Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Ukraine behind Crimean Bridge blast – US media

The blast that damaged Russia’s strategic Crimean Bridge and killed at least three people was orchestrated by Ukraine, the New York Times and Washington Post both reported on Saturday, citing sources.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Ex-US spy: Estonia helped organize the murder of Dugina | РЕН ТВ

New details of the murder of Russian journalist Daria Dugina have emerged. American military experts confirmed the version of the New York Times that the Ukrainian authorities were behind the organization of this case. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Sunday, February 26, 2017

LA Times pledges to cover story of Trump administration despite White House's "media ban"

The Los Angeles Time, one of the most popular newspaper in the United States, released a statement early Saturday, pledging to continue to cover story of Trump administration with non-jaundiced view despite it was excluded from White House press briefing the day before.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

White House Blocks News Organizations from Press Briefing

CNN and other news outlets were blocked on Friday from attending an off-camera White House press briefing that other reporters were hand-picked to attend, raising alarm among media organizations and First Amendment watchdogs.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Western press distorts facts on politicians’ orders, says Ministry of Foreign Affairs deputy spokesperson, Maria Zakharova

Russian journalists working in southeastern Ukraine send truthful information from the conflict zone and provide viewpoints serving as an alternative to Western media coverage.....

Maria Zakharova, Deputy Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told Life News that this is why the Ukrainian authorities are doing their best to silence Russian journalists.
Ms Zakharova, first of all, let’s talk about Russian press photographer Andrei Stenin. Is there any information on his whereabouts and current status?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Βαρουφάκης στους New York Times: Μόνο ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ μπορεί να σώσει την Ελλάδα

Με τον τίτλο «Μόνο ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ μπορεί να σώσει την Ελλάδα», ο Γιάννης Βαρουφάκης και ο συνάδελφος του καθηγητής Τζέιμς Γκάλμπρειθ συνυπογράφουν άρθρο στους New York Times, στο οποίο εκφράζουν την άποψη πως μια ελληνική κυβέρνηση που θα αντιστεκόταν στην αυτοκαταστροφική ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική θα έκανε περισσότερο καλό παρά κακό.

«Η κρίση θα μπορούσε να φέρει την αριστερή αντιπολίτευση στην εξουσία, κάτι που δεν θα είναι κακό για την Ευρώπη ή τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Μια ελληνική κυβέρνηση που απορρίπτει την αυτοκαταστροφική ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική περισσότερο θα βοηθήσει παρά θα κάνει κακό», αναφέρεται στο άρθρο.

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“The U.S. must stop supporting terrorists who are destroying Syria and her people" : US Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard

US Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, recently visited Syria, and even met with President Bashar Al-Assad. She also visited the recently libe...