The death toll in the earthquake in southern Taiwan increased to 35 people the Reuters . Earlier reported about 26 victims. At the same time the fate of 117 people remains unknown.
The efforts of rescuers focused on removing the debris left over from a collapsed 17-storey building in the two-million metropolis Tainan. Close to family members of those who are under the rubble hoping to find out any news about missing relatives.
Incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou intends to visit the disaster area on Monday February 8th. It is also expected to visit Tsai Ing-wen who won the presidential elections last month.
Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his condolences to the victims and reiterated its offer to provide assistance.
A powerful earthquake of magnitude 64 occurred in Taiwan early on Saturday 6 February . The epicenter of the quake was located 43 kilometers south-east of Tainan. The center lies at a depth of 23 kilometers. Most of the dead were under the rubble is a 17-storey residential complex “Golden Dragon”. A total of nine houses collapsed Tainan.
Local authorities say that it is too early to talk about why the collapsed 17-storey building. According to preliminary data it could be due to the fact that it was built of poor-quality materials in violation of the rules and requirements.
The efforts of rescuers focused on removing the debris left over from a collapsed 17-storey building in the two-million metropolis Tainan. Close to family members of those who are under the rubble hoping to find out any news about missing relatives.
Incumbent President Ma Ying-jeou intends to visit the disaster area on Monday February 8th. It is also expected to visit Tsai Ing-wen who won the presidential elections last month.
Chinese President Xi Jinping expressed his condolences to the victims and reiterated its offer to provide assistance.
A powerful earthquake of magnitude 64 occurred in Taiwan early on Saturday 6 February . The epicenter of the quake was located 43 kilometers south-east of Tainan. The center lies at a depth of 23 kilometers. Most of the dead were under the rubble is a 17-storey residential complex “Golden Dragon”. A total of nine houses collapsed Tainan.
Local authorities say that it is too early to talk about why the collapsed 17-storey building. According to preliminary data it could be due to the fact that it was built of poor-quality materials in violation of the rules and requirements.
Séisme à Taïwan: deux survivants secourus, une centaine de personnes prises au piège...
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήLes secouristes ont retrouvé deux survivants lundi dans les décombres d'un complexe résidentiel détruit par un séisme dans le sud de Taïwan, où plus d'une centaine de personnes étaient toujours prises au piège.
Le séisme de magnitude 6,4 qui a frappé l'île samedi a fait 37 morts: la plupart des victimes ont péri dans l'effondrement du complexe résidentiel de Wei-kuan, à Tainan, qui comprenait 100 logements.
Un homme de 40 ans a été extrait des décombres au moyen d'une grue, après avoir passé plus de 50 heures enseveli.
D'après le maire de Tainan, William Lai, il risque de perdre sa jambe.
Les secouristes s'étaient initialement demandé s'il ne fallait pas l'amputer sur place, au milieu des débris, car sa jambe était prise au piège, a-t-il expliqué.
Les secouristes avaient annoncé auparavant qu'ils avaient réussi à libérer une femme de 45 ans......