Τετάρτη, 1 Μαρτίου 2017

Hurriyet's 'military unease' headline angers Erdogan

The editor-in-chief of Turkey's flagship daily newspaper Hurriyet has been dismissed from his role days after the paper published a news article, titled "Unease at the military headquarters".

According to Turkish media reports, the headline angered President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish government, leading to the removal of Sedat Ergin, Hurriyet's veteran editor.

Ergin, a journalist and political commentator, was appointed as the editor-in-chief of Hurriyet in August 2014.

Saturday's news story, filed by Hurriyet's Ankara bureau chief Hande Firat, was focusing on how the General Staff, the highest military body in the country, evaluated the criticism and speculation directed at the Turkish armed forces following last year's failed coup attempt.

Firat was the first journalist to put Erdogan on air via FaceTime on the night of the coup attempt , during which she still worked as the Ankara representative of CNN Turk.

Her report also claimed that last week's end to the headscarf ban in the military, military chief Hulusi Akar's foreign visits with Erdogan, and his recent "visit" to the Imia  Islets in the Aegean Sea - a piece of Greek uninhabitable land that brought Turkey and Greece to the verge of a war in the 1990s - have attracted criticism from certain circles within the military.

Hurriyet, in a statement published on Tuesday, said the report was "based completely on an institutional briefing by the Turkish General Staff".

Erdogan and several Turkish media organisations argued that the choice of language in the headline of the article and claims within the text echoed news reports which preceded military interventions of the past.

"I tell you straight, the [story's] headline showed rudeness, a lack of character," Erdogan told reporters on Tuesday.......http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/03/hurriyet-military-unease-headline-angers-erdogan-170301041927795.html

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