Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Unlimited support to the terrorists : Syria holds Erdogan responsible for shedding the Syrian blood

Syria holds Erdogan responsible for shedding the Syrian blood
Syria on Wednesday held President of the Turkish regime responsible for shedding the Syrian blood, saying that its aggression and the entry of the Turkish forces to the Syrian territory reveals one image of the Turkey’s support to takfiri terrorism, an official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry announced.

Once again, Erdogan misleads the public opinion with his political bubbles in a desperate attempt to absolve himself from crimes committed against the Syrian people through providing unlimited support to the terrorist groups in Syria, which has become clear to the entire world, added the ministry.

It affirmed that Erdogan, who has turned Turkey into a big jail and muzzled the mouth of media, intellectuals and everyone who opposes his destructive policies against Syria, lacks credibility to address preaches that show the range of his tension and confusion caused by his clumsy policies.

The Ministry concluded by saying that Erdogan’s paranoia and illusions of the past made him forget that his old empire has vanished and that the free people of the world have the choice to make their national decisions and defend their sovereignty and will not allow Erdogan to interfere in their affairs.


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