Friday, February 27, 2015

Martyrotop EL AN Kratos Times and Intel agencies News in brief (March 2015 - A)

"Germany’s chronic trade surpluses lie at the heart of Europe’s problems; far from boosting the global economy, they are dragging it down. The best way to end this perverse situation is for Germany to leave the Eurozone," argues Patrick Chovanec, an adjunct professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University..................Best Solution for Eurozone Crisis? Germany Should Divorce the Euro


  1. U.N. envoy in Damascus to seek quick Aleppo truce...

    U.N. peace envoy Staffan de Mistura hopes to finalize a deal to freeze fighting in war-ravaged second city Aleppo during talks Saturday with the Syrian government, an official said.

    De Mistura is due in Damascus in the afternoon and “hopes to set in motion as soon as possible his project” to halt fighting in Aleppo for six weeks, said a member of his delegation who spoke on condition of anonymity.

    The envoy has met with government officials and opposition chiefs in recent weeks to promote his plan for a temporary truce in Aleppo in order to move aid into the northern city.

    Once Syria’s commercial hub, Aleppo has been devastated by fighting that began in mid-2012, and the city is now split between loyalist forces and rebels.

    Last week De Mistura said “the government of Syria has indicated to me its willingness to halt all aerial bombing and artillery shelling for a period of six weeks all over the city of Aleppo from a date we’ll announce from Damascus.”

    Under the plan, rebels would be asked to suspend rocket and mortar fire in the city during the freeze...................

  2. The court of the Islamic State (IS) militant group on Saturday exonerated 29 Christian Assyrians kidnapped earlier this week in northern Syria, a monitoring group reported...

    The IS court decided to release the 29 Assyrians after investigating them who have not yet departed the IS-controlled areas in the northeastern province of Hasaka, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    The 29 people are part of those 220 Assyrians the IS kidnapped on Feb. 23 when the group stormed the town of Tal Tamr in Hasaka, the Observatory said, adding that the Assyrian leaders have conducted talks with the IS through mediators to secure the release of the snatched Assyrians.

    The Observatory added that the rest of the kidnaped Assyrians will also be subject to trial at the court of the IS there.

    On Friday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry condemned the IS attack on Assyrian areas in Hasaka, saying the IS unleashed attacks on tens of predominantly Assyrian villages, including Tal Hurmoz, Tal Shamiram, Tal Rumman, Tal Nasra and many more towns in the countryside of the Hasaka province, deprived many lives and kidnapped around 200 civilians.

    Meanwhile, over 690 families were displaced by the IS attacks, not to mention the desecration of worship places and churches, the state SANA news agency quoted the ministry as saying.

    1. The Islamic State group released at least 19 Christians on Sunday who were among the more than 220 people the militants took captive in northeastern Syria last week, activists and a local leader said...

      Bashir Saedi, a senior official in the Assyrian Democratic Organization, said the 16 men and three women arrived safely Sunday and were now at the Church of the Virgin Mary in the city of Hassakeh.

      The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group also reported that 19 Christians had been freed, but put the number at 17 men and two women..................

  3. Egipto puede empezar en Libia una "guerra sin cuartel" contra el EI "en unos días" ...

    Egipto no está satisfecho con los ataques aéreos de la coalición internacional liderada por EE.UU. y en unos días lanzará una "guerra sin cuartel" contra los milicianos libios aliados del Estado Islámico, informa 'DEBKAfile'. De momento. El Cairo ha ordenado a sus militares desembarcar en la ciudad de Derna, en el noreste de Libia, .

    Egipto ha desplegado sus tropas para una "guerra sin cuartel" contra el Estado Islámico (EI) en Libia, informa el portal israelí 'DEBKAfile', citando sus fuentes militares.

    Si los planes de ataque se confirman, el presidente egipcio Abdelfatah Al-Sisi se convertiría en el primer Gobernador árabe que decide "desafiar" al EI en un "país árabe aliado", mientras la amenaza que representa el EI se expande por Oriente Medio ante el "impulso evanescente" de los esfuerzos para combatir al EI en Siria e Irak de la coalición internacional liderada por EE.UU., informa el portal................

  4. Griechenland bittet Russland um Lockerung des Agrar-Embargos...

    Die Regierung in Athen hat Russland gebeten, die Einfuhr von Apfelsinen, Erdbeeren und Pfirsiche aus Griechenland wieder zu erlauben. Moskau hatte im August den Import von Agrarprodukten aus der gesamten EU - als Reaktion auf deren Sanktionen - gestoppt.

    Wie die Athener Nachrichtenagentur ANA meldet, hat der griechische Vize-Agrarminister Panagiotis Sgouridis auf einer Messe in Thessaloniki den Vertreter des russischen Landwirtschaftsministeriums Alexej Alexejenko gebeten, die drei griechischen Produkte von dem Lebensmittelembargo auszunehmen. Alexejenko habe versprochen, diese Bitte an Regierungschef Dmitri Medwedew weiterzuleiten. Sgouridis ist laut ANA optimistisch: „Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass diese Waren vom Embargo ausgenommen werden, ist hoch.“ Zudem sondiere Griechenland Möglichkeiten, um Pflanzen und Tiere auf den russischen Markt zu liefern................

  5. The Israeli military said it had mobilized some 13,000 soldiers for an unannounced drill on Sunday in the occupied West Bank, in the first such exercise in three years...

    A terse statement said army chief Gadi Eisenkot had called a "surprise exercise in Central Command" -- the military front that controls land captured in a 1967 war which is sought by Palestinians as part of a future state.

    Footage of the exercise filmed by an Israeli television station showed soldiers in armored vehicles practicing how to handle casualties at the scene of a confrontation.

    The drill came on the day that Palestinians said they would consider dissolving security cooperation with Israel over Israel's recent suspension of tax revenue transfers..............

    1. Israeli military holds surprise West Bank drill...

      (Reuters) - The Israeli military said it had mobilized some 13,000 soldiers for an unannounced drill on Sunday in the occupied West Bank, in the first such exercise in three years.

      A terse statement said army chief Gadi Eisenkot had called a "surprise exercise in Central Command" -- the military front that controls land captured in a 1967 war which is sought by Palestinians as part of a future state.

      Footage of the exercise filmed by an Israeli television station showed soldiers in armored vehicles practicing how to handle casualties at the scene of a confrontation....................

  6. A Palestinian activist says 80 percent of West Bank shops no longer carry products from six major Israel food companies, as a boycott takes hold...

    The Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced the campaign this month, after Israel halted the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinian Authority. Israel took that step after the Palestinians joined the International Criminal Court to seek war crimes charges against Israel.

    Fatah activists gave shops until this weekend to remove the products.

    Campaign leader Abdullah Kmail said Sunday that 20 percent of the shops still carry some Israeli goods, but "are getting rid of what they have."

    He says the boycott in its current form would end if tax transfers resume, but that appeals to consumers to shun Israeli goods will continue.

  7. North Korea fired two short-range missiles into the sea as annual US-South Korea military exercises got under way, officials in Seoul say....

    The two missiles, with a range of 490km (305 miles), were fired from the western city of Nampo into the sea east of the Korean peninsula, the South Korean military said.

    The drills, involving tens of thousands of troops, always anger Pyongyang.

    It traditionally shows its displeasure with missile tests and louder rhetoric.

    Seoul and Washington describe the military exercises as defensive in nature. North Korea calls them a rehearsal for invasion.

    Key Resolve, a largely computer-simulated exercise, lasts 12 days and Foal Eagle, which has ground, air and sea components, lasts eight weeks.
    'Merciless strikes'

    In a statement, South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the missiles, fired early on Monday, were probably Scud Cs or Scud Ds.

    The military remained "vigilant against any additional launches", it said.

    Earlier in the day the North Korean military condemned the exercises as "undisguised encroachment" on national sovereignty.

    Aggression should be dealt with by "merciless strikes", it said in a statement carried by KCNA news agency............

    1. North Korea, angered by drills, fires short-range missiles off coast...

      (Reuters) - North Korea fired two short-range missiles off its east coast on Monday, the South Korean military said, a move seen as a protest against annual military exercises between South Korea and the United States that were due to start hours later.

      The missiles hit the sea early on Monday morning after traveling for about 490 km (305 miles), according to South Korea's defense ministry.

      The firing came on the day when the U.S.-South Korean military exercises were scheduled to begin. The secretive North denounces the drills as a preparation for war.................

  8. Deadly rocket attack launched in Libya’s Benghazi...

    Rockets hit residential areas in Libya’s Benghazi on Sunday, killing at least two people and wounding more than 30 others in continued fighting over the city, officials said.

    Nearly four years after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi, Libya is caught up in a conflict between two rival governments, one internationally recognized and the other controlling Tripoli since its fighters took over the capital in the summer.

    The conflict involves loose confederations of rebel brigades who once battled Qaddafi, and Benghazi is a battle between a former Libyan general who declared war on Islamist militants, and an alliance of militants and former rebel fighters.

    Libyan military official Fadil Hassi said two people were killed and 30 wounded when at least two rockets hit downtown Benghazi.............

  9. North Korea ready to go to war in case of US provocations — Foreign Ministry...

    Pyonyang considers joint US-South Korean Key Resolve и Foal Eagle military drills an agressive action in the frame of US strategy of toppling the social system of North Korea, a representative of the country's Foreign Ministry has announced.

    The diplomat said that North Korea is ready to go to war in response to provocations by the US. The statement runs that the US is trying to undermine North Korea's efforts to concentrate on economic development by means of military pressure. According to the ministry, the US authorities are escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula in order to justify building up US military presence in the Asia-Pacific region.

    The ministry representative reminded that this year North Korea said it was ready to introduce a moratorium on nuclear tests should the US and South Korea give up plans to hold the regular massive drills and offered talks on the issue.

    However, the US government has rejected Pyongyang’s initiative and US President Barack Obama announced a decision to impose additional sanctions on North Korea...................

  10. A senior commander of Hamas’ military wing said on Monday that while his organization has no interest at the moment in fighting Israel, the Gaza-based Islamist group wants to double its arsenal of rockets and missiles in anticipation of the next round of fighting...

    Marwan Issa told a gathering Gaza City that Hamas continues to manufacture rockets and forge alliances with whoever can assist its cause.

    The remarks were reported by Israel Radio.

  11. Dijsselbloem: Griechen könnten früher Geld bekommen...

    Griechenland steht schon wieder vor leeren Staatskassen. Schon im März könnte das Land deshalb Geld seiner internationalen Gläubiger bekommen – wenn es sofort mit Reformen beginnt.

    Das klamme Griechenland kann bereits im März auf eine Milliarden-Überweisung seiner internationalen Geldgeber hoffen. Voraussetzung sei der Beginn notwendiger Reformen, sagte Eurogruppen-Chef Jeroen Dijsselbloem der „Financial Times“. „Meine Botschaft an die Griechen lautet: Versucht das Programm zu starten, bevor die gesamten Verhandlungen beendet sind“, sagte der niederländische Finanzminister. „Es gibt Elemente, mit denen bereits heute begonnen werden kann. Wenn ihr das tut, dann könnte es irgendwann im März eine erste Überweisung geben. Das aber würde Fortschritt erfordern und nicht bloß Absichten.“.....................

  12. Kiev disbanding notorious volunteer battalion, new unit under army control...

    Ukraine's Defense Ministry is disbanding an armed militia group blamed for abuse during recent months of regional conflict, said to be out of control and with a splinter faction planning unrest in the capital.

    Notorious punitive batallion Aidar is being replaced by a regular forces unit under army orders and headed by Lieutenant Colonol Yevgeny Ptashnik, spokesman for the General Staff Vladislav Seleznyov told reporters on Monday...........

  13. ECB uncomfortable with leading role in Greek funding drama...

    European Central Bank policymakers decamp to Cyprus on Wednesday wrestling with the uncomfortable fact that they may hold the keys to Greece's continued membership of the euro.

    With no political appetite for a 'transfer union' that could see wealthier countries subsidize Greece, the central bank figures prominently among the main options for staving off an impending funding crunch in Athens.

    This is awkward for the ECB, an independent central bank desperate to stay out of the political debate over Greece's future but whose lender-of-last-resort function may leave it as the only institution able to stop an economic collapse there.

    "The ECB is justified in being cautious because of the highly political exposure," said Richard Portes, professor of economics at London Business School, noting that the bank has just completed a sensitive, political debate over a sovereign bond-buying plan.

    After that debate, the ECB sought to remove itself from the political firing line. Observing its rules strictly, the ECB cut off Greek banks from its funding after Athens abandoned its bailout program, a condition for access to the ECB funds.

    The move forced Greek banks onto emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) from their national central bank - a temporary facility that raised the pressure on governments to find a political solution before the banking sector tipped into crisis................

  14. Varoufakis veut une restructuration « intelligente » de la dette grecque...

    Le ministre des finances grec, Yanis Varoufakis, plaide pour une restructuration « intelligente » de la dette de la Grèce, tout en prenant acte qu'un effacement serait inacceptable pour ses créanciers, dans une interview publiée lundi 2 mars en Allemagne.

    « Une décote est un gros mot. Je l'ai appris. Tout comme nous ne voulons pas entendre parler du mot “troïka”, nos créanciers ne veulent pas entendre parler du mot “décote”. C'est quelque chose que je comprends », a déclaré M. Varoufakis au quotidien allemand des affaires Handelsblatt. « Il y a des solutions plus intelligentes, a ajouté le ministre grec. Nous pourrions reconvertir une partie des crédits que nous avons reçus du fonds de sauvetage européen FESF en obligations, dont le coupon et les remboursements seraient indexés sur l'évolution de notre produit intérieur brut. »


    Les partenaires de la Grèce ont consenti la semaine dernière à prolonger jusqu'à juin leur programme d'aide au pays. D'ici là, Athènes et ses partenaires doivent se mettre d'accord sur un nouveau contrat, et le gouvernement d'Alexis Tsipras doit mettre en œuvre une série de réformes. « Je ne veux pas que l'Etat continue à s'endetter. Le nouvel accord que nous voulons négocier d'ici à fin juin doit consister en un pacte de croissance, qui s'appuierait sur des investissements du secteur privé », a plaidé M. Varoufakis...................

  15. US Secretary of State John Kerry has accused pro-Russia separatists of a "piecemeal" approach to the ceasefire agreement for eastern Ukraine...

    Speaking at the UN, he said the rebels were only withdrawing heavy weapons from the front line in selective areas.

    Meanwhile Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said there had been "tangible progress" with the truce.

    Both Ukraine and the rebels say they are withdrawing heavy weapons in line with the deal made in Minsk last month...........

  16. Le controversé général Haftar prend la tête de l'armée libyenne...

    L'ex-proche de Kadhafi, Khalifa Haftar, a été nommé lundi à la tête de l'armée libyenne par le gouvernement de Tobrouk, reconnu par la communauté internationale. Un message à l'intention des Occidentaux pour légitimer ses actions.

    L’ex-général Khalifa Haftar, 71 ans, sort officiellement de sa retraite. L’ancien proche de Kadhafi a été nommé lundi 2 mars commandant en chef de l'armée libyenne rattachée au gouvernement de Tobrouk, reconnu par la communauté internationale.

    Par le passé, Khalifa Haftar avait d’abord servi Mouammar Kadhafi, avant de se retourner contre lui. De retour en Libye en 2011, il a soutenu la rébellion et récupéré ses galons. Aujourd’hui, il se positionne comme l'homme fort de l'Est libyen, où s'est installé à Tobrouk un gouvernement reconnu par la communauté internationale, mais chassé l'été dernier de la capitale libyenne. À Tripoli en effet, c’est une autre administration qui a été mise en place par des miliciens islamistes venus de Misrata...............

    1. Libya's renegade general Khalifa Haftar has been appointed as head of the Libyan national army, according to a lawmaker at the internationally recognized parliament on Monday...

      Parliament Speaker Aqila Issa promoted Haftar and named him as the supreme commander of the Armed Forces, said lawmaker Tarik al-Geroushi.

      Local media reported that Hafter has taken the post of the army's chief of staff or the general commander, but there was no official confirmation except from the House of Representatives.

      Haftar, who played a major role in toppling former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, has been waging a war on Libya's Islamist armed groups since last May.

      His secular-leaning militias, now incorporated into the Libyan national army, are seen as the backbones of Libya's internationally recognized government and parliament, now operating in Tobruk, a port city in northeast Libya.

      In the eastern part of the country, Hafter has amassed popular support by battling "terrorists" and extremist groups. In the west, his fighters are confronting the local Islamist alliance Libya Dawn, who occupied the capital city of Tripoli and established a rival government and parliament.

      Libya has witnessed a drastic escalation of violence after the 2011 turmoil which toppled Muammar Gaddafi. The Islamist militants and pro-secular militia have been vying for cities and towns for months, and fighting still flares near Tripoli, Benghazi and Gharyan.

  17. Kotzias: intégrer la Russie à l'architecture de sécurité européenne...

    A travers l'histoire, la Russie et la Grèce ont toujours maintenu de très bonnes relations.

    La Russie doit être intégrée à l'architecture de sécurité européenne, a déclaré le ministre grec des Affaires étrangères Nikos Kotzias dans une interview à l'agence Sputnik.

    "Nous estimons que la Russie devrait à long terme être intégrée dans l'architecture sécuritaire européenne et qu'il n’y a pas besoin d'un système sécuritaire orienté sur une confrontation avec la Russie", a dit le chef de la diplomatie grecque.

    Selon M.Kotzias, l'Europe ne doit pas rompre ses relations avec la Russie, et la Russie, à son tour, doit s'abstenir de démarches qui minent la confiance dans ses relations avec l'Union européenne.

  18. Ukraine says Russia continues to violate winter gas agreement...

    Russia rebuffed Ukrainian accusations it was holding back on gas deliveries and warned that Kiev's credit would run out this week as the two sides sat down on Monday for EU-mediated energy talks in Brussels.

    A "winter package" of Russian gas for Ukraine, brokered and part-financed by the European Union runs out at the end of the month and EU officials are now trying to help Kiev arrange summer supplies from Moscow with the two sides locked in conflict over the pro-Russian revolt in eastern Ukraine..........

  19. A deal on Iran's nuclear programme could be concluded this week if the United States and other Western countries have sufficient political will and agree to remove sanctions on Tehran, Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday...

    "Our negotiating partners, particularly the Western countries and particularly the United States, must once and for all come to the understanding that sanctions and agreement don't go together," he said in Geneva. "If they want an agreement, sanctions must go... We believe all sanctions must be lifted."

    He told reporters that that Iran, whose disagreement with six world powers over how fast sanctions should be dropped is one of the main obstacles to a final nuclear accord, had demonstrated its political will by bringing its highest authorities to the talks and leaving "no stone unturned". .................Reuters............

  20. Rusia califica de genocidio el asesinato de egipcios cristianos por el Estado Islámico...

    Moscú califica de genocidio el asesinato de los egipcios coptos por los yihadistas del grupo Estado Islámico (EI), declaró el ministro de Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, en una reunión de alto nivel para la defensa de los cristianos.

    "Es difícil encontrar palabras para describir el asesinato brutal de 21 coptos cristianos egipcios, perpetrado el mes pasado en Libia, en crímenes así vemos todas las características de un genocidio según su sentido definido en la Convención (para la Prevención y la Sanción del Delito de Genocidio de Naciones Unidas) de 1948", destacó el canciller ruso..................

  21. The United States is urging its European partners to refrain from doing business with Russia over its alleged role in the Ukrainian crisis, US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf said, commenting on the bilateral agreements between Russia and Cyprus signed last week...

    “We’ve been clear that this is not the time for business as usual with Russia,” Harf said during a press briefing on Monday. “We’ve stressed with our European allies and partners the importance of unity in pressing Russia to stop fueling conflict in eastern Ukraine. That’s certainly something we feel very strongly about.”

    Russia and Cyprus signed nine documents on cooperation, including military, naval and anti-terrorism agreements during the visit of Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades to Moscow...............Read more:

  22. Australia to send 300 more troops to Iraq on training mission...

    (Reuters) - Australia will send an additional 300 soldiers to help train Iraqi forces fighting Islamic State militants, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Tuesday, following a request from the United States to contribute to an international training coalition.

    Australia last year committed a 600-strong force comprising some 400 airforce personnel and 200 special forces soldiers to help fight Islamic State.

    The new Australian troops will join around 140 New Zealand Defence Force members and be based at Taji, northwest of Baghdad, Abbott told reporters...........

  23. Berlín acogerá el viernes una nueva reunión cuatripartita sobre Ucrania...

    Altos cargos de Alemania, Francia, Rusia y Ucrania se reunirán el próximo viernes 6 de marzo en Berlín para abordar la situación en Donbás, informó el portavoz del Gobierno germano, Steffen Seibert.

    "La futura implementación de los asuntos debatidos se analizará este viernes en Berlín en la sede del Ministerio de Exteriores a alto nivel oficial", dijo Seibert citado por la web del Ejecutivo alemán...........

  24. Ukraine’s Naftogaz owes $2.4 billion in arrears, including $200 million in penalties, for Russian gas deliveries, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Tuesday...

    “As of today, Ukraine’s Naftogaz’s debt before Gazprom stands at $2.4 billion, of which $2.2 billion is the amount of debt for gas delivered in 2014 and around $200 million in penalties,” Novak said on Russia’s Rossiya-24 television.
    Read more:

  25. UN envoy arrives in Syria's Aleppo to negotiate temporary truce...

    UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has arrived in Aleppo on Tuesday to facilitate temporary truce between the government forces and rebels. Local ceasefire will first be established in one of Aleppo’s districts and then expanded to other areas.

    Aleppo, 360 kilometers north of Damascus, is considered to be trade and economic capital of Syria. From August 2012, the city was split in two parts - its western districts are controlled by the Syrian army, while eastern part of Aleppo is controlled by several armed groups.

    The city has been damaged in fighting, and de Mistura has urged the sides to accept his plan on halting combat actions in order to provide humanitarian aid for local population.

  26. Ukraine says return of Crimea a must for mending ties with Russia...

    No normalization of ties between Ukraine and Russia is likely unless the region of Crimea, now under Russian control, is returned to Kiev's sovereignty, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said on Tuesday.

    Klimkin, on the second day of his two-day trip to Japan, also said the border between Ukraine and Russia needed to be completely closed to achieve any settlement to the armed conflict between Kiev and pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine..........

  27. Turquie: un laboratoire dans le palais d'Erdogan pour goûter ses repas....

    Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan, surnommé "le nouveau sultan" par ses détracteurs, sera protégé de toute menace d'empoisonnement grâce à un laboratoire qui sera construit dans son luxueux palais, a déclaré son médecin personnel, cité mardi par le journal Hürriyet.........

  28. Elysee-Palast: Westen zu „starker Reaktion“ auf Verstöße gegen Minsk-Abkommen bereit..

    Die USA und westeuropäische Länder sind zu einer „starken Reaktion“ auf Verstöße gegen die Minsker Vereinbarungen bereit. Das erklärte der Elysee-Palast am Dienstag nach einer Videokonferenz von US-Präsident Barack Obama mit den führenden Repräsentanten einiger EU-Länder und EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk................

  29. Libya oil fields of Bahi and Mabruk 'seized by militants'...

    Islamist militants are reported to have seized two oil fields in central Libya, as rival groups fight for control of the country.

    Forces guarding the al-Bahi and al-Mabruk sites retreated after running out of ammunition.

    Libya's internationally recognised government in Tobruk is locked in a bitter battle with rivals Libya Dawn, who control the capital, Tripoli.

    The two sides also mounted airstrikes against each other on Tuesday.

    "Extremists took control of the al-Bahi and al-Mabruk fields and are now heading to seize the al-Dahra field following the retreat of the forces guarding these sites," said Colonel Ali al-Hassi, a spokesman for the oil industry security service.

    The sites had been closed for some weeks due to violence and a slow-down of exports.............

  30. Australian convicts transferred to Indonesian island for execution...

    (Reuters) - Two convicted Australian drug smugglers were transferred on Wednesday from a Bali prison to an island for execution along with other foreigners, underlining Indonesia's determination to use the death penalty despite international criticism.

    The planned executions of Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, have ratcheted up diplomatic tensions between Australia and Indonesia following repeated pleas for mercy on their behalf. They are among 11 death row convicts scheduled to go before a firing squad on the prison island of Nusakambangan.................

  31. Libyan peace talks set to resume ...

    A new round of United Nations-facilitated talks aimed at resolving Libya's political crisis will kick-off later this week as stakeholders from the North African country prepare to gather in Morocco, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has announced............

  32. Ukraine parliament speaker says 32 killed in coal mine blast...

    An explosion at a coal mine in war-torn eastern Ukraine killed 32 workers Wednesday, the speaker of Ukraine's parliament said. Rebels who control the area confirmed only one death but acknowledged that some miners were still trapped.

    Volodymyr Groysman told lawmakers that the accident happened before dawn at a mine in the city of Donetsk, which is under the control of separatist rebels. It was unclear what the source was for Groysman's information.

    Separatist authorities in Donetsk said in a statement that the blast occurred at a depth of more than 1,000 metres and that 230 workers were in the mine at the time. The statement said the explosion was caused by a mixture of gas and air - a common cause of industrial mining accidents.

    Rebel authorities said the incident at the Zasyadko mine was not caused by shelling................

  33. Libye: Paris appelle à un règlement politique de la crise...

    La crise en Libye ne peut être résolue qu'après la mise en place d'un gouvernement d'unité nationale, estime le représentant permanent de la France auprès de l'Onu François Delattre.

    Selon le diplomate, une éventuelle résolution politique de la crise libyenne aidera à combattre le terrorisme d'une façon plus efficace. Le "vide politique" qui règne actuellement dans le pays crée des conditions propices à la montée en puissance de groupes terroristes, a expliqué M.Delattre lors d'une conférence de presse mardi.............

  34. Obama verlängert US-Sanktionen gegen Russland um ein Jahr...

    US-Präsident Barack Obama hat die Sanktionen gegen Russland um ein weiteres Jahr verlängert, teilte das Weiße Haus am Mittwoch mit.

    „Ich verlängere den Modus des nationalen Notstands per Dekret 13660“, heißt es in einer Erklärung von Obama.

    Mit dem „Executive Order 13660“ vom 6. März 2014 war erstmals der Notstand im Verhältnis zu Russland im Zusammenhang mit der Ukraine-Krise verhängt worden..................

  35. Donetsk official does not confirm 32 people died in coal mine explosion...

    Head of Kievsky and Kuybyshevsky districts of Donetsk Ivan Prikhodko has not confirmed Wednesday that an explosion at Zasyadko coal mine killed 30 people.

    "For now, I can only say that there are 32 people trapped underground. One person is killed. Until rescuers reach them, it is at least unethical to talk about their death," the Donetsk News Agency quoted Prikhodko as saying...............

  36. Grexit: Märkte misstrauen der Macht der Euro-Retter...

    Obwohl sich die Euro-Partner mit Athen vorläufig einigen konnten, glauben die Börsianer nicht an einen Erfolg der Euro-Retter. Sie rechnen mit einem Austritt. Doch sie misstrauen nicht nur den Griechen...........

  37. An IDF Navy vessel opened fire Wednesday at a Gazan boat that crossed the recognized line demarcating the Gaza Strip's fishing zone...

    It was still unknown whether or not anyone on board was injured, though the vessel itself sustained damage.

  38. Turkey’s Military Aid Reaches Iraq ...

    Two planes carrying military aid land in Baghdad and have delivered much needed supplies and was handed over by Ambassador Kaymakci to Iraq Defense Officials.

    Two planes carrying Turkish military aid to Iraq have landed in Baghdad.

    According to an Anadolu Agency correspondent, two C-130-type military planes landed at Muthenna Air Base on Tuesday.

    Turkey's ambassador to Baghdad, Faruk Kaymakci, said: "Turkey will continue to stand with the Iraqi government within the scope of the international coalition against Daesh [the Arabic acronym for ISIL] and we will contribute for the stability, security and prosperity of Iraq."

  39. Italy's Coast Guard is bringing nearly 1,000 migrants to southern Italian ports from several different boat rescues, but 10 migrants perished at sea....

    The Coast Guard said Wednesday its vessels and three cargo ships south of Sicily rescued 941 people in seven separate operations that began a day earlier. The migrants had been aboard five motorized dinghies and two larger vessels. One of the migrant boats capsized.

    Hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of migrants, fleeing conflicts or poverty, reach Italy weekly on smugglers' boats setting sail from Libya.

    The Coast Guard said the migrants claimed to be Syrians, Palestinians, Libyans, Tunisians or from sub-Saharan Africa.

  40. Kostenlose Lebensmittel für 300.000 verarmte Griechen...

    Die griechische Regierung hat ein Anti-Krisen-Gesetz auf den Weg gebracht. Sie will Tausenden Griechen mit Lebensmittelkarten und Mietzuschüssen helfen. Das Gesetz soll 200 Millionen Euro kosten...........

  41. Le nombre d'immigrés illégaux dans l'Union européenne a triplé en 2014...

    Le nombre d'immigrés entrés illégalement en Europe l'année dernière est de 274.000. Un chiffre confirmé ce mercredi par l'agence Frontex et qui a presque triplé par rapport à l'année précédente. Ces personnes qui viennent chercher refuge en Europe sont en grande majorité des Syriens : sur 274.000 immigrés entrés illégalement en Europe en 2014, 60.000 ont fuit la Syrie et la guerre civile qui y fait rage depuis quatre ans. Mais ces immigrés viennent aussi d’Érythrée, du Soudan ou encore d'Irak...............

  42. Bulgarien will das Projekt der Gaspipeline Nabucco reanimieren lassen und zu einem Transitland für Gas aus Aserbaidschan werden. Das erklärte Bulgariens Regierungschef Boiko Borissow am Mittwoch nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur AFP...

    Nach Verhandlungen mit Aserbaidschans Präsident Ilcham Alijew teilte Borissow mit, Sofia möchte wenigstens den westlichen Teil der Nabucco-Pipeline reanimieren, der von der geplanten Transanatolischen Pipeline (TANAP) Richtung Bulgarien verlegt werden soll. Die TANAP-Leitung mit einer Durchsatzkapazität von rund 16 Milliarden Kubikmeter pro Jahr soll durch die Türkei verlaufen und die geplante Trans-Adria-Pipeline (TAP) über die Südkaukasus-Pipeline mit dem Gasfeld Schah Denis in Aserbaidschan verbinden.....................

  43. Turkey's prime minister and his economic team will seek to calm nerves among top investors in New York who hold more than 20 percent of the main Istanbul stock index, after President Tayyip Erdogan's tirades against the central bank helped send the lira to record lows...

    Erdogan has repeatedly attacked the bank over its failure to cut interest rates as sharply as he wants ahead of a June general election, telling its governor and Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, who is in charge of the economy, to “shape up.”

    His comments have fueled uncertainty about the future of both Babacan, an anchor of investor confidence, and bank governor Erdem Basci. Ministers have tried to reassure markets that neither is about to quit...............

  44. Erdoğan uses Atatürk’s yacht for first time to host Bosnian leader...

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has used the Savarona, the official yacht of the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, for the first time ever to host a foreign leader.

    Erdoğan was originally scheduled to meet Turkmenistan President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow aboard the Savarona, which sits moored along the Bosphorus, before hosting Bakir Izetbegovic, the chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the historic Mabeyn Mansion in Istanbul on March 4.

    After Berdimuhamedow cut his Istanbul trip short to return to Turkmenistan to see his ailing mother, the Erdoğan-Izetbegovic meeting was relocated to the Savarona yacht. The two leaders and their accompanying Turkish and Bosnian delegations set sail on the Bosphorus at noon. The yacht was escorted by eight salvage tugs................

  45. MH370: Australian PM Abbott hints at scaled back search...

    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has hinted that the search for missing flight MH370 may be scaled back.

    But, speaking to MPs and passengers' relatives ahead of the anniversary of the disappearance, Mr Abbott said he hoped the plane would be found.

    He said that those with loved ones aboard the flight had been through a "harrowing nightmare".

    The Malaysia Airlines plane vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 March 2014 with 239 people on board.

    "I do reassure the families of our hope and expectation that the ongoing search will succeed," Mr Abbott told parliament in Canberra..........

  46. The Islamist State group's bloody war of expansion in Iraq and Syria includes forcing boys from the Yazidi religious minority to train as child soldiers...

    Habib Kalish, 14, says that when he and other frightened boys were herded down the corridors of the school where they were being held into a large courtyard, he assumed his worst nightmares were about to become reality.

    “They told us, ‘We will train you to become fighters like us’,” recalls Habib of his time at the school, in the northwestern Iraqi town of Talafar. “Then after a while they brought us guns… Kalashnikovs and later grenades.”

    In addition to military drills, self-proclaimed jihadists from the Islamic State (IS) organization set out to indoctrinate Habib and other kids from the Yazidi religious minority. Koran lessons and forced mass prayers were part of the routine.............

  47. Australia seeks Indonesia prisoner swap as executions loom..

    (Reuters) - Australia's foreign minister said on Thursday she had proposed a prisoner swap to her Indonesian counterpart in an 11th hour effort to save the lives of two Australian drug smugglers expected to face a firing squad within days.

    The planned executions of Myuran Sukumaran, 33, and Andrew Chan, 31, have ratcheted up diplomatic tension between Australia and Indonesia following repeated pleas for mercy on their behalf. They are among a group of up to 11 convicts, mostly foreigners, due to be executed on the prison island of Nusakambangan.

    Also facing execution are citizens of France, Brazil, the Philippines, Ghana and Nigeria, as well as Indonesia.

    Speaking after Australian politicians held a candlelight dawn vigil outside parliament house in support of the men, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said she had spoken to Indonesia's foreign minister earlier this week..........

  48. The US ambassador to South Korea has been injured, but his injuries are not life threatening, a White House official said on Wednesday, speaking on background...

    Ambassador Mark Lippert, 42, was attending a breakfast forum in central Seoul when an unidentified assailant attacked him, slashing him in the face, a witness at the event told Reuters.

    1. L'ambassadeur américain à Séoul blessé au couteau par un nationaliste coréen...

      L'ambassadeur américain en Corée du Sud, Mark Lippert, a été blessé par arme blanche jeudi à Séoul par un militant nationaliste opposé à l'alliance militaire entre son pays et les Etats-Unis.

      Le président Barack Obama a appelé l'ambassadeur pour lui souhaiter un "prompt rétablissement", a indiqué Bernadette Meehan, porte-parole du Conseil de sécurité nationale (NSC), tandis que le département d'Etat a "condamné avec force" un "acte de violence".

      L'assaillant, armé selon la police d'un couteau de cuisine d'environ 25 centimètres, a attaqué Mark Lippert alors qu'il participait à une réunion autour d'un petit-déjeuner à l'Institut culturel Sejong, dans le centre de Séoul.

      "Cet homme a brusquement surgi du public au moment où le petit-déjeuner commençait. Des gens ont tenté de l'arrêter mais tout s'est passé très vite. L'ambassadeur a été blessé au visage et conduit à l'hôpital", a témoigné Kim Young-man, un porte-parole du Conseil coréen pour la réconciliation et la coopération qui organisait l'événement.................

  49. Deutschland verdient mit Griechen-Krediten Millionen...

    Die Schuldenkrise in Griechenland kostet die Deutschen viel Nerven und Geduld. Allerdings ist sie bislang für den Staat recht einträglich. Die Zinseinnahmen waren üppig. Doch das wird sich nun ändern.

    Der Bund hat von Griechenland in den vergangenen Jahren 360 Millionen Euro an Zinszahlungen für Hilfskredite eingenommen. Wie die "Rheinische Post" unter Berufung auf eine Antwort des Finanzministeriums auf eine Anfrage der Linke-Fraktion berichtete, beziehen sich die Zahlen auf den Zeitraum von 2010 bis 2014. Für die kommenden Jahre erwartet die Bundesregierung demnach nur noch Einnahmen für den Bundeshaushalt in Höhe von rund 20 Millionen Euro jährlich.............

  50. Hilfskredite: Griechenland zahlte Deutschland 360 Millionen Euro Zinsen...

    ......Die 40 Seiten lange Antwort auf den Fragenkatalog der Linken-Fraktion enthält dem Bericht zufolge eine Fülle von Daten, die den wirtschaftlichen Schrumpfungsprozess in Griechenland in den vergangenen Jahren dokumentieren. So sei das Volumen notleidender Kredite zwischen 2012 und 2014 von 46 auf 78 Milliarden Euro gestiegen. Linken-Politiker Andrej Hunko wertete das als Beleg dafür, dass die Krisenpolitik der EU "auf ganzer Linie gescheitert" sei.

    Nach einer Vereinbarung mit den Finanzministern der Eurozone muss die griechische Regierung bis Ende April einen detaillierten Reformplan vorlegen und anschließend umsetzen, um weitere 7,2 Milliarden Euro aus dem laufenden Rettungsprogramm zu erhalten.

    Am Mittwoch gelang es Finanzminister Giannis Varoufakis, rund 1,1 Milliarden Euro am Finanzmarkt aufzunehmen. Die Anleihen - sogenannte T-Bills - haben eine Laufzeit von sechs Monaten. Allerdings wurden dafür 2,97 Prozent Zinsen fällig - nach 2,75 Prozent für ein ähnliches Geschäft im Februar. Die Ausgabe der T-Bills ist derzeit die einzige Möglichkeit für Athen, den Kapitalmarkt anzuzapfen.

  51. Poverty persists in oil-rich Niger Delta...

    The Niger Delta is where almost all of Nigeria’s oil comes from, but the region remains one of the poorest in the country.

    President Goodluck Jonathan hails from the region, and when he was elected, many people hoped their lives would improve. However, little has changed.

    Al Jazeera's Haru Mutasa went back to a village she visited in 2007, to see if anything has

  52. French President Francois Hollande and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras are among the leaders who have been invited to this year’s Nevruz celebrations in Diyarbakır...

    The Democratic Society Congress (DTK) spokesperson Seydi Fırat said during a press conference held about this year’s Nevruz program that they had invited Hollande, Tsipras, Iraqi President Fuad Masum, Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq President Masoud Barzani and the heads of the Kurdish cantons in Syria to the event.

    Fırat said the message by the imprisoned leader of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan, will be very important this year, as this year’s Nevruz comes at a time when the Kurdish peace process has become more prominent..................

  53. Russia's Defence Ministry said on Thursday that large-scale anti-aircraft exercises had started in southern Russia, involving over 2,000 troops and 500 items of weaponry, Interfax reported...

    The Defence Ministry added that the military exercises would last until April 10 and take place in the Southern, and North Caucasus Federal Districts.

    It said the exercises would also involve Russian military bases in Armenia, the Georgian separatist regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and Ukraine's Crimea region which Moscow annexed last year.

  54. Assad: l'Onu a échoué à protéger les civils syriens...

    Dans une interview accordée à la télévision portugaise officielle RTP, le dirigeant syrien a constaté "l'échec de l'Onu dans la protection des citoyens au niveau international, dont la Syrie, la Libye, le Yémen et autres pays".

    "L'ordre international que représentent l'Onu et le Conseil de sécurité et qui devrait résoudre les problèmes, protéger la souveraineté de différents pays et empêcher les guerres a échoué dans sa mission", a indiqué M.Assad cité par l'agence de presse officielle syrienne SANA...........

  55. Moskau: US-Vizeaußenministerin Nuland desorientiert mit erfundenen Vorwürfen...

    Als haltlos hat das russische Außenministerium die Äußerung von Victoria Nuland über „Tausende russische Soldaten“ in der Ukraine zurückgewiesen. Außenamtssprecher Alexander Lukaschewitsch warf der US-Vizeaußenministerin vor, mit ihren „aus der Luft gegriffenen“ Anschuldigungen die Weltgemeinschaft irrezuführen.

    Die für Europa und Eurasien zuständige US-Vizeaußenministerin Nuland hatte behauptet, dass sich „Tausende russische Soldaten“ in der Ukraine befänden. Die Quelle für ihre Angaben nannte sie nicht. „Diese aus der Luft gegriffenen Ziffern desorientieren die Weltgemeinschaft“, kommentierte Lukaschewitsch am Donnerstag in Moskau. Er erinnerte daran, dass die USA und andere westlichen Staaten ihre Anschuldigungen an Russland in der Ukraine-Krise noch nie mit Belegen untermauert haben................

  56. Forensics show Argentine prosecutor was murdered: family...

    (Reuters) - Independent forensic tests on the body of the Argentine state prosecutor, found days after he accused President Cristina Fernandez of plotting to cover up Iran's alleged role in a 1994 bombing, indicate that he was murdered, his ex-wife said on Thursday.

    Argentine authorities have not released full results of the autopsy of Alberto Nisman, found in a pool of blood with a bullet to the head on Jan. 18. The few forensic details that have been made public so far by prosecutor's office have suggested suicide, though no official ruling has been made.

    "Nisman didn't have an accident. He didn't commit suicide. They murdered him," Nisman's former wife Sandra Arroyo Salgado told a news conference, without giving any further details on who killed the 52-year-old and father of their two children...................

  57. Russia can play key role in resolving Libya crisis — Italian PM...

    Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has said that Russia can play a decisive role in resolving the Libya crisis and in the fight against terrorism.

    Speaking to reporters after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Renzi said that the Libya crisis and a threat of the spread of terrorism and extremism were on the table among other issues.

    "We agreed that our countries should help boost efforts in that direction," Renzi said adding that "Russia’s role in the UN Security Council is of crucial importance and besides, Russia’s ties with Egypt could help."

    "The point is that we should join efforts to fend off those who infringe on basic values of our civilizations," Renzi said. "I am speaking about terrorism and religious fanaticism as these problems is a matter of concern for our countries.".............

  58. Leading Republicans and Democrats have urged President Barack Obama to provide lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine in its fight against pro-Russian rebels...

    In a letter, House Speaker John Boehner and other lawmakers said Russia's actions in Ukraine were a "grotesque violation of international law".

    They said that a recent truce had only consolidated rebel gains in the east.

    Ukraine and the West accuse Russia of helping the rebels with weapons and soldiers - a claim Moscow denies.............

  59. The Council agreed that the Mission will remain under the leadership of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, and will remain in full accordance with the principles of Libyan national ownership...

    Under paragraph 6 of Council resolution 2144 (2014) the Mission's mandate is to support Libyan Government efforts to ensure the transition to democracy, to promote the rule of law and monitor and protect human rights, to control unsecured arms and related materiel in Libya and counter their proliferation, and to build governance capacity, as part of a coordinated international effort and drawing on the comparative advantage of the United Nations country team.

    The Council also decided to extend for the same duration the authorizations provided by and the measures imposed by resolution 2146 (2014) aimed at supporting Libya's transition to democracy "as an immediate priority" by assisting a single, inclusive and transparent national dialogue, as well as electoral processes and the drafting of a new constitution.

  60. The Islamic State (IS) group on Thursday deployed heavy vehicles and bulldozed the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud in northern Iraq, the Iraqi government said....

    In a statement on its official Facebook page, Iraq’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said the militant group had “assaulted the historic city of Nimrud and bulldozed it,” but did not elaborate on the extent of the damage.

    An Iraqi antiquities official confirmed the news, saying the destruction began after noon prayers and that trucks that may have been used to haul away artefacts had also been spotted at the site.

    Nimrud, which was founded in the 13th century BC, lies on the Tigris around 30 kilometres southeast of Mosul, Iraq’s second city and the main hub of the IS group in the country..................

  61. UN Security Council Set to Vote on Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria

    The UN Security Council is voting on Friday on a draft resolution on the use of chemical weapons in Syria, the Council's president for March Francois Delattre of France has told reporters.

    "A draft resolution has been put in blue and it will be put to a vote tomorrow morning," France's Ambassador to the UN Security Council Francois Delattre said on Thursday, adding that the High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane had earlier briefed the Security Council on progress in the ongoing work to dismantle the Syrian chemical program.

    According to Delattre, the issue of the alleged use of chlorine in Syria has also been discussed.

    On February 4, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Executive Council formally decided to include reports of the fact-finding mission on chlorine use in the OPCW reports to the Security Council.......

  62. Israel’s decision to double its water allocations to Gaza is a positive step forward, environmental experts said Thursday, but agreed that it is still far from sufficient to satisfy the territory’s needs...

    Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Maj.-Gen. Yoav Mordechai announced to the Jerusalem-based daily Al-Quds on Wednesday that Gaza would soon receive 10 million cubic meters of water per year instead of the current 5 million. The additional quantity is expected to begin flowing within the next week, a spokeswoman subsequently told The Jerusalem Post................

  63. Syria Blast Kills Top al-Qaida Commander, Militants ...

    Al-Qaida's official Syrian wing, the Nusra Front, announced on Thursday the death of its top military commander, who insurgent sources said fell victim to a blast targeting a high-level militant meeting.

    General Military Commander Abu Humam al-Shami, a veteran of Islamist militant fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, was the group's most senior member to die in the Syrian war, an insurgent source said.

    Insurgent sources said a U.S.-led coalition airstrike hit the meeting in the northwestern province of Idlib, but a coalition spokesman said it had not conducted airstrikes in the province during the past 24 hours.

    The sources said at least three other Nusra Front commanders also were killed in the blast, which they said hit the town of Salqin, near the border with Turkey..............

  64. Tunisian troops have captured a large arms cache near the border with Libya, including Kalashnikov rifles, rockets and landmines, the government said...

    Tunisia is waging a campaign against hardline Islamist groups who emerged after a 2011 uprising against autocrat Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali that put the North African country on track to democracy.

    "A large number of Kalashnikov assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and explosives were seized in the southern city of Ben Guerdan," Interior Ministry spokesman Mohamed Ali Aroui said. The raid was on Thursday night.

    Tunisia is worried that violence will spill over from neighbouring Libya, where Islamic State has expanded, exploiting widespread turmoil as two rival governments battle for control.

    At least two Islamist militant groups operate in Tunisia, and analysts say Islamic State is also seeking to spread its influence across the region................

  65. Wann geht den Griechen das Geld aus?...

    Ob die Geschichte nun stimmt oder nicht - allein die Tatsache, dass ihr eine solche Bedeutung beigemessen wird, zeigt, wie prekär die Lage ist.

    Angeblich nämlich, so schrieb die "Süddeutsche Zeitung", richtete Griechenlands Premier Alexis Tsipras am Donnerstag einen Hilferuf an EU-Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker. Schon am Freitag müsse man sich treffen. Nein, stimmt nicht, dementierte die Athener Regierung, Tsipras habe nicht um einen Termin vor Montag gebeten. Freitag? Montag? Geht es jetzt tatsächlich schon um Tage?

    Kommt Griechenland über den März?

    Die Anzeichen verdichten sich, dass die griechische Haushaltslage dramatischer ist als ohnehin bekannt. Wie die Nachrichtenagentur "Bloomberg" errechnet hat, müssen die Hellenen innerhalb der ersten drei März-Wochen Schulden und Zinsen in Höhe von rund 6,5 Milliarden Euro bedienen. Darüber hinaus klaffe im Etat eine Liquiditätslücke von 2,1 Milliarden Euro, die sich, vereinfacht gesagt, daraus ergibt, dass die laufenden Steuereinnahmen nicht reichen, um die laufenden Staatsausgaben zu decken..................

  66. A good deal is at hand in negotiations on Iran's nuclear program, European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said on Friday...

    Mogherini told a foreign policy conference in the Latvian capital that she was committed to bringing the Iranian nuclear talks to a positive end.

    "I believe a good deal is at hand. I also believe that there is not going to be any deal if it is not going to be a good deal. And this is something we have to pass as a message to all our friends and partners," she said in apparent reference to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the nuclear deal under negotiation.

    Mogherini said the "last mile" of the nuclear talks would involve political will more than technical negotiations.

  67. La Suisse complète les sanctions contre la Russie...

    Berne a mis en application les sanctions supplémentaires contre la Russie adoptées en décembre 2014.

    La Suisse a complété vendredi ses sanctions contre la Russie interdisant les investissements en Crimée et à Sébastopol, a annoncé le Conseil fédéral du pays sur son site officiel................

  68. Russia and Ukraine have agreed to double the number of OSCE observers to 1,000 from 500 to monitor a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Friday...

    Steinmeier said the agreement was reached after a discussion at the Foreign Ministry in Berlin of officials from Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany.

    He also said that the observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) should get access to locations where heavy weapons are being stored. Steinmeier is in Riga for a meeting of European Union foreign ministers.

    On Monday the leaders of Russia, Germany and France agreed to Ukraine's proposal to ask the OSCE to help with the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in eastern Ukraine.

  69. Griechenland will Hausfrauen zu Steuerfahndern machen...

    Im Kampf gegen die Steuerhinterziehung schlägt Athens Finanzminister Varoufakis höchst unkonventionelle Maßnahmen vor: Einfache Bürger sollen als Steuerfahnder durch die Straßen ziehen. Kurz zuvor hatte auch der griechische Außenminister für Aufsehen gesorgt.

    Griechenlands Finanzminister Gianis Varoufakis will einfache Bürger als Amateur-Steuerfahnder einsetzen. In einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Brief an Eurogruppenchef Jeroen Dijsselbloem schlägt er vor, „eine große Zahl nicht professioneller Inspektoren“ nach einer kurzen Ausbildung für begrenzte Zeit als Steuerfahnder einzusetzen. Sie sollen mit Video- und Audio-Aufnahmegeräten ausgerüstet Fälle von Steuerhinterziehung dokumentieren - etwa festhalten, ob Tavernen anders als vorgeschrieben ihren Gästen keine Quittung ausstellen. Varoufakis will dafür Studenten, aber auch Hausfrauen oder sogar Touristen einsetzen, die nach Stunden bezahlt werden sollen..................

    1. Im Kampf gegen die Steuerhinterziehung schlägt die griechische Regierung unkonventionelle Maßnahmen vor:....

      In einem am Freitag veröffentlichten Brief an Euro-Gruppen-Chef Jeroen Dijsselbloem schlägt Finanzminister Giannis Varoufakis unter anderem vor, "eine große Zahl nicht professioneller Inspektoren" nach einer kurzen Ausbildung für begrenzte Zeit als Steuerfahnder einzusetzen.

      Sie sollen mit Video- und Audio-Aufnahmegeräten ausgerüstet werden und Fälle von Steuerhinterziehung dokumentieren. So könnten sie etwa festhalten, ob Tavernen anders als vorgeschrieben ihren Gästen keine Quittung ausstellen. Varoufakis will dafür Studenten, aber auch Hausfrauen oder sogar Touristen einsetzen, die nach Stunden bezahlt werden sollen...................

  70. Agreement has been reached between Libyan factions taking part in a UN-backed national dialogue in Morocco on the criteria for selecting the head of a proposed unity government, a member of Libya's Tripoli-based parliament said Friday...

    Libya's main political factions agreed that each side would field a single nominee who does not hold foreign nationality, does not belong to a particular political camp, and is not a member of either of Libya's two active parliaments, the source, requesting anonymity, told The Anadolu Agency.

    Delegates from both camps will return to their respective assemblies to form lists of possible nominees to be presented at a dialogue session in Morocco next week, the source said................

  71. MH370: Missing Malaysia Airlines flight 'will be found'...

    Malaysia's transport minister says he is confident the missing MH370 aircraft will be found in the Indian Ocean.

    Liow Tiong Lai said the Malaysian authorities were not concealing any information about the flight.

    He told the BBC they would keep searching for the aircraft, which disappeared with 239 people on board.

    He was speaking on the eve of the anniversary of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 airliner going missing while on a scheduled flight to Beijing.

    The Malaysia Airlines plane vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on 8 March 2014.

    Malaysia's Department of Civil Aviation is due to release an interim report on the plane's disappearance on Saturday.

    Australia is leading an international search team in the southern Indian Ocean, approximately 1,600km (1,000 miles) off its west coast.

    Search vessels are focused on a 60,000sq km priority zone........

  72. Syria to West: Accept that Assad is here to stay...

    (Reuters) - Syria's envoy to the United Nations says it's time for the United States and other Western powers to accept that President Bashar al-Assad is here to stay, and to abandon what he suggested was a failed strategy of trying to split the Middle East into sectarian enclaves.

    Speaking to Reuters on the eve of the fourth anniversary of the Syrian war, Assad's long-serving U.N. ambassador Bashar Ja'afari said his president was ready to work with the United States and others to combat terrorism in the Middle East.

    "We don't want any vacuum in the country that would create chaos such as happened in Libya and Iraq and ... Afghanistan," he said. "President Assad can deliver because he is a strong president. He rules over a strong institution, which is the Syrian army. He has resisted pressure for four years."

    "He is the man who can deliver any solution," he added. ..........

  73. Poland asks Russia’s to organize talks on possible food exports to Russia...

    Following Greece’s lead, Poland has asked Russia’s veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog (Rosselkhoznadzor) to negotiate food exports to Russia, Rosselkhoznadzor’s chief Sergei Dankvert said on Friday.

    "On the one hand, our Polish colleagues, along with the Lithuanians, used to say that they needed no bilateral agreements with Russia, but, on the other hand, they contacted us suggesting a working group on veterinary and phytosanitary control be held to spacify how to work in the bilateral regime," he told the Rossiya 24 television channel. Such talks are to be held in March 2015, he noted.

    The Rosselkhoznadzor chief said that earlier in March his agency had received a letter from Greece asking to look at possible lifting of the Russian food imports ban. Greece’s ministry of agriculture, in his words, had asked Rosselkhoznadzor to commission Russian specialists to Greece to hold a seminar of safety requirements in respect of various types of food products. "They put it like this: if you lift the ban, such products will immediately reach the Russian market," he said.......

  74. Κοτζιάς: Αν καταρρεύσει η Ελλάδα θα γεμίσει η Ευρώπη τζιχαντιστές..

    Σκληρή γλώσσα χρησιμοποίησε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών για την στάση των δανειστών απέναντι στην Ελλάδα που βρίσκεται στην Ρίγα της Λετονίας καθώς συμμετέχει στη διήμερη άτυπη συνάντηση των Υπουργών Εξωτερικών των κρατών-μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.

    Ο Νίκος Κοτζιάς συνομιλώντας με δημοσιογράφους από γερμανικά μέσα ενημέρωσης τόνισε:

    «Ό,τι μας κάνουν είναι πολιτιστικός ρατσισμός. Είναι αναγκαιότητα για το μέλλον της Ευρώπης να βρει κανείς άλλον τρόπο συμπεριφοράς για την Ελλάδα. Είναι επίσης γεωστρατηγική αναγκαιότητα. Αντ' αυτού όμως επιχειρήθηκε να συντριβεί η κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ήδη από τις πρώτες ημέρες. Το να επιλέγει κανείς να το κάνει αυτό σιγά- σιγά… Τι θα έρθει μετά; Δεξιός εξτρεμισμός και χάος».

    Επιτέθηκε μάλιστα και στο Βερολίνο. «Οι Γερμανοί θέλετε να πάθουμε ασφυξία. ΟΚ. Μας κατηγορείτε ότι σπαταλήσαμε λεφτά» είπε και πρόσθεσε ο Έλληνας υπουργός Εξωτερικών: «Δεν μπορεί κανείς να αρνείται στην Ελλάδα πράγματα που έχει δώσει στην Γερμανία».............

  75. Egypt executed on Saturday an Islamist accused of murder during clashes in mid-2013, the first death sentence implemented against a supporter of the banned Muslim Brotherhood under President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the interior ministry said...

    Mahmoud Hassan Ramadan, a radical Islamist not officially part of the Brotherhood, was hanged in relation to an incident where children were thrown from a building during riots against the ousting of elected Islamist President Mohamed Mursi, the ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page...................

  76. Amas de casa y turistas contra la evasión fiscal en Grecia...

    Si usted tiene pensado viajar a Grecia, y quiere ganarse un dinero extra trabajando para el Estado mientras ayuda a solucionar la evasión de impuestos en el país, quizás tenga la oportunidad de enrolarse en el nuevo cuerpo de "testigos" contra el corrupto, preparado preparado por el ministro de Finanzas, Yanis Varufakis.

    Los seleccionados recibirán "algún entrenamiento básico" y trabajarán con artilugios audiovisuales en busca de evasores. No podrán actuar contra ellos, al no disponer de autoridad, pero los datos que recopilen tendrán "peso legal" para que los funcionarios impongan sanciones.

    "Concebimos que los reclutas vengan de todos los ámbitos de la vida. Por ejemplo, estudiantes, amas de casa o incluso turistas", señala Varufakis en una misiva con siete reformas enviada al presidente del Eurogrupo, Jeroen Dijsselbloem. Fue filtrada ayer por el diario británico "Financial Times"...............

  77. Belgrade "respects Ukraine's territorial integrity"...

    Minister without portfolio for EU Integrations Jadranka Joksimovic said on Friday that Serbia "respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."

    She made the comment as she met with Ukrainian Charge d'Affaires in Belgrade Yevgeniia Filipenko, "to discuss Serbia's European integrations."

    "The reforms that are being undertaken by the government are crucial for achieving Serbia's strategic goal on the path to EU membership and the regional cooperation that the country is promoting is significant," Joksimovic said.

    She reiterated that Serbia respects the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, the Serbian government said.....................

  78. The Deputy Foreign Minister of Syria, Faisal al-Miqdad, said airstrikes against ISIL are ineffective in combating the militants...

    The Deputy Foreign Minister of Syria, Faisal al-Miqdad, said airstrikes by the US against the Islamic State group in Syria and Iraq seem “superficial and characterized by small scale," reported Japanese media.................Read more:

  79. Islamic State militants have begun destroying the ruins of the ancient city of Hatra, Kurdish sources in northern Iraq say...

    Hatra was founded in the days of the Parthian Empire over 2,000 years ago and is a Unesco world heritage site.

    Earlier this week, IS militants began bulldozing the nearby ruins of the Assyrian city of Nimrud..................

  80. Tsipras hat Griechenland vollkommen isoliert....

    Der Premier bittet um Krisentreffen und sucht verzweifelt Verbündete. Aber die findet er nach den wirren Auftritten seiner Regierung nicht mehr. Ein Zeichen an alle in Europa, die nicht sparen wollen.

    Auf PR verstehe sich die junge griechische Regierung gut, wird in Brüssel gelästert, doch sie tue sich noch schwer mit seriösem Regierungshandeln. Schon seit Wochen versucht die Regierung in Athen, den Kampf gegen den Staatsbankrott auf dem Feld zu führen, auf dem sie sich sicher fühlt: dem der Worte und Appelle.

    Ministerpräsident Alexis Tsipras betreibt hektische Telefondiplomatie und versucht nun, eilige Treffen mit Kommissionspräsident Jean-Claude Juncker einzuberufen. Der Hintergedanke ist klar: Der linke Regierungschef, dessen Land vor dem Staatsbankrott steht und der auf Druck der internationalen Geldgeber ungeliebte Reformen einleiten muss, sucht verzweifelt Alliierte.................

  81. Reoccupying Gaza to cost $2.5bn a year: Ya'alon...

    Israel's Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Saturday that the reoccupation of the Gaza Strip would cost his country $2.5 billion a year.

    During a seminar in Beersheba in southern Israel, Ya'alon added that the reoccupation of the Palestinian territory would not stop the firing of rockets from it into Israel and would also cause human losses.

    The Israeli army has repeatedly come under fire from Israelis for not reoccupying the Gaza Strip during the latest Israeli offensive on it.

    Launched with the ostensible aim of halting rocket fire from Gaza, the offensive, which lasted for 51 days in July and August, left around 2,160 Gazans dead and more than 11,000 others injured.

    On Saturday, Ya'alon told seminar attendees that security could not be fulfilled through slogans, according to Israel public radio.

    The Defense Minister was reported to have added that the application of military solutions only reflected a lack of understanding of the wider consequences of actions in this regard...................................

  82. MH370: Malaysia marks first anniversary of flight's loss...

    Malaysians are marking the first anniversary of the disappearance of the flight MH370.

    Relatives of the 239 missing passengers and crew are holding a series of memorial events in the capital Kuala Lumpur.

    The Malaysian airliner was on its way to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur when it vanished. Despite an extensive search no trace has ever been found.

    Investigators plan to release a report about the search later.
    No answers

    On Sunday, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that his country remained committed to finding MH370.

    "No words can describe the pain the families of those on board are going through. The lack of answers and definitive proof - such as aircraft wreckage - has made this more difficult to bear."

    He said that the search team had followed the "little evidence that exists" but remained "hopeful" that the plane would be found.

    The international search term is focusing on an area of the southern Indian Ocean, approximately 1,600km (1,000 miles) off the coast of western Australia...........

  83. Nigeria: offensive militaire "terrestre et aérienne" du Niger et du Tchad...

    Les armées du Niger et du Tchad ont lancé dimanche une offensive "terrestre et aérienne" d'envergure au Nigeria contre les islamistes de Boko Haram depuis le sud-est du Niger, frontalier, a-t-on appris auprès du gouvernement nigérien............

  84. Le président de la Commission européenne Jean-Claude Juncker s'est prononcé en faveur de la mise en place d'une armée de l'Union européenne...

    "Une telle force nous permettrait de formuler une politique étrangère et une politique de sécurité communes, ainsi que de partager la responsabilité de ce qui se passe dans le monde", a déclaré M.Juncker dans une interview accordée au journal Welt am Sonntag.

    Selon lui, la mise en place de sa propre armée rendra l'UE capable à réagir à toute menace pour ses pays membres ainsi qu'aux Etats limitrophes de l'Union. De cette façon, l'Europe manifestera à la Russie sa détermination à défendre les valeurs de l'Union européenne, a expliqué M.Juncker................Lire la suite:

    1. Als paranoid hat Leonid Sluzki, Chef des Ausschusses für die GUS und eurasische Integration der Staatsduma (russisches Parlamentsunterhaus), den Vorschlag des EU-Kommissionspräsidenten Jean-Claude Juncker bezeichnet, eine gemeinsame EU-Armee als Gegengewicht zu Russland zu gründen. Russland will laut Sluzki keinen Krieg...

      Juncker hatte sich für die Gründung einer gemeinsamen Armee in Europa stark gemacht. „Eine gemeinsame Armee der Europäer würde Russland den Eindruck vermitteln, dass wir es ernst meinen mit der Verteidigung der Werte der Europäischen Union“, sagte der EU-Kommissionspräsident der Zeitung „Welt am Sonntag“.

      „Es ist eine Paranoia auf europäisch, eine gemeinsame Armee als Gegengewicht zu Russland zu gründen, das mit niemandem einen Krieg führen will“, kommentierte Sluzki via Twitter................

  85. Early Greek election, referendum possible if EU rejects debt plan: Varoufakis...

    (Reuters) - Greece could call a referendum or have early elections should its euro zone partners reject its debt and growth plans, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said in a newspaper interview on Sunday.

    The new Greek government, led by Alexis Tsipras, won an election in January promising to renegotiate a bailout agreed with the International Monetary Fund and its European Union partners that requires strict budget discipline and sweeping economic reforms.

    The government reached a temporarily deal with its lenders last month and Athens has until the end of April to specify the reforms it will make in exchange for further aid. Euro zone finance ministers are meeting on Monday in Brussels to discuss a letter of pledged reforms sent by Athens last week.

    Should Brussels ultimately reject Greece's proposals, Varoufakis told Italian daily Corriere della Sera: "There could be problems. But, as my prime minister has said, we are not yet glued to our chairs. We can return to elections, call a referendum."............

    1. Varoufakis droht mit Referendum über Reformen...

      Die Regierung in Athen droht: Wenn der griechische Reformplan abgelehnt wird, könnte es dazu eine Volksabstimmung geben. Allerdings bleibe Griechenland in der Euro-Zone.............

  86. Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said the country is "sick of being lectured" by the UN over its treatment of asylum seekers....

    It comes after the special rapporteur on torture said some aspects violated the convention against torture.

    Australia detains all asylum seekers who arrive by boat, holding them in offshore processing camps.

    Rights groups have criticised conditions on Manus Island, where asylum-seekers are held.

    In a new report to be tabled to the UN Human Rights Council on Monday, the rapporteur, Juan Mendez, investigated allegations of torture and abuse in more than 60 countries................

  87. Vladimir Putin has admitted for the first time that the plan to annex Crimea was ordered weeks before the referendum on self-determination...

    Crimea was formally absorbed into Russia on 18 March, to international condemnation, after unidentified gunmen took over the peninsula.

    Mr Putin said on TV he had ordered work on "returning Crimea" to begin at an all-night meeting on 22 February.

    The meeting was called after Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted.

    Speaking last year, Mr Putin had said only that he took his final decision about Crimea after secret, undated opinion polls showed 80% of Crimeans favoured joining Russia.

    The findings of these polls were borne out by the outcome of the referendum on 16 March, he told Russian state TV last April...........

  88. Abe, Merkel agree to play strong international role, including on Ukraine...

    Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Monday to play a more active role in maintaining stability and prosperity in the international community, including finding a peaceful solution for the Ukrainian crisis.

    “As responsible global partners, the two countries have very important roles in addressing various issues that not only Asia and Europe but also the international society face,” Abe said at a joint news conference in his office after the summit with Merkel.

    Pointing out that the Ukrainian crisis has serious international implications, Abe said he and Merkel, as the hosts of the next two Group of Seven summits, will cooperate on the issue...............

  89. Kurdish forces attack Islamic State west of Kirkuk...

    (Reuters) - Kurdish forces drove Islamic State militants back from the oil-rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq on Monday, in an attack which was backed by heavy air strikes from a U.S.-led coalition.

    Speaking to a local television channel near the frontline, Kirkuk governor Najmaldin Karim, who was wearing a helmet, said the purpose of the offensive was to secure Kirkuk, which the Kurds have held since last summer.

    Kurdish peshmerga fighters began shelling Islamic State positions at dawn before advancing along an approximately 30 km (20 mile) front southwest of the city, seizing several villages and gaining around five kilometers (three miles) in some places...................

  90. Athener Regierung: Gebildet, clever, smart. Und trotzdem überfordert...

    Der griechischen Regierung läuft die Zeit davon. Weil die Kassen leerer sind als erwartet, verliert sie die Nerven. Drohungen zeigen, dass es ein Problem ist, wenn Anfänger in der Krise regieren.

    Angesichts der Nachrichten aus Griechenland kann man sich nur verwundert die Augen reiben. Finanzminister Janis Varoufakis droht zunächst mit einem Referendum des Landes über den Austritt aus der Euro-Zone. Sein Ministerium versucht dann, die Aufregung um diese Nachricht einzudämmen mit dem Hinweis, der Minister habe etwas ganz anderes gemeint...............

  91. Palestinian security forces in the West Bank arrested dozens of members of the Islamist movement Hamas March 9, sources on both sides said...

    The Palestinian Authority (PA), which has its headquarters in Ramallah, has regularly detained Hamas members, including MPs, over the past few years.

    But the ongoing crackdown is a sign of the failure of a nearly year-old unity deal between Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and the rival Fatah which dominates the PA.

    “We received information that 60 members of Hamas were arrested throughout the West Bank,” a source from the Hamas headquarters in the territory, who asked to remain anonymous, told AFP without elaborating. An official from the PA’s security forces, also requesting anonymity, said there were around 40 arrests, but also gave no further details.

    Under last April’s unity deal, Hamas was to relinquish control of the Gaza Strip, paving the way for Palestinian general elections by the end of 2014. But despite agreeing on a government of independents appointed in June, the deal stalled during a war in Gaza between Hamas and Israel.

  92. The White House on Monday denounced efforts by Republican lawmakers to "throw sand in the gears" of sensitive talks over Iran's nuclear program as "partisan."..

    Spokesman Josh Earnest said a letter by 47 Republicans, including Senate leaders and several potential 2016 presidential candidates, to discourage Iran's leaders was not the role US founding fathers envisaged for the legislative branch.

  93. Llegan a Letonia 120 tanques y vehículos blindados de Estados Unidos ...

    Este lunes ha arribado al puerto de Riga, la capital de Letonia, el buque de carga Liberty Promise de las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos con tanques M1A2 Abrams y M2A3 Bradley a bordo.

    Más de 120 vehículos blindados, incluidos tanques M1A2 Abrams y M2A3 Bradley, han llegado a Letonia desde Estados Unidos, informa el servicio de prensa del Ministerio de Defensa del país báltico................

  94. Solar plane finishes first leg of epic round-the-world bid..

    Solar Impulse 2 landed Monday in Oman, completing the initial leg of its epic bid to become the first solar-powered plane to fly around the world, testing its pilots to the limit.

    The aircraft touched down in Muscat after nightfall, 13 hours and two minutes after taking off from Abu Dhabi.

    Pilot Andre Borschberg, who was at the controls on the 400-kilometre (215 nautical mile) trip, smiled and waved to his team after landing.

    “The adventure has started,” Solar Impulse chairman Bertrand Piccard had said just after Borschberg took off in the early morning from Abu Dhabi’s Al-Bateen airport on the historic circumnavigation aimed at promoting green energy..................

  95. US Republicans warn Iran on nuclear deal...

    Republican US senators warned Iran on Monday that an international deal curbing its nuclear programme may collapse because President Barack Obama has no right to negotiate a binding accord without congressional approval.

    In an open letter to the Islamic republic, 47 Republicans, including Senate leaders and several potential 2016 presidential candidates, reminded Iranian leaders that Obama is in office only until January 2017, and a successor could scrap the agreement if Congress has not approved it.

    "It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system," the letter began.

    "We will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons programme that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei," lawmakers wrote, referring to Iran's supreme leader.......................

  96. Athen verhandelt wieder mit Troika aus EU, EZB und IWF...

    Raus mit der Troika - das war eines der wichtigsten Anliegen der neuen griechischen Regierung. Nun jedoch will Athen doch wieder mit den Experten von EZB, EU und IWF verhandeln. Denn nur dann winkt die Freigabe dringend benötigter Hilfsmilliarden.

    Die griechische Regierung will eine Kernforderung der internationalen Geldgeber erfüllen - nämlich die Verhandlungen mit der früheren Troika aus EZB, EU und Internationalem Währungsfonds (IWF) wieder aufzunehmen. Wie die Regierung in Athen mitteilte, sollen die Gespräche am Mittwoch beginnen. Es ist der erste offizielle Treffen mit den Experten seit der Wahl im Januar. Darüber hinaus wurden beim Treffen der Euro-Finanzminister zur Griechenland-Krise keine Beschlüsse gefasst.

    Eigentlich hatte die neue griechische Regierung angekündigt, mit der Troika nicht mehr verhandeln zu wollen. Dass sie es de facto nun doch wieder tut, liegt an der prekären Finanzlage. Die Treffen mit EZB, EU und IWF sind nämlich Voraussetzung dafür, dass das Land zeitnah zumindest einen Teil der noch ausstehenden Hilfen in Höhe von 7,2 Milliarden Euro erhält. Andernfalls droht Griechenland wohl binnen weniger Wochen die Staatspleite..................

  97. The United States should be considering deploying thousands of US troops across Europe to counter Russia, as opposed to only hundreds, US Senator Bob Menendez stated at the Center for Strategic and International Studies conference...

    “We should not be thinking in terms of battalions of five to six-hundred soldier, but in terms of brigades, which are three to five-thousand soldiers,” Menendez said on Monday.

    Menendez argued that the United States should consider a more “robust military presence” in the Baltics and throughout Eastern Europe, “stop all force withdrawal” and conduct a review of the US force posture................

  98. Greece told to 'stop wasting time' over debt deal...

    The head of the eurozone's finance ministers has called on Greece to "stop wasting time" and engage in serious talks on reform.

    At a meeting in Brussels, Jeroen Dijsselbloem said there had been little progress made since discussions two weeks ago.

    European creditors want to approve a detailed list of reforms before they release any loans to Greece.

    But, so far, Greece has only outlined a broad range of intended changes.

    Mr Dijsselbloem said: "It is taking way too long. We have offered to support them, but that goes hand in hand with conditions."

    He said no real talks had yet started, adding: "There has been no implementation, so we have to stop wasting time."..............

  99. EU, US agree anti-Russian sanctions should stay in place — European Council president...

    The United States and the European Union share the opinion that anti-Russian sanctions should stay in place, President of the European Council Donald Tusk said on Monday at a meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama.

    Obama spoke in favour of control over the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

  100. A furious Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Monday US sanction measures were intended to topple his socialist government...

    "President Barack Obama, representing the US imperialist elite, has personally decided to take on the task of defeating my government and intervening in Venezuela to control it," Maduro said in a national TV address.

    "That's why they have taken today's measure," the president said in his first reaction to the US sanctions against seven Venezuela officials. The United States also declared that the South American nation represents a national security threat.

  101. Khalifa Haftar sworn in as Libya army chief ...

    Once-retired General Khalifa Haftar has been sworn in as army chief by Libya's UN-recognised government based in Tobruk, as his warplanes attacked a rival administration in Tripoli.

    As he was sworn in by Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni's government on Monday, Haftar pledged to continue battling what he calls "terrorism" until it is eliminated.

    "We will continue fighting terrorism by God’s assistance all over the country until we completely eliminate it so that people can live in peace", Haftar said....................

  102. Poroschenko will ausländische Truppen an Übungen in Ukraine teilnehmen lassen...

    Der ukrainische Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko hat dem Parlament seine Entscheidung über die Teilnahme ausländischer Truppen an internationalen Übungen in der Ukraine zur Bestätigung vorgelegt, wie die Webseite des Parlaments am Dienstag berichtet.

    Der von Poroschenko erstellte Gesetzentwurf „Über die Zustimmung zur Entscheidung des Präsidenten der Ukraine über den Zugang von Einheiten der Streitkräfte anderer Staaten auf ukrainisches Territorium im Jahr 2015 für die Teilnahme an multinationalen Übungen“ war am 6. März ins Parlament eingebracht worden...............

  103. Iraqi forces jointly with tribesmen and Shiite volunteers started storming the western side of the ISIS-held city of Tikrit Tuesday, sources told Al Arabiya News Channel...

    Samara Operations Command told Al Arabiya News Channel that the hometown of the late President Saddam Hussein - currently occupied by ISIS militants – is “360 degrees surrounded.”

    The campaign to retake Tikrit, which began one week ago, is the biggest since ISIS swept across the north last year, and the government hopes it will reverse the militants’ momentum.

    The forces also took the center of a town on the northern edge of Tikrit from ISIS on Tuesday.....................

  104. Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu has apologized to his visiting German counterpart for handing him a booklet during a televised news conference that mixed up a map of Germany with one of France on the cover...

    Frank-Walter Steinmeier paid a one-day visit to Romania on Monday to hold talks on bilateral relations, NATO, east Ukraine and to mark 135 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

    "Due to a regrettable technical error, exclusively on the cover of the booklet, the border of the maps of Romania and France - with the latter being covered by the German flag - was printed," the ministry said in a statement late on Monday..................

  105. A suicide bomber killed a civilian and wounded 30 policemen when he tried to ram a water tanker into a police barracks in the Egyptian city of al-Arish on Tuesday, security sources said, the latest in a string of attacks in the Sinai peninsula...

    In a second assault, a roadside bomb exploded near a security checkpoint in southern Arish, killing one army officer and wounding three others, security sources said................

  106. The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, discussed with Iraqi officials on Monday the fighting taking place against the Takfiri group, ISIL...

    Dempsey met with both Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi and Defense Minister Khaled Obeidi.

    During the meeting with Dempsey, Abadi stressed that preventing the Takfiri terrorists from infiltrating into Iraq and stop funding them would enable Baghdad to crush ISIL.

    Abadi meanwhile praised the Iraqi army and the popular mobilization forces for their victories against ISIL.

    On the other hand, and in a joint press conference with Dempsey, Obeidi praised Iran’s “very positive role’’ in Iraq...................

  107. La fraude du FN au Parlement représenterait 7 millions et demi d'euros...

    Vingt assistants du Front national français sont suspectés de ne pas travailler pour le Parlement européen alors qu'ils sont rémunérés par l'institution. C'est une information révélée par le quotidien français Le Monde. Au sein du Front national, on parle de "dénonciation calomnieuse"...............

  108. Hundreds of Russian soldiers were killed during the crisis in eastern Ukraine, US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland said during a testimony before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday...

    Since the start of the government forces' military assault on eastern Ukraine's independence supporters in April 2014, Kiev and the West have repeatedly accused Russia of intervening in the Ukrainian crisis. The accusations went as far as to claim that Moscow sent troops and weapons to help the independence militias.

    Nevertheless, the Kremlin has dismissed the claims as not corroborated by any evidence. Moscow does not deny, however, that some of its nationals are fighting in Donbas as volunteers...........

  109. Libya oilfield attack blow to U.N. peace talks ...

    (Reuters) - An attack by Islamist militants on a Libyan oilfield where they beheaded security guards and kidnapped foreign workers underlines the difficulties facing U.N.-sponsored peace talks due to resume this week.

    Libyans have become accustomed to chaos, with their country split between two rival governments each allied to heavily armed groups that have been fighting for control of the oil-producing nation since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

    But last week's attack on the al-Ghani oilfield in central Libya marks a new departure. The attackers did not seize it to make financial or political demands as armed groups often do. Instead, they mounted a show of force that appeared in line with warnings that they are seeking to expand their influence.................

  110. Japan’s former PM arrives in Crimea...

    Japan’s former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama has arrived in Crimea in the run-up to the first anniversary the peninsula’s reunification with Russia. The Kyodo news agency said on Tuesday he intends to "to gauge local opinion" of reunification with Russia.

    Hatoyama, who was in office from September 2009 through to June 2010, told reporters he wanted to take a personal look at whether Crimea’s reunification with Russia after sixty years of staying under the Ukrainian jurisdiction was justified.

    "Facts haven't been delivered to Japan accurately," Hatoyama told reporters. "I would like to see myself how residents are feeling."

    "An opinion poll showed that residents expressed their wish for annexation," he said. "What's most important in democracy is what local residents feel."

    Hatoyama also said he had held consultations with a number of Russian officials as regards the trip to Crimea...................

  111. Russland stellt seine Teilnahme an Sitzungen der Gemischten Konsultativgruppe für den KSE-Vertrag über konventionelle Rüstungen in Europa zum 11. ...

    März ein. Somit wird der von Moskau 2007 bekannt gegebene teilweise Ausstieg aus diesem Vertrag vollständig, wie das Außenamt in Moskau am Dienstag mitteilte.

    „Russland hat im Laufe von Jahren alles nur Mögliche unternommen, um das Regime der Kontrolle über konventionelle Rüstungen aufrechtzuerhalten. Moskau hatte Verhandlungen zur Anpassung des KSE-Vertrages (an neue Konditionen) initiiert und ein entsprechendes Anpassungsabkommen ratifiziert“, sagte Anton Masur, stellvertretender Chef der russischen Delegation zu den Wiener Verhandlungen über die militärische Sicherheit und Rüstungskontrolle.

    „Leider hatten NATO-Länder es bevorzugt, den KSE-Vertrag durch die Erweiterung des Bündnisses im Grunde genommen zu umgehen, und das Inkrafttreten des Abkommens über die Anpassung des Vertrages unter erdachtem Vorwand verhindert. Dieser Kurs, der ungeachtet unserer mehrfachen Warnungen… fortgesetzt wurde, führte zu logischem Resultat: 2007 setzte Russland den Vertrag teilweise aus.“...........

  112. Bulgaria raises Schengen membership issue during Steinmeier visit to Sofia...

    Bulgaria has met the technical criteria for joining the European Union’s Schengen visa zone and this had been confirmed by the European Commission and European Parliament, President Rossen Plevneliev told German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on March 10.

    “Bulgaria expects this to be recognised by the partners in the EU,” Plevneliev told Steinmeier, who was visiting Sofia for talks with his counterpart as well as with Prime Minister Boiko Borissov and with the head of state.

    The abolition of border controls at airports is a first possible step in this direction, Plevneliev said, according to a statement by his office...............

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