Saturday, April 21, 2018

Japan not satisfied with N. Korea’s nuke test halt, wants ‘complete & irreversible’ denuclearization

Japan not satisfied with N. Korea’s nuke test halt
While South Korea has welcomed Kim Jong-un’s announcement of the suspension of nuclear and ballistic tests, Tokyo, which strongly supports Washington’s “maximum pressure” approach, voiced an extremely cautious optimism.

Japan, the United States and South Korea have been relentlessly striving for a complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, meaning of course only Pyongyang’s nukes and not the US strategic bombers and aircraft carriers.

Following months of productive talks with Seoul, Kim Jong-un announced a halt to any further nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests, saying that North Korea’s strategic deterrence program has reached its goal.

“North Korea’s decision is meaningful progress for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, which the world wishes for,” the South Korean President’s office said in a statement. “It will contribute to creating a very positive environment for the success of the upcoming inter-Korean and North-US summits.”

Japan, however, was a bit more cautious with its assessment of the development. “This announcement is a forward motion that I’d like to welcome,” Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said.

“I want to welcome these positive moves, but I wonder if this will lead to the complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantlement of its nuclear arsenal, weapons of mass destruction and missiles,” Abe said. “I’d like to keep a close eye on the developments.”


  1. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has announced the immediate suspension of nuclear and missile tests, Pyongyang's official news agency reported Saturday.

    "From April 21, North Korea will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles," Kim said Friday during a meeting of the Central Committee of the ruling Workers Party, according to KCNA.

    North Korea will also "shut down a nuclear test site in the country's northern side to guarantee transparency in suspending nuclear tests," the report added.

    Having established a nuclear deterrent, North Korea can now turn to overhauling its economy, Kim said.

    South Korea welcomed the announcement, praising the decision as a "meaningful" step forward.

    "North Korea's decision is meaningful progress for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, which the world wishes for", according to a statement by the presidential office.

    "It will create a very positive environment for the success of the upcoming inter-Korean and North-US summits", the statement added.

    Pyongyang's move comes ahead of Kim's Apr. 27 summit with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the demilitarized zone that separates the two countries.

  2. Kim Jong Un annonce la fin des essais nucléaires nord-coréens, fermeture du site

  3. El Ministerio de Exteriores de la República Popular China ha expresado su apoyo a la decisión de Corea del Norte de suspender sus pruebas nucleares y de lanzamientos de misiles y de unirse al proceso global de desarme nuclear, según informó a través de un comunicado el portavoz de Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Lu Kang.

    "China considera que la decisión de Corea del Norte ayudará a mejorar la situación en la península", precisa el portavoz.


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