Τετάρτη, 29 Ιανουαρίου 2014

Russian Senators Decry Western 'Interference' in Ukraine

MOSCOW, January 29 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s upper house of parliament on Wednesday called for an end to what it has called interference by Western politicians in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

The Federation Council in a resolution expressed “indignation at a number of Western politicians unceremoniously interfering … and consciously provoking destabilization in the country.”
Protests have been ongoing in Ukraine since the government decided in November to forgo the long-expected signing of association and free-trade deals with the European Union, opting instead for closer ties with Russia.

The protests turned violent earlier this month in the wake of Ukraine’s parliament hastily pushing through draconian laws curtailing the right to public assembly.

Criticism of foreign influence on events in Ukraine appeared to be a reference to visits to the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, by a number of top European and US politicians and diplomats.
In December, veteran US Senator John McCain addressed a crowd of anti-government supporters in Kiev, pledging broad US support for the pro-European movement. Earlier that same month, US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland visited the epicenter of the protest movement and handed out bread to demonstrators.

In its resolution, the Federation Council blamed opposition groups for the outbreak of violent protests, calling them a part of a “well-organized campaign to discredit and overthrow the legitimate government.”

“Pogroms and fire-raising in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities, the storming of an administrative building, aggressive actions against law enforcement officers that have led to deaths and a significant number of injured are occurring with the approval of those who have brought people to the streets,” the resolution said.
The legislature expressed “confidence that the brotherly Ukrainian people and their leadership will find a way to restore peace in the country.”
On Tuesday, anti-protest laws were rolled back and the prime minister tendered his resignation in an effort to appease the opposition and prevent further street clashes.


13 σχόλια :

  1. Russian senators condemn Ukrainian protests, warn of dire consequences....

    The Russian Federation Council has hit out at the riots in Kiev, saying they have nothing to do with peaceful protest, and that the attacks were approved by Ukrainian opposition leaders.

    The statement passed by Russia’s Upper House on Wednesday also says the civil unrest in the Ukrainian capital was an organized campaign aimed at displacing lawfully elected officials. The Russian senators say the current Ukrainian crisis “will have grave consequences for the country’s people, statehood and territorial integrity.”

    The Upper House MPs also expressed concern about the behavior of a number of foreign politicians who had allowed themselves to interfere with the affairs of the sovereign nation of Ukraine. They called such interference a premeditated provocation that further destabilized the situation.

    The Federation Council called upon all representatives of Ukrainian society to search for solutions through constructive dialogue and without ultimatums. The Russian parliamentarians expressed the hope that the Ukrainian authorities and people would find ways to restore order in the country.

    The Upper House’s statement is very similar to one approved by the Lower House about a week ago. The State Duma also called upon foreign politicians to stop instigating violence by voicing approval of the rioters, and said that Russia had extended financial aid to neighboring Ukraine to help it overcome an economic and political crisis.

    At the Tuesday press conference held after Russia-EU talks President Vladimir Putin assured that Russia would not alter its plans to help Ukraine if those in power in the country changed, but said that this was possible if Ukraine also honors all conditions of the agreements. The loan and the gradual reduction of gas price were to “support the people of Ukraine, not the government”, Putin said. “It’s the ordinary people who always suffer,” he added. ....................http://rt.com/politics/russia-ukraine-senate-address-354/

  2. US Reportedly Readies Financial Sanctions Against Ukraine ...

    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is preparing financial sanctions that could be imposed on Ukrainian officials and protest leaders if violence escalates in the political crisis gripping Ukraine, congressional aides said on Wednesday.

    Congressional aides, who asked not to be identified by name because of the sensitive subject, said they had discussed the sanction preparations with administration officials.

    They said final details of the package have not been worked out, but it could be put in place quickly against government officials - or leaders of the protest movement - in case of widespread violence.................http://www.voanews.com/content/us-reportedly-readies-financial-sanctions-against-ukraine/1840616.html

  3. Amnesty law does not change situation in Kiev so far....

    KIEV, January 30. /ITAR-TASS/. The Ukrainian parliament's adoption of the amnesty law has not led to any change in protesters' actions in central Kiev. They intend to continue outdoor actions despite stronger frost in the capital. Opposition leaders also call for it, reluctant to agree on compromise with authorities to settle the acute political crisis in the country.

    Late on Wednesday, the parliament supported the draft law on amnesty prepared by the president's permanent representative to the Supreme Rada, a deputy from the Party of Regions, Yury Miroshnichenko. The document was approved by a vote of 232, with required 226.

    The law adopted without debates is expected to grant amnesty to all who have participated in protest actions during the period since November 21, 2013, except those who have committed serious crimes. It comes into force the next day after the publication.

    Protesters must obey law requirements - to leave seized administrative buildings, not to prevent work of administrations and unblock occupied streets and squares, but those where peaceful demonstrations are held. Fifteen days are given to fulfill the conditions, otherwise the law is not in force any longer.

  4. Ukrainian army calls on president to take 'urgent steps' to ease crisis...

    Ukraine's army on Jan. 31 called on embattled President Viktor Yanukovych to take "urgent steps" to ease the political crisis in the ex-Soviet country.

    "Laying out their civil position, servicemen and employees of Ukraine's armed forces... called on the commander-in-chief to take urgent steps within the limits of existing legislation with a view to stabilizing the situation in the country and reaching consent in society," a statement from the defence ministry said.

    Yanukovych is the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces. "The servicemen and employees of the armed forces called unacceptable the seizure of state offices, preventing representatives of state and local authorities from fulfilling their duties," the statement said.

    They "noted that a further escalation of the confrontation threatens the country's territorial integrity," the statement added...............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ukrainian-army-calls-on-president-to-take-urgent-steps-to-ease-crisis.aspx?pageID=238&nID=61808&NewsCatID=353

  5. Ukraine/violences: l'Onu exige une enquête...

    Le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l'homme (HCDH) exige la tenue d'une enquête exhaustive et indépendante sur les informations en provenance d'Ukraine et faisant état de meurtres, enlèvements et tortures présumés dans ce pays, a annoncé vendredi Rupert Colville, porte-parole du HCDH.

    "Ces derniers jours, nous recevons de Kiev des informations sur des meurtres, ces données doivent être examinées dans le cadre d'une enquête exhaustive et indépendante. Nous exhortons également à enquêter sur les cas d'enlèvement et de torture", a indiqué M.Colville.

    Ce dernier a ajouté que la représentation du HCDH à Genève saluait le lancement d'un dialogue entre le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch et l'opposition.

    "Nous appelons à ce que ce dialogue soit stable et inclusif et qu'il se fonde sur le respect total des accords internationaux relatifs aux droits de l'homme ratifiés par l'Ukraine. Nous saluons par ailleurs le fait que le Parlement ukrainien ait aboli plus tôt cette semaine les lois du 16 janvier limitant le droit de réunion et la liberté d'expression ainsi que le fonctionnement des ONG", a ajouté M.Colville avant d'appeler le président ukrainien à finaliser cette initiative du parlement.....................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20140131/200358604.html

  6. Putins Berater: USA und Nato provozieren antirussische Stimmungen in Ukraine....

    Die Entwicklung in der Ukraine ist nach Ansicht von Russlands Präsidentenberater Sergej Glasjew in vieler Hinsicht von den USA und anderen Nato-Mitgliedern provoziert worden, die antirussische Stimmungen im Lande schüren.

    „Die jetzige Situation in der Ukraine hat zwar viele Faktoren, ich möchte aber diejenigen hervorheben, die üblicherweise verschwiegen werden“, so der Wirtschaftsexperte in einem Interview für die Zeitschrift „Gazprom“. „Es geht um den kolossalen äußeren Einfluss auf das Gesellschaftsbewusstsein in der Ukraine. Die USA und ihre Nato-Partner haben in den zurückliegenden 20 Jahren fünf Milliarden Dollar über die offiziellen Kanäle des US-Außenamts ausgegeben – diese Zahl hat US-Vizeaußenministerin Victoria Nuland genannt. Dabei handelt es sich um Stipendien für die Förderung der Experten- und Intellektuellengemeinschaft, die gegen Russland orientiert und auf die Entstehung russophober Stimmungen in der ukrainischen Gesellschaft gerichtet ist.“

    „Stipendien in Höhe von 5 000 bis 10000 werden über Tausende von NGOs an junge Menschen, Studenten und junge Fachleute, verteilt, die anschließend diese Stipendien mit Publikationen, Äußerungen in der Presse und bei Diskussionen abarbeiten.“ Das Hauptkriterium: Alles müsse gegen Russland gerichtet sein“, so Glasjew.

    „Diese Zahl lässt sich unter Berücksichtigung von Stipendien der EU und anderer Nato-Länder sowie von inoffiziellen Stipendien etwa verdreifacht werden, die nirgends fixiert sind“, fügte der für regionale Wirtschaftsintegration zuständige Präsidentenberater hinzu.

    „Der Faktor der äußeren Einmischung ist heute der Faktor Nummer eins, der zu berücksichtigen ist“, hieß es. „Wir haben es mit einer zielgebundenen und systematischen Arbeit einer Informations- und Propaganda-Maschine zu tun, die bereits mehr als einen Staat in der Welt zerstört und heute eine explosive Situation in der Ukraine erzeugt hat.“

    Die weitere Entwicklung hänge vom ukrainischen Präsidenten ab, betonte Glasjew. “Entweder er schützt die ukrainische Staatlichkeit und schlägt die von äußeren Kräften provozierte und finanzierte Meuterei nieder, oder er riskiert, die Macht zu verlieren. In dem Fall erwarten die Ukraine zunehmendes Chaos und innerer Konflikt, dessen Ende nicht in Sicht ist.“

  7. Ukrainian President’s Reform Offers Inadequate – Kerry....

    WASHINGTON, January 31 (RIA Novosti) – US Secretary of State John Kerry said Friday that concessions by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to defuse the standoff with anti-government protesters were not enough to resolve the crisis.

    “The offers … have not yet reached an adequate level of reform and an adequate level of sharing of the future,” Kerry told reporters in Berlin following a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

    Kerry was traveling to an international security conference in Munich, where he planned to meet with members of the Ukrainian opposition. He said he would tell them that their efforts have the “full support” of US President Barack Obama and “the American people.”

    “We will reinforce their courage and their need to continue to be unified as they press for an adequate level of a reform agenda,” Kerry said, adding that he would also convey that a continued standoff or further violence “is not in anybody’s interest.”..............http://en.ria.ru/world/20140131/187094277/Ukrainian-Presidents-Reform-Offers-Inadequate--Kerry.html

  8. Ukraine opposition leader urges West to act...

    A senior Ukrainian opposition leader has called for the West to give more support to help solve his country's political crisis.

    Arseniy Yatsenyuk said Ukraine needed "a Marshall Plan, not martial law", referring to the post-World War Two US aid programme for Europe.

    Mr Yatsenyuk has been talking to foreign leaders on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

    US Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to meet him on Saturday.

    Ukraine has been in turmoil since November, when President Viktor Yanukovych pulled out of an agreement with the EU in favour of a Russian bailout.

    Protesters have since occupied some government buildings in the capital Kiev and other cities.

    After talks with German President Joachim Gauck and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Friday, Mr Yatsenyuk told the Agence France-Presse news agency: "Our German partners expressed their words of support to the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedoms and liberties."

    He added: "Ukraine desperately needs a Marshall Plan and not martial law in order to stabilise the political and economic situation in the country."...........http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25993587

  9. European MPs to adopt Ukraine resolution as US's Nuland goes to Kiev...

    The European Parliament is going to adopt a resolution on the deteriorating situation in Ukrainian. This is according to the Parliament’s political group that calls itself the European People's Party, who said the vote is due on Thursday.

    The PACE has held an extraordinary debate on the Ukrainian crisis that yielded a resolution and a package of recommendations. According to the document, the EP may consider sanctions against Ukraine in April 2014, should the country’s government violate the rights of its nationals or send in troops to break up the Maidan protest camp. The European Parliament has also warned Ukraine that it may be denied its right to vote at the April session.

    Meanwhile, the US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland is expected to come to Kiev on February 6 or 7, where she will meet with the Ukrainian government and opposition forces.
    Voice of Russia

  10. Fresh clashes in Kiev as protesters demand parliamentary vote...

    Protesters clashed with police near Ukraine's parliament Tuesday as they sought to force lawmakers to strip embattled President Viktor Yanukovych of a raft of powers, in the latest bid to break months of political deadlock.

    Police fired rubber bullets and hurled smoke bombs at protesters who threw stones and set two trucks on fire as they tried to break through heavily fortified police cordons around the parliament building, an AFP reporter at the scene said.

    Ukraine's interior ministry said in a statement that three servicemen were injured after protesters directed a truck through the police ranks.

    Some 20,000 mainly peaceful demonstrators massed outside parliament -- where Yanukovych's party has the biggest presence -- to try to push lawmakers to vote on returning the country to its 2004 constitution, under which key powers would shift from the president to parliament............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/fresh-clashes-in-kiev-as-protesters-demand-parliamentary-vote.aspx?pageID=238&nID=62621&NewsCatID=353

  11. Political crisis in Ukraine is result of western support for opposition - Russian Foreign Ministry...

    Russia on Tuesday blamed the policies of Western countries for the latest clashes between pro-EU protesters and police on the streets of Kiev.

    "What is happening is a direct consequence of the policy of connivance among those Western politicians and European agencies that have been shutting their eyes to the aggressive actions of Ukraine's radical forces since the beginning of the crisis," the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.

    Pro-gov’t activists vow to fend off Maidan aggressors

    Pro-government activists have gathered outside the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev to stand up against Maidan aggressors after reports suggested that radicals were mounting an attack on police cordons.

    Journalists report sighting helmet-wearing men with sticks that are flocking to the frontline. They are said to be tearing off cobble stones and pulling them on blankets closer to the site of clashes. Radicals allegedly spot red-and-white ribbons that let them identify allies.

    All obstacles are being moved out of the way, including tents. One of the makeshift tents reportedly caught fire after it was hit with an explosive combat pack and burned down to smoldering ashes within an hour.

    A rival rally of pro-government protesters under the Party of Regions banner is under way near the parliament building. Demonstrators call for an “end to fascism and nazism” and vow support to President Viktor Yanukovich.

    Reporters talk about whiffs of smoke in the government compound and smell of burning tires coming from the juncture between the Europe Square and Grushevsky Street, which have seen the most of recent protest action.................http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2014_02_18/Political-crisis-in-Ukraine-is-result-of-western-policy-which-supports-agressive-actions-of-protesters-Russian-Foreign-Ministry-2823/

  12. Erneut Gewalt in Kiew: Mehrere Polizisten verletzt...

    Trotz der Massenamnestie ist es in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt Kiew zu neuen Ausschreitungen gekommen. Mindestens acht Polizisten wurden bei Zusammenstößen mit radikalen Demonstranten verletzt.

    Wie das Innenministerium mitteilte, wurden zwei Ordnungshüter mit Knochenbrüchen ins Krankenhaus gebracht. Nach Angaben der ukrainischen Agentur Unian bewerfen Radikale die Ordnungskräfte mit Steinen, die Polizei antwortet mit Blendgranaten und Tränengas.

    Die Regierungsgegner fordern eine Rückkehr zur Verfassung von 2004, die dem Parlament und der Regierung mehr Vollmachten eingeräumt hatte. Nachdem sich Parlamentschef Wladimir Rybak am Dienstag geweigert hatte, eine entsprechende Vorlage auf die Tagesordnung zu setzen, blockierten Dutzende Oppositionsabgeordnete das Präsidium der Obersten Rada.............http://de.ria.ru/politics/20140218/267858682.html

  13. Ukraine: «On craint une évacuation violente à Kiev»...

    Kiev est sous tension. Les autorités ukrainiennes ont donné l’ordre aux manifestants qui occupent Maïdan, la Place de l’Indépendance, d’évacuer les lieux.

    Les manifestants qui occupent la Place de l’Indépendance depuis trois mois ont jusqu’à 18 heures pour quitter les lieux. Les rues de Kiev sont sous tension selon le témoignage de notre correspondant sur place, Thibault Marchand.

    « Kiev est complètement bloqué, toutes les lignes du métro sont fermées. Manifestement, les autorités font tout pour empêcher les manifestants de rejoindre la Place de l’Indépendance », rapporte Thibault Marchand. « Les Berkouts ont déjà encerclé Maïdan qui est devenue inaccessible. Des cocktails molotovs ont été envoyé par la police. La grande crainte c’est qu’à 18 heures, il y ait une évacuation violente. Les femmes et les enfants ont déjà été évacués. »


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