Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Spanish Judge Withdraws Arrest Warrant for Carles Puigdemont

Arrest Warrant for Carles Puigdemont
A Spanish judge has withdrawn the European arrest warrants for the former Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, who fled to Belgium after the Madrid government fired him, and four of his ministers.

The judge, Pablo Llarena, said the former president and the Catalan cabinet members in Belgium had shown a willingness to return to Spain while withdrawing the warrants also prevented more than one European jurisdiction overseeing the case, The Guardian reported.

Court sources however said Spanish arrest warrants were still in force against the five and they would be detained upon arrival in the country. Official campaigning for a 21 December regional election, called after Puigdemont’s government was dissolved, began on Tuesday.

More than a dozen Catalan leaders are facing possible charges of sedition, rebellion and misuse of public funds in Spain over their roles in October’s illegal independence referendum and the subsequent unilateral declaration of independence.

Llarena also argued that the European warrant would complicate the overall probe into Catalan leaders. He said Belgium could reject some of the reasons behind the warrant, which could possibly reduce the charges and create inequalities with those back in Spain.

1 comment :

  1. Le juge de la Cour suprême espagnole Pablo Llarena a retiré le mandat d'arrêt européen émis à l'encontre du président catalan déchu Carles Puigdemont et quatre de ses anciens ministres. "L'enquête a montré qu'ils comptaient rentrer en Espagne", a-t-il justifié.


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