Tuesday, September 17, 2024

At least eight dead and 2,750 injured in Lebanon from exploding pagers, minister says

Eight people were killed and almost 2,750 were wounded – 200 of them critically – in a spree of simultaneous detonations of pagers across Lebanon, Health Minister Firass Abiad said on Tuesday.

 Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amani, was injured on Tuesday by the explosion of a pager, Iran’s Mehr news agency reported, as hundreds of people including members of the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah were seriously wounded in similar incidents.

 Hezbollah said it was investigating the cause of the blasts and did not directly accuse Israel of being behind them.


  1. At least eight people were killed in the explosions of pagers in Lebanon, said the Republic's Health Minister Firas Abyad. According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, a ten-year-old girl was among the dead.

    At a press conference, Abyad said that about 2.8 thousand people were injured in the explosions in Beirut and southern Lebanon. The condition of about 200 victims is assessed as serious.

  2. El ministro de Salud libanés afirmó que el número de heridos asciende a 2.750, incluidos unos 200 casos críticos, en 100 hospitales.

    - Se reportan 8 mártires, entre ellos una niña.

  3. Hezbollah also blamed Israeli authorities for the "coordinated detonation" of pagers throughout Lebanon. The group promised to respond to “criminal aggression, including against civilians.”

  4. Hizbulá emite su primer comunicado culpando a Israel de la detonación coordinada de cientos de bíperes utilizados por sus miembros que, según se informa, dejaron a unos 2.800 heridos y 8 muertos.

    "El enemigo atacante recibirá su castigo seguro por su agresión", emitió Hizbulá.

    La organización afirmó que está llevando a cabo una amplia investigación sobre el ataque.

  5. Speaker del Parlamento libanese, Nabih Berri: «Ciò che Israele ha fatto questo pomeriggio non solo equivale a un massacro, ma è anche un chiaro crimine di guerra».

  6. The United States was not involved in the incidents with pagers in Lebanon and did not know about what happened in advance, the State Department claims.

    1. Laut Außenministerium waren die USA nicht in die Pager-Vorfälle im Libanon verwickelt und hatten keine Vorkenntnisse

    2. State Department says US is gathering information about deadly Lebanon pager explosions and was not involved or aware of these in advance

  7. Air France and Lufthansa are canceling flights to Israel due to a possible Hezbollah response to the mass detonation of pagers in Lebanon, the Times of Israel reports.

    1. German airline group Lufthansa on Tuesday said it was suspending all flights to Tel Aviv and Tehran up to and including September 19, as tensions in the region soared following pager explosions across Lebanon.

      "Due to the recent change in the security situation, the Lufthansa Group airlines have decided to suspend all connections to and from Tel Aviv (TLV) and Tehran (IKA) with immediate effect," it said in a statement. "This applies up to and including September 19. During this period, the Israeli and Iranian airspace will also be bypassed by all Lufthansa Group Airlines."

  8. The operation to detonate the pagers in Lebanon was approved during meetings between Netanyahu and members of his cabinet and security chiefs. The Axios portal writes about this

  9. Le Liban a l’intention de faire condamner Israël par le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU pour sa cyberattaque blessant des centaines de membres du Hezbollah.

  10. Una fonte di sicurezza libanese ha riferito ad Al Jazeera che i cercapersone di Hezbollah esplosi oggi erano stati importati in Libano cinque mesi fa.

    Il rapporto afferma che i dispositivi di comunicazione erano stati manomesso con circa 20 grammi di materiale esplosivo.

  11. The pager that exploded in the vicinity of Iranian Ambassador to Beirut Mojtaba Amani belonged to one of those who accompanied him, the Al Mayadeen television channel said.

    According to the television channel, the ambassador doesn’t have such a device.

  12. The Al Jadeed TV channel, citing the Ministry of Health, reports that the death toll from the detonation of pagers in Lebanon has increased to 11, and 4 thousand people were injured.

    1. Las últimas cifras publicadas por el Ministerio de Salud libanés revelan que al menos 11 personas murieron y 4.000 resultaron heridas tras explosiones de bíperes.

  13. The Wall Street Journal writes that the pagers that exploded were from a new shipment that Hezbollah members received recently.

  14. About 400 people, injured in the mass detonation of communication devices in Lebanon, are in several medical condition, the Al Jadeed TV channel reported citing Health Minister Firass Abiad.

    According to the minister, a total of 4,000 people were injured in the incident, 11 of them died.

  15. Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency could plant small amounts of explosives into 5,000 pagers, produced in Taiwan and ordered by the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, Reuters reported citing numerous sources, including a high-ranking Lebanese security source.

    1. Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency could plant small amounts of explosives into 5,000 pagers, produced in Taiwan and ordered by the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon, Reuters reported citing numerous sources, including a high-ranking Lebanese security source.

      According to one source, Hezbollah ordered 5,000 pagers from Taiwan-based Gold Apollo several months before the detonations that occurred in Lebanon on Tuesday. The devices were imported this spring. According to the source, the Israeli intelligence could plant a chip containing explosives into the devices, which is very difficult to detect using any scanner. About 3,000 pages activated and detonated simultaneously after they received a special code message. Another source noted that the devices could contain up to 3 grams of explosives.

      Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal sources said that many detonated pagers came from a new recently-obtained batch. The sources said that some owners could feel the device heating up and disposed of them before the detonation occurred.

  16. Taiwanese police are checking pager manufacturer Gold Apollo due to device explosions in Lebanon, the Zhongshi Xinwenwan news portal reported.
    Law enforcement officers are asking the company for details of the production of pagers and ways to sell the products.

  17. Taiwanese company Gold Apollo said it did not produce the pagers that exploded in Lebanon, writes Reuters.

    A source in the Lebanese security service told the agency that the company's sticker was on the back of the gadgets. “It was not our product. It only has our brand on it,” said its founder and president Hsu Ching-Kuang.

  18. Iran’s embassy in Lebanon denied rumors that Iranian envoy to Beirut Mojtaba Amani has lost his sight in the wake of Tuesday’s pager explosions in the Arab country.

    In a post on its official X account, the Iranian embassy in Lebanon said the rumors about the physical hhealth and the conditions of Amani’s sight are lacking in credibility.

    It noted that the Iranian ambassador is receiving good medical care.

  19. Taiwanese company Gold Apollo said Wednesday that it authorized a company based in Budapest to manufacture pagers that later exploded in Lebanon and Syria.

  20. Moscow strongly condemns the unprecedented attack on Lebanon and its citizens, condoles with the families of the victims and wishes fast recovery to the injured, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in connection with a massive cyberattack in Lebanon, which resulted in a series of pager explosions.

    "We strongly condemn the unprecedented attack on friendly Lebanon and its citizens, which constitutes a gross violation of its sovereignty and a serious challenge to international law with the use of unconventional weapons. We offer our sincere condolences to the families of the victims and wish prompt recovery to the injured," Zakharova said. She pointed out that Russia considered the spate of pager explosions "as another act of hybrid warfare against Lebanon, which has affected thousands of innocent people."

    "In all likelihood the organizers of this high-tech attack purposefully sought to foment a large-scale armed confrontation with the aim to provoke a major war in the Middle East," Zakharova said.

    She pointed out that against the background of soaring tensions on the Lebanese-Israeli border "such irresponsible actions are fraught with extremely dangerous consequences, as they provoke a new round of escalation."

    "It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive investigation into this crime and bring all those responsible to justice to ensure that this act of terrorism should not be swept under the carpet, which the Western countries have been trying to do in relation to the investigation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions. We urge all parties involved for restraint and for refraining from steps that may further destabilize the military and political situation in the Middle East," Zakharova concluded.

    1. Russia's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said an attack on Lebanese group Hezbollah and others using exploding pagers was an "act of hybrid warfare" against Lebanon in which thousands of innocent people had been hurt.

      "We strongly condemn the unprecedented attack on friendly Lebanon and its citizens, which constitutes a flagrant violation of its sovereignty and a serious challenge to international law through the use of unconventional weapons," Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, said in a statement.

    2. Кибератака, в результате которой произошла массовая детонация пейджеров в Ливане, требует расследования и внимания международного сообщества. Об этом в разговоре с телеканалом «Звезда» заявила официальный представитель Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации Мария Захарова. По ее словам, очевидна попытка разжечь большой конфликт.

      «Мы видим, как регион буквально подталкивается к большому крупномасштабному противостоянию. Используется любая возможность, чтобы столкнуть людей, которые и так десятилетиями пытались найти выход из очень сложных исторических противоречий. Поэтому нужно сделать немало, чтобы предотвратить подобный сценарий», - отметила депломат.

      Мария Захарова предложила подождать показательной реакции Запада. Она отметила, что Запад пропагандирует права человека, защиту детей, мирное население и даже готов зачастую нарушать суверенитет других государств под видом этих целей.

      «Давайте посмотрим, какая будет западная реакция», - сказала официальный представитель МИД РФ.

    3. Российские специалисты изучат причины массового взрыва пейджеров в Ливане, чтобы исключить повторение подобного на своей территории, заявил на брифинге пресс-секретарь президента РФ Дмитрий Песков.

    4. Rusia lamenta que las explosiones de buscapersonas en el Líbano afectaran a miles de inocentes

      Rusia condena con firmeza un ataque masivo contra bíperes ocurrido en el Líbano y lo califica como "otro acto de guerra híbrida contra el Líbano" que afectó a miles de personas inocentes, declaró la portavoz de la Cancillería rusa, María Zajárova.

      "Al parecer, los organizadores de este ataque de alta tecnología buscaban intencionalmente incitar a una confrontación armada a gran escala y desatar una gran guerra en Oriente Próximo", supuso la portavoz.

      En este sentido, pidió una investigación exhaustiva de este crimen para que "otro acto de terrorismo no sea barrido bajo la alfombra".

  21. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called his US counterpart Lloyd Austin minutes before the start of pager explosions in Lebanon, Axios news outlet reported citing an American official.

    According to the official, Gallant told Austin during the call that Israel was planning to carry out an operation in Lebanon, but did not provide details. According to the source, Gallant’s call was an attempt to evade the situation when the US is completely unaware of the situation in the Middle East.

    CNN also reported, citing two Pentagon sources, that Austin and Gallant had two telephone conversations on September 17. At the same time, CNN pointed out that two calls in one day is not a typical situation, which proves that Washington takes the situation in Lebanon very seriously.

  22. Another wave of explosions in Lebanon was caused by the detonation of personal devices, including phones and other gadgets with lithium-ion batteries, the Al Hadath TV channel reported.

    According to its information, radios, phones, fingerprint devices, as well as devices working on solar and lithium-ion batteries exploded in different regions of the country.

  23. Lebanon’s health ministry updates toll of communication devices blasts: 9 martyrs, over 300 injuries

  24. At least nine people have been killed and 300 wounded in Lebanon in a new wave of blasts related to communication devices, the Health Ministry has said, a day after thousands of pagers used by Hezbollah detonated across the country.

  25. The Iran-backed group’s Al Manar TV reported explosions in multiple locations, which it said were the result of walkie-talkies detonating.

  26. The new round of explosions took place a day after pagers exploded nearly simultaneously in several locations across Lebanon, killing at least 12 people, including two children, and wounding around 2,800. Hezbollah and the Lebanese government blamed Israel for Tuesday’s attacks.

  27. The death toll from a second wave of exploding electronic devices in Lebanon increased to 14, Al Mayadeen television reported, citing data from the country’s Health Ministry.

    At least 450 people sustained injuries, according to the report. Lebanon's Acting Health Minister Firas Abiad earlier said the latest wave of exploding electronic devices killed nine people and injured 300 others, Reuters reported.


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