Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Brazil Covid-19 variant may reinfect up to 61% of those who recover from virus – study — RT World News

Brazilian city of Manaus

 Up to 61 percent of people who previously had Covid-19 could be reinfected with the highly contagious Brazilian 'P1' variant, a new study has found. Scientists say it's too early to know if it's harder for vaccines to tackle.

Scientists studying people in the Brazilian city of Manaus, where the P1 variant first emerged, found that out of 100 people who had recovered from their Covid-19 illness, between 25 and 61 were susceptible to catching the P1 strain.

The study was carried out by researchers at the University of São Paulo in tandem with the UK's Imperial College London and the University of Oxford, although it has not yet been peer reviewed.

Brazil's Amazon region had suffered very high infection rates last year, but was then hit by a second wave of the virus between December 2020 and January 2021, which researchers believe may have been caused by the P1 lineage....rt


 The Brazil coronavirus variant now found in the UK appears more contagious and may evade immunity provided by past infection, scientists say.

Experiences from Manaus - the Amazonian city hit hard by the P.1 variant - suggest it could be up to twice as transmissible as earlier Covid there, the first detailed study suggests.

The preliminary work puts the chance of reinfection at between 25% and 60%.

But experts say this should not be used to predict what may happen in the UK...bbc


1 comment :

  1. La variante P.1 del SARS-CoV-2, conocida como la variante brasileña del coronavirus, podría ser hasta 2,2 veces más contagiosa que la cepa original, tener hasta 10 veces más carga viral y evadir el sistema inmune, según se desprende de dos nuevos estudios realizados por científicos ingleses y brasileños.

    El primer estudio, aún preliminar y a falta de ser revisado por sus pares, publicado el pasado viernes, concluye que esta variante, identificada por primera vez en el estado brasileño de Amazonas, es entre 1,4 y 2,2 veces más contagiosa que el linaje original, por lo que sería probable que estuviera detrás de la intensa segunda ola que sufre Brasil desde finales de diciembre.

    Además, los investigadores han deducido que la P.1 puede evadir el sistema inmune volviendo a reinfectar a entre el 25 y el 61 % de las personas que ya habían padecido el covid-19.


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