The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Thursday that the US-led coalition’s shelling of the Syrian militiamen proves that rather than fighting the ISIL, Washington has been seizing Syria’s economic assets.
"The recent incident once again shows that the United States’ illegal military presence in Syria is actually aimed at taking control of the country’s economic assets and not at fighting against the ISIL international terror group," the statement read, TASS reported.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on February 7, "a pro-government militia unit, conducting surveillance and research activities near the al-Isba oil refinery (17 kilometers Southeast of the Salhiyah settlement) to eliminate a militant group shelling the positions of government troops, was shelled with mortars and multiple-launch rocket systems."
"The attack was followed by an air raid by the US-led coalition’s helicopters. As a result, 25 Syrian militiamen suffered wounds," it added.
The Russian Defense Ministry said that the reason for the incident was that the Syrian militia unit had failed to inform the Russian operational group in Salhiyah about its plans to conduct a surveillance and research operation.
"The recent incident once again shows that the United States’ illegal military presence in Syria is actually aimed at taking control of the country’s economic assets and not at fighting against the ISIL international terror group," the statement read, TASS reported.
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, on February 7, "a pro-government militia unit, conducting surveillance and research activities near the al-Isba oil refinery (17 kilometers Southeast of the Salhiyah settlement) to eliminate a militant group shelling the positions of government troops, was shelled with mortars and multiple-launch rocket systems."
"The attack was followed by an air raid by the US-led coalition’s helicopters. As a result, 25 Syrian militiamen suffered wounds," it added.
The Russian Defense Ministry said that the reason for the incident was that the Syrian militia unit had failed to inform the Russian operational group in Salhiyah about its plans to conduct a surveillance and research operation.
Following the incident, the Russian military talked to the coalition through the established communication channels, with the latter stating that Al-Isba was under the control of SDF and US troops...
ReplyDeleteThe immediate cause of the incident, according to Russia’s Defense Ministry, was the fact that the militia unit acted on its own, without consulting Russian advisers first.
The case exposes a greater problem, however, as according to the MoD the attack by the coalition “once again proved that the true goal of the continuous illegal presence of US forces in Syria is already not the fight against ISIS international terrorist group, but the capture and control of the economic assets belonging solely to the Syrian Arab Republic.”
Damas a vivement dénoncé l'attaque de la coalition dirigée par Washington contre des combattants pro-gouvernementaux, menée dans l’Est du pays au cours de la nuit du 7 au 8 février. Pour Damas, cette opération militaire relève du «crime de guerre».
DeleteLa coalition arabo-occidentale dirigée par les Etats-Unis a attaqué dans la nuit du 7 au 8 février des forces pro-gouvernementales, dans la province de Deir ez-Zor, provoquant plus de 100 morts selon Washington. Les autorités américaines ont justifié leur opération en affirmant qu’elles avaient été contraintes de riposter à une attaque de forces pro-Damas visant le quartier général des forces démocratiques syriennes (FDS, une coalition de rebelles armés).
Le ministère syrien des Affaires étrangère a estimé que «cette nouvelle agression constitu[ait] un crime de guerre et un crime contre l’humanité et confirm[ait] les intentions ignobles des Américains à l’égard de la Syrie et de sa souveraineté». Plus tôt dans la journée, la télévision publique syrienne avait déjà qualifié d'«agression» ces frappes de la coalition arabo-occidentale.