Nigerian military forces have rescued 178 people being held by the Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram in the northeast of the country.
Of those freed, 101 were children, 67 were women and the rest were men, military spokesman Colonel Tukur Gusau said late Sunday.
The Nigerian Air Force reported killing "a large number'' of militants while helping ground troops repel an attack on Bitta village, 50 kilometers southwest of the army operations that took place around Bama in northeastern Borno state.
Sunday's statements did not specify when the attacks occurred.
Last week, the army rescued 71 kidnapped people.
Boko Haram militants frequently raid villages and kidnap residents, forcing them to convert to Islam.
A Boko Haram raid in which nearly 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped from a small town in the northeast last year made global headlines and condemnation of the Islamic extremist group. More than 200 of the girls are still missing.
Boko Haram has been carrying out a bloody campaign of terrorism in its quest to turn Nigeria into a hard-line Islamic state.
Boko Haram began its insurgency in Nigeria in 2009 and since then has killed thousands of Nigerians in shootings and bombings. The Nigerian government responded with a state of emergency in three northern states where Boko Haram is most active, but that action has failed to halt attacks.
Cameroon, along with Chad and Niger deployed troops earlier this year to fight Boko Haram after the militants launched a series of cross-border attacks. Last month those countries joined Nigeria and Benin in announcing a new regional task force headquartered in Chad's capital N'Djamena to counter the militants.
Of those freed, 101 were children, 67 were women and the rest were men, military spokesman Colonel Tukur Gusau said late Sunday.
The Nigerian Air Force reported killing "a large number'' of militants while helping ground troops repel an attack on Bitta village, 50 kilometers southwest of the army operations that took place around Bama in northeastern Borno state.
Sunday's statements did not specify when the attacks occurred.
Last week, the army rescued 71 kidnapped people.
Boko Haram militants frequently raid villages and kidnap residents, forcing them to convert to Islam.
A Boko Haram raid in which nearly 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped from a small town in the northeast last year made global headlines and condemnation of the Islamic extremist group. More than 200 of the girls are still missing.
Boko Haram has been carrying out a bloody campaign of terrorism in its quest to turn Nigeria into a hard-line Islamic state.
Boko Haram began its insurgency in Nigeria in 2009 and since then has killed thousands of Nigerians in shootings and bombings. The Nigerian government responded with a state of emergency in three northern states where Boko Haram is most active, but that action has failed to halt attacks.
Cameroon, along with Chad and Niger deployed troops earlier this year to fight Boko Haram after the militants launched a series of cross-border attacks. Last month those countries joined Nigeria and Benin in announcing a new regional task force headquartered in Chad's capital N'Djamena to counter the militants.
Erfolg der Armee in Nigeria: Fast 180 Boko-Haram-Geiseln befreit ...
ReplyDeleteDer Armee in Nigeria ist erneut ein Erfolg im Kampf gegen die Terrorgruppe Boko Haram gelungen. Die Soldaten befreiten nach eigenen Angaben fast 180 Menschen aus der Gewalt der Extremisten - unter ihnen viele Kinder. Die verschleppten Schulmädchen aus Chibok sollen nicht dabei sein.
Das Militär in Nigeria hat nach eigenen Angaben 178 Menschen aus der Gewalt der radikal-islamischen Sekte Boko Haram im Bundesstaate Borno im Nordosten des Landes befreit. Unter ihnen sollen sich 101 Kinder befinden, sowie 67 Frauen und zehn Männer. Mehrere Lager der Terrogruppe seien zudem zerstört worden, teilte ein Armeesprecher mit. Auch ein Boko-Haram-Kommandeur sei lebend gefasst worden.
Außerdem berichtete die nigerianische Luftwaffe, sie habe eine große Anzahl von Extremisten getötet, als sie deren Angriff in dem Dorf Bitta zurückdrängte. Es liegt etwa 70 Kilometer südöstlich der Millionenstadt Maiduguri. Der genaue Zeitpunkt der Aktion wurde nicht genannt.
Hunderte Menschen befreit
Bereits vergangene Woche hatte die Armee mehr als 70 von Boko Haram entführte Menschen gerettet. Insgesamt gelang es den Soldaten in diesem Jahr somit bereits mehrere hundert Menschen aus der Gewalt der Extremisten zu befreien. Die etwa 220 Schulmädchen aus der Stadt Chibok, die die Extremisten im April 2014 entführt hatten, sind aber weiterhin in der Gewalt von Boko Haram................
Στη Νιγηρία, 178 ανθρώπους, γυναίκες και παιδιά, διέσωσε ο στρατός από μαχητές της τρομοκρατικής οργάνωσης Μπόκο Χαράμ...
ReplyDeleteΣύμφωνα με τον εκπρόσωπο του στρατού, συνελήφθη επίσης ένας από τους αρχηγούς της οργάνωσης.
Χθες η Μπόκο Χαράμ εισέβαλε σε χωριό στην περιφέρεια Μπόρνο, η οποία αποτελεί την κύρια βάση της, σκότωσε 13 ανθρώπους και παρέδωσε στις φλόγες αρκετές κατοικίες.
Η Μπόκο Χαράμ εκδιώχθηκε από τις περισσότερες μεγάλες εκτάσεις που είχε υπό τον έλεγχό της στην αρχή του χρόνου, αλλά έχει διασκορπιστεί και με την τακτική του ανταρτοπόλεμου, χτυπά εύκολους στόχους.
Εύη Μουρούζη
Πηγή: ΑΠΕ
Nigeria: l'armée annonce avoir libéré près de 180 otages de Boko Haram ...
ReplyDeleteL'armée a annoncé dimanche avoir libéré 178 otages de Boko Haram dont 101 enfants et avoir capturé un commandant du groupe islamiste au cours d'une opération militaire."L'armée nigériane a mené une offensive vers Aulari, sur l'axe menant à Bama", à 70 km au sud de Maiduguri, la plus grande ville du Nord-Est, a déclaré Tukur Gusau, un porte-parole de l'armée, dans un communiqué. "Durant cette opération, 178 personnes retenues en otage par les terroristes ont été sauvées dont 101 enfants, 67 femmes et 10 hommes (...) De plus un commandant des terroristes de Boko Haram a été capturé vivant", a-t-il ajouté.