed by the Syrian government. Initially slated to be a meeting between the U.S., French and British foreign ministers, the scope of the Paris meetings was expanded in the wake of the Davutoğu-Kerry conversation.....

  31. Με την απειλή στο στόμα Κέρι, Φαμπιούς, Χέιγκ...

    Οι ΗΠΑ, η Βρετανία, η Γαλλία και η Ρωσία συμφωνούν πως η Συρία πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσει συνέπειες, αν δεν συμμορφωθεί πλήρως προς μια απόφαση του ΟΗΕ να παραδώσει τα χημικά όπλα της, δήλωσε σήμερα ο Αμερικανός υπουργός Εξωτερικών Τζον Κέρι.

    «Αν ο Μπασάρ αλ-Άσαντ δεν συμμορφωθεί προς τους όρους αυτού του πλαισίου, συμφωνήσαμε όλοι –και αυτό περιλαμβάνει και τη Ρωσία– ότι θα υπάρξουν συνέπειες», δήλωσε ο Κέρι σε συνέντευξη Τύπου που έδωσε στο Παρίσι μαζί με τους ομολόγους του της Γαλλίας και της Βρετανίας, Λοράν Φαμπιούς και Ουίλιαμ Χέιγκ.

    Ο Φαμπιούς προειδοποίησε για «σοβαρές συνέπειες» αν το συριακό καθεστώς δεν σεβαστεί τις υποσχέσεις του για τα χημικά όπλα, ενώ ανακοίνωσε επίσης ότι ενισχύεται η στήριξη της συριακής αντιπολίτευσης.

    «Οι ΗΠΑ, η Βρετανία, η Γαλλία, θέλουμε να πετύχουμε από το Συμβούλιο Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ την έκδοση μέσα στις επόμενες ημέρες μιας ισχυρής απόφασης», δήλωσε ο Γάλλος υπουργός στη διάρκεια αυτής της συνέντευξης Τύπου.
    «Μιας απόφασης η οποία θα προβλέπει ασφαλώς σοβαρές συνέπειες αν δεν εφαρμοστεί», υπογράμμισε ο Φαμπιούς.

    «Ασκείται πίεση σ” αυτούς για να εφαρμόσουν πλήρως αυτή τη συμφωνία. Ο κόσμος πρέπει να είναι έτοιμος να εξαγάγει τα συμπεράσματά του αν δεν το κάνουν», δήλωσε επίσης ο Βρετανός υπουργός Εξωτερικών Ουίλιαμ Χέιγκ.....

  32. West vows to boost Syria rebels, Russia says they should be 'compelled' to join peace talks...

    The US, UK and France have agreed to bolster Syrian rebels by providing more help, press Syria into delivering on its promise to hand over chemical weapons and seek an end to the conflict, which would involve ousting of President Bashar Assad.

    The intentions were voiced by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and his counterparts from Washington and London at a joint media conference.

    Fabius was speaking in Paris just days after the US and Russia reached an agreement under which Washington will put its plans to use military force against Syrian President Bashar Assad on hold in exchange for Damascus dismantling its chemical weapons arsenal.
    West hopes for Syria without Assad

    US Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed America’s adherence to the plan, but said there must be consequences for Syria if it does not deliver on its promise. The disarmament deal is to be formalized by a UN Security Council resolution yet to be voted on.

    Meanwhile UK Foreign Secretary William Hague pledged that the three countries would work with Russia to gather an international conference in Geneva to negotiate a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis.

    A political solution is part of the plan, which was unveiled by Kerry and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov last Saturday. Organization of the Geneva-2 conference has been delayed for months, as Syrian opposition forces opposed it.

    Still Kerry stressed Washington’s position that the UN resolution is not “a lifeline” for Assad, who, the UN official said, has “lost all legitimacy” after more than two years of fighting with rebel forces.
    Force rebels to talk peace – Russia

    Meanwhile Lavrov said it may be time for the West to force the Syrian opposition to attend the planned Geneva conference. He was speaking in Moscow after meeting Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy.

    He added that the plan that Russia agreed to follow did not involve any automatic use of military force against Syria unless sanctioned by the UN Security Council....

  33. Ιρανική δυσαρέσκεια για τις δηλώσεις Ομπάμα...

    Το ιρανικό υπουργείο Εξωτερικών επιβεβαίωσε σήμερα την απευθείας επικοινωνία μεταξύ των ηγετών του Ιράν και των ΗΠΑ μέσω της ανταλλαγής επιστολών μεταξύ του προέδρου των ΗΠΑ Μπαράκ Ομπάμα και του Ιρανού ομολόγου του Χασάν Ροχανί «δια της διπλωματικής οδού».


    Η εκπρόσωπος του ιρανικού υπουργείου Εξωτερικών εξέφρασε τη δυσαρέσκεια της Τεχεράνης για τις πρόσφατες δηλώσεις του Μπαράκ Ομπάμα με τις οποίες ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος δεν απέκλεισε τον ενδεχόμενο προσφυγής στη βία κατά του Ιράν για το πυρηνικό του πρόγραμμα. "Πιστεύω ότι οι Ιρανοί έχουν κατανοήσει πλήρως ότι το γεγονός ότι δεν πλήξαμε τη Συρία δεν σημαίνει ότι δεν θα πλήξουμε και το Ιράν", είπε την Κυριακή ο Μπαράκ Ομπάμα κατά τη διάρκεια τηλεοπτικής του συνέντευξης.

    "Οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες εξακολουθούν να χρησιμοποιούν τη γλώσσα των απειλών κατά του Ιράν. Τούς έχουμε πει να την αντικαταστήσουν με τον σεβασμό", δήλωσε η Μαρζίεχ Αφχάμ. "Η προσφυγή στην στρατιωτική επιλογή για τη διασφάλιση των συμφερόντων ισχυρών (φιλοϊσραηλινών) λόμπι με τίμημα την παραβίαση των διεθνών κανόνων και του χάρτη του ΟΗΕ δεν είναι δικαιολογημένη. Αυτή η γλώσσα των απειλών...δεν θα έχει το παραμικρό αποτέλεσμα στην αποφασιστικότητα της κυβέρνησης και του έθνους για την υπεράσπιση των πυρηνικών μας δικαιωμάτων, κυρίως σε ό,τι αφορά τον εμπλουτισμό ουρανίου", είπε η εκπρόσωπος του ιρανικού υπουργείου Εξωτερικών.

  34. Obama: It's hard to imagine Syrian war winding down with Assad in power...

    WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that there will ultimately need to be a political transition in Syria in which President Bashar Assad gives up power in the wake of a deal aimed at gaining international control of Syrian chemical weapons.

    "Keep in mind that it's very hard to imagine that (the Syrian) civil war dying down if in fact Assad is still in power," Obama told the Spanish-language network Telemundo.

    Obama said it is still his goal to "transition him out of power" in a way that protects Syria's religious minorities and ensures Islamist extremists are not gaining ground inside the country, where more than 100,000 people have been killed in a 2-1/2-year civil war.

    "But you know, we're going to take this one step at a time. The first step right now is to make sure we can deal with the chemical weapons issue," said Obama.

  35. Industria de la mentira y guerra imperialista...

    En la historia de la industria de la mentira como parte integrante del aparato militaro-industrial del imperialismo, el año 1989 marcó un verdadero viraje. Nicolae Ceaucescu se mantiene en el poder en Rumania. ¿Cómo derrocarlo? Los medios de prensa occidentales comienzan a divulgar masivamente informaciones e imágenes del «genocidio» perpetrado en Timisoara por la policía del propio Ceaucescu.

    Los cadáveres mutilados

    ¿Qué había pasado en realidad? Basándose en el análisis de Guy Debord sobre la «sociedad del espectáculo», un ilustre filósofo italiano, Giorgio Agamben, sintetizó magistralmente este caso:

    «Por vez primera en la historia de la humanidad, cadáveres que habían sido enterrados hacía poco tiempo o que se hallaban aún en las mesas de las morgues fueron desenterrados apresuradamente y mutilados para simular ante las cámaras de televisión el genocidio destinado a legitimar un nuevo régimen. Lo que el mundo entero tenía ante sus ojos como la realidad real en las pantallas de televisión, era la absoluta anti-verdad y, aunque la falsificación era a veces evidente, fue de todas maneras autentificada como real por el sistema mediático mundial, para que quedara claro que lo real no era a partir de entonces otra cosa que un momento del movimiento necesario de lo falso. Verdad y falsedad se hacían así imposibles de distinguir una de la otra y el espectáculo se legitimaba solamente mediante el espectáculo.

    Timisoara es, en ese sentido, el Auschwitz de la sociedad del espectáculo. Incluso se ha dicho que si después de Auschwitz es imposible escribir y pensar como antes, después de Timisoara ya no será posible mirar una pantalla de televisión de la misma manera.» [1]

    El año 1989 es el año en que el paso de la sociedad del espectáculo al espectáculo como técnica de guerra comenzó a manifestarse a escala planetaria.

    Varias semanas antes del golpe de Estado, o sea antes de la «revolución de Cinecittà» en Rumania [2], se producía en Praga –el 17 de noviembre de 1989– el triunfo de la «revolución de terciopelo» con una consigna inspirada en Gandhi: «Amor y verdad». En realidad, la difusión de la información falsa según la cual la policía había «matado brutalmente» a un estudiante desempeñaba un importante papel. Eso es lo que nos revela, 20 años más tarde y con satisfacción, «un periodista y líder de la disidencia, Jan Urban», protagonista de aquella manipulación: su «mentira» tuvo en aquel momento el mérito de suscitar la indignación de las masas y el derrumbe del régimen, ya debilitado [3].

    Algo similar ocurrió en China. El 8 de abril de 1989, Hu Yaobang, secretario del Partido Comunista Chino (PCCh) hasta el mes de enero de 1987, sufre un infarto en medio de una reunión del Buró Político y muere una semana después. La multitud de la Plaza de Tiananmen vincula su deceso al enconado conflicto político que se había manifestado en el marco de aquella reunión [4]. El fallecido se convierte de cierta forma en víctima del sistema cuyo derrocamiento se desea.

    En los 3 casos, el invento del crimen y su denuncia buscan suscitar la ola de indignación necesaria para favorecer el movimiento de protesta. Esa estrategia encuentra éxito en Checoslovaquia y Rumania –países donde el régimen socialista había surgido al calor del avance del Ejército Rojo– pero fracasa en la República Popular China, fruto de una gran revolución nacional y social. Y el fracaso mismo se convierte en punto de partida de una nueva guerra mediática más masiva aún, desencadenada por una superpotencia que no tolera la existencia de rivales reales o potenciales. Esa guerra mediática aún se mantiene en vigor. Pero lo cierto es que el momento que define el viraje histórico es, en primer lugar, Timisoara, «el Auschwitz de la sociedad del espectáculo»......


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