Showing posts with label Pontian genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pontian genocide. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Egypt MPs call on parliament to ‎recognise Armenian genocide‎

Independent Egyptian MP Mostafa Bakri said that ‎he and 336 MPs have called on parliament ‎to approve a draft resolution in favour of ‎recognising the death of 1.5 ‎million Armenians at the hands of the Ottoman state in 1915 as a ‎‎"genocide." ‎

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan urges German MPs to stand firm on Armenian genocide vote

Armenia’s president urged German lawmakers June 1 to not be “intimidated” by Turkey ahead of their vote on branding the mass killings of Armenians in the hands of the Ottomans in 1915 a  “genocide,” as leaders in Ankara warned it could harm ties.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Piden a Rusia reconocer el genocidio griego en Turquía

Una petición a las autoridades de Rusia para reconocer el genocidio de los griegos pónticos en el Imperio Otomano fue publicada en la plataforma

"Desde hace un siglo las almas de estas víctimas inocentes claman justicia", dice el texto.

Friday, November 6, 2015

A minister lacking Paedia

When you state that the concept of genocide is degenerated because it is used improperly by nations which have only suffered ethnic cleansing, what is it then, when you yourself talk about genocided opinion?

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Greece toughens anti-racism law after long debate. (Punishment is meted to those denying or praising the Holocaust, genocide and war crimes against humanity)

Greece on Sept. 9 ratcheted up its punishments for racism, anti-Semitism and hate speech, in a move prompted by the surprise rise of a neo-Nazi party.
A new law approved by parliament sets prison sentences of up to three years -- up from two years -- and fines of up to 20,000 euros ($26,000) for "inciting acts of discrimination, hatred or violence" over race, religion or disability.
Similar punishment is meted to those denying or praising the Holocaust, genocide and war crimes against humanity.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The genocide:Dean Kalimniou teaches us what lessons we can learn - if any - from the Pontian Genocide...

Australia 1 Jun 2012
Unless you are an apologist for Ottoman ethnic cleansing, the three great genocides of the early twentieth century and prior to the Holocaust, are generally held to be the Armenian, Assyrian, and what we term Pontian genocides. The discontinuity in the titles of these genocides is apparent from the outset. While the first two denote or describe an entire people, the latter, defines not a nation but the inhabitants of a geographic region, namely the Pontic region around the Black Sea. By strict definition then, the Pontians could be anyone of the Greek, Turkish, Laz, Armenian, or Kurdish traditional inhabitants of the region, yet by convention, they are generally held to be those of Greek origin.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Η Γενοκτονία του Ποντιακού Ελληνισμού ...

πρωτ. π.Γεωργίου Δορμπαράκη
Ἡ 19η Μαΐου ἔχει ὁριστεῖ ἐδῶ καί ἀρκετά χρόνια ἀπό τή Βουλή τῶν Ἑλλήνων ὡς ἡμέρα ἀφιερωμένη στή γενοκτονία ἀπό τούς Τούρκους τοῦ ῾Ελληνισμοῦ τοῦ Πόντου. ῏Ηταν ἀπό ἐκεῖνες τῆς ἀποφάσεις τῆς Βουλῆς πού φανερώνουν ὅτι συχνά ὑπερβαίνεται ἡ πολιτική τῆς ἡττοπάθειας – νά τά ᾽χουμε καλά ἁπλῶς μέ τούς Τούρκους-, ἡ ὁποία ἔχει διαπιστωθεῖ ὅτι ὄχι μόνον δέν βοηθάει στήν καλή γειτνίαση τῶν χωρῶν, ἀλλά συνήθως ἐκτρέφει τίς κατακτητικές βουλές τῶν θεωρουμένων πιό ἰσχυρῶν. Στήν προκειμένη περίπτωση τῶν Ποντίων ὁ καθορισμός τῆς συγκεκριμένης ἡμέρας ὡς ἡμέρας μνήμης τῆς γενοκτονίας τους ἔδειξε στή Μητροπολιτική ῾Ελλάδα, ἔστω καί σ᾽ ἕνα μικρό βαθμό, ὅτι ὑπάρχει ἕνα σημαντικότατο τμῆμα τοῦ ῾Ελληνισμοῦ, ἀπό τά ἐκλεκτότερα καί γνησιότερα, πού εἶναι ὁ Ποντιακός ῾Ελληνισμός, γεγονός πού ὁδηγεῖ πιστεύουμε σέ δύο ἀπό πλευρᾶς ἐθνικῆς καλά:

Monday, May 14, 2012

Australia: Pontian genocide commemorated ...

The Pontian Genocide was commemorated at an event held by the Coordinating Committee of Pontian Assocciations in Melbourne (SEPSM).
Greek Australian MP Jenny Mikakos once again stated her commitment to continue her struggle for the international recognition of the Pontian Genocide. In her speech at the event, she underlined that the only thing Greeks ask is that Turkey recognizes the genocide and publicly apologises, comparing the apology to the time that former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd said "sorry" to the indigenous Australians for the suffering brought to them when they were invaded.
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