Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα future. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα future. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Σάββατο, 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

En Syrie, la France doit choisir entre «réalisme cynique» et «angélisme mortifère»

Le conflit syrien est source de débat politique en France: François Fillon s’est prononcé en faveur d’une discussion avec Damas, mais sa position a été critiquée au plus haut niveau. Or, si la France veut jouer un rôle dans le règlement syrien et contribuer à l’arrêt de la guerre civile, elle doit changer d’attitude.

Σάββατο, 22 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Τετάρτη, 13 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Σάββατο, 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015

UN Chief: Only Syrians Must Decide President Assad’s Future

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has reiterated that only Syrian people must be allowed to decide the future of President Bashar al-Assad.

UN's Ban Ki-Moon Condemns Western 'Assad Must Go' Demand

The Western demand that Syria's Assad must step down is irresponsible and has resulted in millions of refugees, UN chief Ban Ki-moon said.

Παρασκευή, 17 Οκτωβρίου 2014

On international Day, Ban declares eradication of poverty a 'most fundamental obligation'

 UN, 17 October 2014 – Amid pronounced increases in global inequality, the United Nations marked the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty today with calls to accelerate efforts in eliminating poverty in all its forms.

“Entrenched poverty and prejudice, and vast gulfs between wealth and destitution, can undermine the fabric of societies and lead to instability,” Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message for the Day, which is commemorated annually on 17 October.

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“The U.S. must stop supporting terrorists who are destroying Syria and her people" : US Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard

US Congresswoman, Tulsi Gabbard, recently visited Syria, and even met with President Bashar Al-Assad. She also visited the recently libe...

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